Will Andrew Cuomo pardon himself before leaving office? It's possible.

It would be too rich if he did since so many on the left thought Trump needed to do it.

McCarthy doesn’t think Cuomo will go that route.

"I don't believe Cuomo would pardon himself, because the groping crime he’s under investigation for in the Commisso complaint is (a) considered a misdemeanor and not very serious (i.e., it’s not considered felony sexual assault), and (b) he has vigorously denied the allegation and a pardon would be tantamount to a confession of guilt,"

i know that because i know this story:

prior to a debate, Mario Cuomo was nervous. he asked Andrew: "do i look good?"...Cuomo said: "After you get make-up, you'll look great"...Mario said: "i just had make up done"...Cuomo deadpanned: "don't worry, we didn't get to where we are today based on our looks"...they let out a relaxed smile...see what i mean?

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