Will Big Bird ever leave the Gubment Nest?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Mark Steyn: Will Big Bird ever leave the government nest?

Oct. 6, 2012

If Sesame Street is not commercially viable, then nothing is, and we should just cut to the chase and bail out everything.

Apparently, Frank Sinatra served as Mitt Romney's debate coach. As he put it about halfway through "That's Life":
"I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly ... ."

That's what Mitt did in Denver. Ten minutes in, he jumped right on Big Bird, and then he took off – and never looked back, while the other fellow, whose name escapes me, never got out of the gate. It takes a certain panache to clobber not just your opponent but also the moderator. Yet that's what the killer Mormon did when he declared that he wasn't going to borrow money from China to pay for Jim Lehrer and Big Bird on PBS. It was a terrific alpha-male moment, not just in that it rattled Lehrer, who seemed too preoccupied contemplating a future reading the hog prices on the WZZZ Farm Report to regain his grip on the usual absurd format, but in the sense that it indicated a man entirely at ease with himself – in contrast to wossname, the listless sourpuss staring at his shoes

Mark Steyn: Will Big Bird ever leave the government nest? | big, bird, mitt - Opinion - The Orange County Register

I'M sure these two progressives could pay for the liberal bird...

There's alot of rich people that have said they would be happy to buy Big Bird and his klan and make them a legit commercial enterprise. Want to bet the current subsidizes owners will do the same if fed funds dry up.

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