Will Anti Mormonism be a factor in this Election?

I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

Considering the alternative, I would think Evangelicals would do well to grow up, set the faith of the candidates aside for a moment and make an educated choice...which I'm confident they will.

They will. Care is just doing her part to agitate voters against Mormons, and further the progressive cause.

The only people who care about his Mormonism are bigots from the left. Like Care.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

Considering the alternative, I would think Evangelicals would do well to grow up, set the faith of the candidates aside for a moment and make an educated choice...which I'm confident they will.

They will. Care is just doing her part to agitate voters against Mormons, and further the progressive cause.

The only people who care about his Mormonism are bigots from the left. Like Care.

It isn't his.

The whole concept of the LDS church is that we each uniquely find our way home via the experiences we acquire and the choices we make. It's not a punch list. It's a character change. If you show up with your list punched, you run the risks of those described in Matt 7 where the statement is made "Many will say unto me Lord, Lord and I will profess I never knew you..." (terribly quoted).

We are all unique.

You either like Mitt for who he is...or you don't.

I don't blame Obama on his mother.
Despite those qualms, most voters who know that Romney is a devout Mormon say they are comfortable with his religious beliefs, and few voters reject his candidacy solely because of concerns about his faith."

"White evangelical Protestants broadly back Romney for president despite their misgivings about his religious background, while the other groups are far more likely to support Obama."

Nice try, Care.

Romney's religion not big issue, poll says - SFGate
In fact, it appears a larger percentage is concerned about Obama's alleged Islamic faith.
Go figure.
Despite those qualms, most voters who know that Romney is a devout Mormon say they are comfortable with his religious beliefs, and few voters reject his candidacy solely because of concerns about his faith."

"White evangelical Protestants broadly back Romney for president despite their misgivings about his religious background, while the other groups are far more likely to support Obama."

Nice try, Care.

Romney's religion not big issue, poll says - SFGate

And what is so funny is that the right won't admit they voted for him because he's black.

Talk about strange. :cucko:

Then they think we want to get rid of him because he's black. When in fact, we want him out because he is useless. If Reagan were running today and he was black....I'd be going door to door for him.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

Considering the alternative, I would think Evangelicals would do well to grow up, set the faith of the candidates aside for a moment and make an educated choice...which I'm confident they will.

They will. Care is just doing her part to agitate voters against Mormons, and further the progressive cause.

The only people who care about his Mormonism are bigots from the left. Like Care.
I am not an Evangelical Allie....

and isn't it YOU who claims that Catholics ARE NOT CHRISTIAN, and their religion is the scum of the Earth basically.... does that mean you are a bigot? Thought so....
Uh, no, you idiot. I don't claim that at all, never have.

You are a progressive bigot, however.
Let me ask the question another way, since no one wanted to touch it.

Is being Islamic more outrageous or religiously less founded than 'Mormonism'?
Anti-Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

[SIZE=+3]Mormonism Unmasked 2012[/SIZE]
This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?​
Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!​

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.

Haven't bothered reading the whole thread so maybe someone has already pointed this out, but according to polls it's actually Democrats that have a bigger problem with Mormons than Republicans.
No Joe,

Sorry this does not jive with your wishes.

The LDS church is only going in one direction. Imagine if Romney gets elected.

Romney president....

Ried Senate president.....

They don't (or probably don't like each other).....

And most superconservative LDS don't like either of them.

The LDS church is no more a monolith than the GOP when it comes to people.

But you keep whining.

Romney's going to lose, and people will realize what a crackpot operation LDS is.

So there is a bright side to this election.
I don't care about Romney's religion, I care about his ideas and stances. I hope that they concentrate on the ideas and positions of the candidates instead of their "religions".
I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

I think even Evangelicals are going to vote for the person they feel will get this economy back on track and not be concerned about Romney's religion. After all, it is the same as Harry Reid's and wife and that hasn't seemed to hurt him any..lol

Also when JFK came onto the scene and many worried that his Catholicism would play a negative factor in his election. That did not prove to be the case.

Harry Reid: Voted Mormon of the year, 2009 by Times and Seasons.

During 2009, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was the most visible and influential Mormon politician in the world, shepherding Democratic legislative proposals through the U.S. Senate after the party’s victories in the 2008 elections, including a landmark health care bill that represents one of the more controversial pieces of legislation to pass through the Senate in recent memory. Reid’s off-the-cuff style has also led occasionally to unscripted remarks that have attracted a lot of attention.


Times and Seasons has covered Harry Reid before. You can see a list of posts that mention Reid here. However, given Reid’s continuing political position and assumed aspirations, this recognition should not be seen as an endorsement of his political positions or aspirations.

Same for Romney.

Times and Seasons 2009 Mormon of the Year: Harry Reid | Times & Seasons

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I don't care about Romney's religion, I care about his ideas and stances. I hope that they concentrate on the ideas and positions of the candidates instead of their "religions".

I think quite the contrary. In politics, you switch positions all the time.

Religion tells us who the real man is.
I know too Christians are running, and hope Romney's faith has no impact. There is no cure for the disturbed who believe Obama is a Muslim.
I don't care about Romney's religion, I care about his ideas and stances. I hope that they concentrate on the ideas and positions of the candidates instead of their "religions".

I think quite the contrary. In politics, you switch positions all the time.

Religion tells us who the real man is.

Both of their religions have their "issues"; on one side you have Rev. Wright and on the other side your have Mormon doctrine regarding "the Blacks"......................
Anti-Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

[SIZE=+3]Mormonism Unmasked 2012[/SIZE]
This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?​
Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!​

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.

I'm certain that it will. The pissant liberals will make sure of it.
Anti-Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

[SIZE=+3]Mormonism Unmasked 2012[/SIZE]
This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?​
Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!​

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.

Haven't bothered reading the whole thread so maybe someone has already pointed this out, but according to polls it's actually Democrats that have a bigger problem with Mormons than Republicans.
oh, i'm certain there are Democrats doing such, but I think they are accounted for and were never going to vote republican in the first place so whatever they are moaning about won't matter....my question was weather the evangelicals, who would normally vote republican, be a factor....

And as many have pointed out, they don't believe Evangelicals will let Mormonism get in the way of voting for him or they may stay home and not vote at all...they certainly would not cast a vote for Obama....but is this in the numbers already, already calculated in the speculations out there on who will win each state in the electoral college votes is more of what I was wondering about....

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