Will an Obama loss turn to rioting?

Yes...It's like the KKK frowning at you and saying "We disapprove".

8537 is the biggest racist on the board.

LOL! Am I the one who claimed SA was "Civilized" when it's formal government policy was to strip blacks of all constitutional rights and segregate them into ghettos?

Was I the one claiming that SA was more prosperous then it's recent economic growth?

Oh wait, that was you.
That's not what makes you a racist.

I don't see Ghook as a racist.

YOU on the other hand......

"South Africa was a civilized and modern country. Prosperous and technologically advanced."


And they achieved that AFTER becoming civilized enough to allow black people to be free!
See? It's a good thing, a proud thing, to be frowned upon by the likes of Uncensored. Wear his negative attention like a badge of honor.

Uncensored believes that SA was more civilized when Blacks were kept in segregated poverty and devoid of any constitutional rights.

He believes SA was more prosperous when blacks were kept segregated despite the fact that their economy is much larger today than it was during Apartheid.

I'm not saying that makes one a racist. I'm just saying it's a fucking really strong indicator that one is inclined towards racist confirmation bias.
Prosperous and civilized? This is a joke...right? amiright?

Is it any wonder blacks don't vote Republican.

What a bullshit graph. In dollars, not percentage and not adjusted for inflation.

Is it any wonder people view you as a fucking liar?

GDP is cumulative, that a nation had a $500 billion GDP in 1960 and a $1 trillion in 1980 is not indicative of a healthy economy.

Per capita nominal GDP growth, is the valid measurement.

In 1980, South Africa was 53rd in GDP growth. In 2011, they slipped to 78th, per the IMF.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what happened?
LOL! Am I the one who claimed SA was "Civilized" when it's formal government policy was to strip blacks of all constitutional rights and segregate them into ghettos?

You are a moron.

Just what were the constitutional rights they were stripped of? Got a copy of the South African constitution handy?

Was I the one claiming that SA was more prosperous then it's recent economic growth?

Oh wait, that was you.

In fact, it was. South Africa is a mess and headed the way of Zimbabwe or Angola.
Prosperous and civilized? This is a joke...right? amiright?

Is it any wonder blacks don't vote Republican.

What a bullshit graph. In dollars, not percentage and not adjusted for inflation.

You're lousy at making excuses.

Constant dollars:
World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance - Google Public Data Explorer
Is it any wonder people view you as a fucking liar?

GDP is cumulative, that a nation had a $500 billion GDP in 1960 and a $1 trillion in 1980 is not indicative of a healthy economy.
GDP is not cumulative. YOu need to slap who ever told you such a stupid thing. GDP is a measure of a nation's total income, not total wealth.

Per capita nominal GDP growth, is the valid measurement.

Wait what?!?!? I posted the nominal figures.

Let me help you out: Per capita real GDP is the valid measure.
LOL! Am I the one who claimed SA was "Civilized" when it's formal government policy was to strip blacks of all constitutional rights and segregate them into ghettos?

You are a moron.

Just what were the constitutional rights they were stripped of? Got a copy of the South African constitution handy?

Oh my!

Now we've moved to denying apartheid.

I'll come back to address this racist screed a bit later.
LOL, SA Police estimate a woman is raped every 36 seconds...yes I'd say you are an idiot...and apparently one that can't read.

So you don't have any evidence that the whites and blacks in SA lead the world in rape or AIDS?

OK then. Just keep defending your point with unrelated facts and calling me an idiot. It's working so well for ya.

Will you riot if Obama wins?

Child rape epidemic below. The other showed you the rape epidemic
South Africa’s child-rape epidemic | Photographers Blog

SA has the most case per capitia of AIDS in the world!!!
SA the 'HIV capital of the world' | News24

He doesn't care how many facts you post, he just screams "Nuh-Uh"!!!!! and says one is racist.
Uncensored believes that SA was more civilized when Blacks were kept in segregated poverty and devoid of any constitutional rights.

You truly are a moron, ergo you are a leftist. What is this SA constitution you keep yapping about? Please post it so we can peruse the pertinent sections.

And yes, I do find that rape, child rape, and rampant AIDS are uncivilized. You don't, because the perpetrators are black, and you're a racist. However, you don't seem to give a damn that virtually ALL of the victims are black as well.

He believes SA was more prosperous when blacks were kept segregated despite the fact that their economy is much larger today than it was during Apartheid.

Of course their economy is larger, dumbass. Our economy dwarfs the U.S. Economy in 1955 - but are any of you leftists going to claim we are more prosperous now? (In fact, we actually are, but that is a different argument.)

Charlie get $10 a week. He lives alone.

Inflation is 7%

10 years later Charlie has 12 kids and a girlfriend. Charlie gets $110 a week. In the cesspool 8537 uses as mind, Charlie is far more prosperous. He gets 11 times more money, right?

I'm not saying that makes one a racist. I'm just saying it's a fucking really strong indicator that one is inclined towards racist confirmation bias.

You are a racist, you base your views on the skin color of those involved.
GDP is not cumulative. YOu need to slap who ever told you such a stupid thing. GDP is a measure of a nation's total income, not total wealth.

Oh good god, you can't be this stupid.

Gross Domestic Product, a measure of the capital transactions in a year. OF COURSE it is cumulative. Populations increase and GDP along with it. Per Capita is the ONLY valid measure of GDP.

Wait what?!?!? I posted the nominal figures.

Your first graph was not per capita. GDP rises with the population, but that is no indicator of prosperity. Only per capita indicates that people are more prosperous.

Let me help you out: Per capita real GDP is the valid measure.

Then why did you not post it?
Free Republic :lol: A derogatory light? :rofl:

FREEPER #2 :lmao:

They even laugh at Freepers over at Hannity.

You're a retard wherever you go, but do explain what is wrong with Free Republic? (Other than you being a partisan hack.)

To give you an idea; I'm not a fan of the Huffingpaint Post, they are very biased and selectively publish items that will promote the demogoguecrats or smear the Republicans.

STILL, Huffingmeth tends to a certain credibility, unlike Alternet or ThinkProgress, they refrain from outright lies.

So you hate Free Republic because it leans right, but you can't point to anything inaccurate. You figure that you can scream loud enough that your smear will have merit.

But then, you're a retard....

Free Republic! :rofl: Freeper! :lmao:

Ah the cowardly pirate that has the same rancid panties bunched as Ravi........

You two make a nice couple........
Oh my!

Now we've moved to denying apartheid.

You said people were stripped of constitutional rights. Where is the constitution for the country involved?

I'll come back to address this racist screed a bit later.

So, calling you on your bullshit is racist?


You see, you fucking moron, you are attempting to extend the United States Constitution to a foreign nation. The only CONSTITUTIONAL rights afforded South Africans were those in the South African Constitution. Prior to 1993, that constituiton included Apartheid as a provision.

Dude, you are one bigoted fool.
The thugs are from the far right and will be dealt with accordingly if they break the law during election.

Who the fuck do you think obama supporters are, a bunch of thugs and hoodlums who want an excuse to riot so we can steal a bunch of televisions and nikes? FY.

Uh, yeah.

It should be the case that any who break the law be dealt with according to the law, regardless of political affiliation. That being the case, how would you explain the failure of the DOJ to prosecute the New Black Panther members who committed voter intimidation in PA during the 2008 elections?
The African American community as a whole errupts into chaos and rioting when big POLITICAL issues don't go their way. WATTS, Detriot and of course LA!!!
The white folk just blow up buildings and shoot up churches.

Them white folks is scary!

And those WHITE folk were wrong and I hope they are paying for their sins in the afterlife. But since those white folk were monsters, it excuses the horrendous acts of Black folks?

This thread was about are there going to be riots when Obama loses and you call it RACIST to point out that the black community will be in enraged!

You can bet your bottom dollar, though, that should the worst happen and obama supporters erupt in violence, there will not only be NO accusation of racism, there will be vehement defense of the violence as being justified because the perpetrators are "disadvantaged", "disenfranchised", "poor", or some other such nonsense.
It seems like obama is fearing he will be kicked out and preparing for thew worst with all the large ammo purchases 1.45 BILLION rounds
Who the fuck do you think obama supporters are, a bunch of thugs and hoodlums who want an excuse to riot so we can steal a bunch of televisions and nikes? FY.

Obama supporters are several different factions. The thugs and hoodlums are one faction. The Crips, Bloods, Eric Holder and the New Black Panthers, these are all down for the One. But you also have the unions and the public employees.

What do all those factions have in common? Recent group participation in some pretty egregious examples of public violence and property destruction:

Wisconsin protests: why 'week of rage' matters to rest of America - CSMonitor.com

Articles: Chicago's Violent Flash Mobs

The New Black Panthers Inciting Race War: “True Revolution Means Some Bloodshed”

AG Eric Holder Won’t Prosecute New Black Panthers ‘Cause They’re “His People” | Fellowship of the Minds

Reporters Beaten by Mob of Blacks and Their Newspaper Stayed Silent | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

OK, maybe they aren't thinking so much about the new tvs and the Nikes, but they sure as hell have made it clear that they will commit physical violence against people they don't like and destroy things they think belong to rich whitey.

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