Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

You forgot to mention the KKK is a democrat party invention.

So what? Most Blacks at that time were Republicans. Now most voting Blacks not only support the democrats they ARE the Democrats; and. the KKK is aligned with the White male Taliban party...the GOP!

And if you go back to the Civl War - you will find that Black Slaves actually had fought for the Confederacy , just as their descendants still do by supporting the Democratic Party.
You meant to say SOME Black freedmen might have fought for the confederacy but that is doubtful since cowardly confederate leaders wouldn't think of arming Blacks for any reason. There was always that nagging suspicion that, considering what they had done to Blacks, no White southerner was going to give blacks the opportunity to exact revenge with a gun! Who told you Black slaves actually fought for the Confederacy?

Here is my link...where is yours:

Did blacks fight in combat for the Confederacy The Civil War Gazette

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? Democrats have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs - which are actually another tool of enslavement. And the Slave still fights for the Slave Master

What a crock! The entire Black race is NOT on welfare. Most, in fact are not. There are far more Caucasians on welfare if you add Whites and Hispanics together/ If you don't. non-Hispanic Whites make up 38% of welfare recipients while Blacks make 39%. Don't forget.... 2/3rds of the Black population are living above the poverty level.

...The damage to our values and civility created by entitlement programs cannot be overstated. When people believe they are entitled to something, then they will demand that they get it. They will behave in an angry and belligerent manner as long as they perceive that their entitlement is being withheld. Instead of gratitude, the deliverers of entitlements are treated, at best, with indifference and, at worse, contempt. Entitlements make people dependent. As the opposite of independence, dependence is a form of slavery. The welfare state pits one group of citizens against another. One group is entitled. The other group is obligated. If you are a parent, did you bring your children into the world with the understanding that they will be either dependent on entitlements or enslaved to provide the entitlement? .... Welfare Is Another Form Of Slavery

So this flaky source of yours ( probably a Heritage Foundation spin off) wants to call Social Security, MEDICARE, and the PPACA entitlement programs? You want to lump those paid into benefits with welfare?
Kiss my ass you dumb sumbytch. If that's the case I'll stay on your fictitious Democrat Plantation. At least I can look forward to dying with a beer in my hand , sitting in my easy chair, and watching Al Sharpton on my 56 inch TV. You poor low class Republican fools are the ones on a plantation .one without ANY benefits. Therefore, you have to come to the Democrats for help whether you like it or not!

There are far more Caucasians on welfare if you add Whites and Hispanics together/ If you don't. non-Hispanic Whites make up 38% of welfare recipients while Blacks make 39%.

And your point is ...?

Don't forget.... 2/3rds of the Black population are living above the poverty level.

And your point is ...?

Stop trying to frame this discussion as Black vs White - That's not what it is . Whites as per your figures are 38% of welfare Blacks 39% - not statistically significant untill you add in the variable that Blacks only comprise about 12% of the overall population

Your link bases it's entire argument on the basis of the absence of correspondence from black soldiers - which is ridiculous . It is well documented that a majority of the Blacks of that time period were purposely kept illiterate and hence did not "write home" .

The article also states that Blacks in the confederate Army served as servants - quite possibly - than how come there are no letters from these "servants". In addition the photographic evidence of Armed Black Soldiers is extensive



There are many many many more - but they speak for themselves - servants do not carry guns .
The Policies of Jefferson Davis - of only white soldiers kept many Freedmen and slaves out of the confederate ranks - but when the bullets were flying the Black slaves were there protecting their "masser" from those nasty Republicans... nothing has changed in 140 years has it ?
Actually the first photo is a proven forgery. The font used in the picture did not exist until Microsoft invented it. The second photo speaks for itself. Its one guy forced to take a PR picture. Look at his eyes. He doesnt even want to be there.

Black Union Soldiers - Louisiana Native Guard - Photo Falsification

Now since you claim there are many many more why dont you provide say 5 more? Should be easy right?

Now since you claim there are many many more why dont you provide say 5 more? Should be easy right?

Here you go Asslips - just for you

Lets begin with this News Clipping ... shall we....


And continue with this dedication at a Confederate memorial

And from there the main course ......





Above is the Tennessee "Colored" Battalion ---Hmmm watcha think they meant by colored ?



And how about the Black Confederate Soldiers of Petersburg

Petersburg Black Confederates


There's a few hundred in my personal library - which is not digital - but you only asked for five ... shall I continue and would you prefer to evade your ass woopin
So what? Most Blacks at that time were Republicans. Now most voting Blacks not only support the democrats they ARE the Democrats; and. the KKK is aligned with the White male Taliban party...the GOP!

And if you go back to the Civl War - you will find that Black Slaves actually had fought for the Confederacy , just as their descendants still do by supporting the Democratic Party.
You meant to say SOME Black freedmen might have fought for the confederacy but that is doubtful since cowardly confederate leaders wouldn't think of arming Blacks for any reason. There was always that nagging suspicion that, considering what they had done to Blacks, no White southerner was going to give blacks the opportunity to exact revenge with a gun! Who told you Black slaves actually fought for the Confederacy?

Here is my link...where is yours:

Did blacks fight in combat for the Confederacy The Civil War Gazette

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? Democrats have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs - which are actually another tool of enslavement. And the Slave still fights for the Slave Master

What a crock! The entire Black race is NOT on welfare. Most, in fact are not. There are far more Caucasians on welfare if you add Whites and Hispanics together/ If you don't. non-Hispanic Whites make up 38% of welfare recipients while Blacks make 39%. Don't forget.... 2/3rds of the Black population are living above the poverty level.

...The damage to our values and civility created by entitlement programs cannot be overstated. When people believe they are entitled to something, then they will demand that they get it. They will behave in an angry and belligerent manner as long as they perceive that their entitlement is being withheld. Instead of gratitude, the deliverers of entitlements are treated, at best, with indifference and, at worse, contempt. Entitlements make people dependent. As the opposite of independence, dependence is a form of slavery. The welfare state pits one group of citizens against another. One group is entitled. The other group is obligated. If you are a parent, did you bring your children into the world with the understanding that they will be either dependent on entitlements or enslaved to provide the entitlement? .... Welfare Is Another Form Of Slavery

So this flaky source of yours ( probably a Heritage Foundation spin off) wants to call Social Security, MEDICARE, and the PPACA entitlement programs? You want to lump those paid into benefits with welfare?
Kiss my ass you dumb sumbytch. If that's the case I'll stay on your fictitious Democrat Plantation. At least I can look forward to dying with a beer in my hand , sitting in my easy chair, and watching Al Sharpton on my 56 inch TV. You poor low class Republican fools are the ones on a plantation .one without ANY benefits. Therefore, you have to come to the Democrats for help whether you like it or not!

There are far more Caucasians on welfare if you add Whites and Hispanics together/ If you don't. non-Hispanic Whites make up 38% of welfare recipients while Blacks make 39%.

And your point is ...?

Don't forget.... 2/3rds of the Black population are living above the poverty level.

And your point is ...?

Stop trying to frame this discussion as Black vs White - That's not what it is . Whites as per your figures are 38% of welfare Blacks 39% - not statistically significant untill you add in the variable that Blacks only comprise about 12% of the overall population

Your link bases it's entire argument on the basis of the absence of correspondence from black soldiers - which is ridiculous . It is well documented that a majority of the Blacks of that time period were purposely kept illiterate and hence did not "write home" .

The article also states that Blacks in the confederate Army served as servants - quite possibly - than how come there are no letters from these "servants". In addition the photographic evidence of Armed Black Soldiers is extensive



There are many many many more - but they speak for themselves - servants do not carry guns .
The Policies of Jefferson Davis - of only white soldiers kept many Freedmen and slaves out of the confederate ranks - but when the bullets were flying the Black slaves were there protecting their "masser" from those nasty Republicans... nothing has changed in 140 years has it ?
Actually the first photo is a proven forgery. The font used in the picture did not exist until Microsoft invented it. The second photo speaks for itself. Its one guy forced to take a PR picture. Look at his eyes. He doesnt even want to be there.

Black Union Soldiers - Louisiana Native Guard - Photo Falsification

Now since you claim there are many many more why dont you provide say 5 more? Should be easy right?

Now since you claim there are many many more why dont you provide say 5 more? Should be easy right?

Here you go Asslips - just for you

Lets begin with this News Clipping ... shall we....


And continue with this dedication at a Confederate memorial

And from there the main course ......





Above is the Tennessee "Colored" Battalion ---Hmmm watcha think they meant by colored ?



And how about the Black Confederate Soldiers of Petersburg

Petersburg Black Confederates


There's a few hundred in my personal library - which is not digital - but you only asked for five ... shall I continue and would you prefer to evade your ass woopin

I dont see any confederate Black soldiers. There are no verifiable dates or anything. How can you prove these are authentic? Yes please continue to post more if you have some that are verifiable.

BTW the news clipping is an incident reported by a southerner. You dont actually expect people to believe this guy do you?

I checked all your photos online and not one of them is verifiable. I hope you didnt buy them because they are all freely available on the internet.
Last edited:
Unemployment was much lower under the last GOP administration.

This is a prime example of your ongoing ignorance. Today the unemployment rate is 5.9%. When Bush left office it was 7%. I might add that he inherited a 2% unemployment rate from Bill Clinton... You ...do...know...that Clinton was a Democrat don't you? In other words, under Bush, the unemployment rate rose 5 pecentage points and stayed there until he left. Obama has already seen a decrease in the unemployment rate from when he took over by 1.1 percent. So much for the effect you intended for your lie!

If you think people are going to starve to death without government assistance, you're not paying attention.

That government assistance was in place during Republican administrations too.Did that escape your attention?
You're such an ignorant dishonest fuck it's absurd.
The UE rate was NEVER 2% under Clinton. It's never been 2% period. The very best month under Clinton was 4.1%.
Ir remained low until the Democrats took Congress after the 2006 elections.
I dont see any confederate Black soldiers. There are no verifiable dates or anything. How can you prove these are authentic? Yes please continue to post more if you have some that are verifiable.

I ain't your errand boy - the ball is in your court - do your own footwork

Here's a clue for you - if you right click on an image you'll get an option "copy image url" do that and from there you can ascertain the page of each image - If you're too friggin lazy - oh well thats not my problem.

Here's one for you ..[below] domain would be .petersburgexpress.com that's not too complex for you now is it ?

I dont see any confederate Black soldiers. There are no verifiable dates or anything. How can you prove these are authentic? Yes please continue to post more if you have some that are verifiable.

I ain't your errand boy - the ball is in your court - do your own footwork

Here's a clue for you - if you right click on an image you'll get an option "copy image url" do that and from there you can ascertain the page of each image - If you're too friggin lazy - oh well thats not my problem.

Here's one for you ..[below] domain would be .petersburgexpress.com that's not too complex for you now is it ?

You will never provide enough evidence for him. Next he'll tell you this was merely GOP propaganda and they made it all up last year.
I dont see any confederate Black soldiers. There are no verifiable dates or anything. How can you prove these are authentic? Yes please continue to post more if you have some that are verifiable.

I ain't your errand boy - the ball is in your court - do your own footwork

Here's a clue for you - if you right click on an image you'll get an option "copy image url" do that and from there you can ascertain the page of each image - If you're too friggin lazy - oh well thats not my problem.

Here's one for you ..[below] domain would be .petersburgexpress.com that's not too complex for you now is it ?

That looks like an old black guy dress up in rags with medals. where is the proof he was a fighting soilder and not a servant forced under pain of a loved ones death to accompany the slave master into war?
Thread has been cleaned and reopened. A number of posts have been deleted as they have nothing, remotely to do with the topic. Pissing contests belong in the Flame Zone.

Let's get back to something approximating the topic ok?

Thread has been cleaned and reopened. A number of posts have been deleted as they have nothing, remotely to do with the topic. Pissing contests belong in the Flame Zone.

Let's get back to something approximating the topic ok?


I just got caught up on this thread, are you sure you actually cleaned it up ? If so, oh my....
I dont see any confederate Black soldiers. There are no verifiable dates or anything. How can you prove these are authentic? Yes please continue to post more if you have some that are verifiable.

I ain't your errand boy - the ball is in your court - do your own footwork

Here's a clue for you - if you right click on an image you'll get an option "copy image url" do that and from there you can ascertain the page of each image - If you're too friggin lazy - oh well thats not my problem.

Here's one for you ..[below] domain would be .petersburgexpress.com that's not too complex for you now is it ?

That looks like an old black guy dress up in rags with medals. where is the proof he was a fighting soilder and not a servant forced under pain of a loved ones death to accompany the slave master into war?

Okay Asclepias - your stay of execution has expired You're up Pal - put up or shut up


Lets start with the first photo - whatcha got Pal .? .. nada ... there were no Black Confederate soldiers as per you --- okay so I guess this is a fake News Story right ?
Thread has been cleaned and reopened. A number of posts have been deleted as they have nothing, remotely to do with the topic. Pissing contests belong in the Flame Zone.

Let's get back to something approximating the topic ok?


I just got caught up on this thread, are you sure you actually cleaned it up ? If so, oh my....

Not the whole thing. Only partially. I got tired after deleting 19 posts.
Thread has been cleaned and reopened. A number of posts have been deleted as they have nothing, remotely to do with the topic. Pissing contests belong in the Flame Zone.

Let's get back to something approximating the topic ok?


I just got caught up on this thread, are you sure you actually cleaned it up ? If so, oh my....

Not the whole thing. Only partially. I got tired after deleting 19 posts.

Ay carumba those 19 must have been awful if they were worse than what was left behind
Look Blacks hate Republicans they are not going to vote Republican no matter what you do

No, YOU hate Republicans, shitflinger. Blacks have millions of different opinions, because they are people - which you and your filthy party can't seem to grasp. Black people have as many differing opinions as there are individuals.

No, seriously....Blacks hate Republicans

Blacks do have different opinions. But when 90% of blacks refuse to vote Republican they have one thing in common. Young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated....They all hate Republicans

It's a hatred the GOP worked hard to engender...it's basically the one thing they've been successful at lately.
Look Blacks hate Republicans they are not going to vote Republican no matter what you do

No, YOU hate Republicans, shitflinger. Blacks have millions of different opinions, because they are people - which you and your filthy party can't seem to grasp. Black people have as many differing opinions as there are individuals.

No, seriously....Blacks hate Republicans

Blacks do have different opinions. But when 90% of blacks refuse to vote Republican they have one thing in common. Young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated....They all hate Republicans

It's a hatred the GOP worked hard to engender...it's basically the one thing they've been successful at lately.

You need to qualify that statement sweetheart , not just Blacks but IGNORANT BLACKS ... the more informed and intelligent ones are Republicans

Look Blacks hate Republicans they are not going to vote Republican no matter what you do

No, YOU hate Republicans, shitflinger. Blacks have millions of different opinions, because they are people - which you and your filthy party can't seem to grasp. Black people have as many differing opinions as there are individuals.

No, seriously....Blacks hate Republicans

Blacks do have different opinions. But when 90% of blacks refuse to vote Republican they have one thing in common. Young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated....They all hate Republicans

It's a hatred the GOP worked hard to engender...it's basically the one thing they've been successful at lately.

You need to qualify that statement sweetheart , not just Blacks but IGNORANT BLACKS ... the more informed and intelligent ones are Republicans


When you can name your entire constituency...you don't have much of a constituency.
Look Blacks hate Republicans they are not going to vote Republican no matter what you do

No, YOU hate Republicans, shitflinger. Blacks have millions of different opinions, because they are people - which you and your filthy party can't seem to grasp. Black people have as many differing opinions as there are individuals.

No, seriously....Blacks hate Republicans

Blacks do have different opinions. But when 90% of blacks refuse to vote Republican they have one thing in common. Young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated....They all hate Republicans

It's a hatred the GOP worked hard to engender...it's basically the one thing they've been successful at lately.

You need to qualify that statement sweetheart , not just Blacks but IGNORANT BLACKS ... the more informed and intelligent ones are Republicans


When you can name your entire constituency...you don't have much of a constituency.
Q: How many black Republicans can you fit in a Mini-Cooper?

A: All of them
Look Blacks hate Republicans they are not going to vote Republican no matter what you do

No, YOU hate Republicans, shitflinger. Blacks have millions of different opinions, because they are people - which you and your filthy party can't seem to grasp. Black people have as many differing opinions as there are individuals.

No, seriously....Blacks hate Republicans

Blacks do have different opinions. But when 90% of blacks refuse to vote Republican they have one thing in common. Young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated....They all hate Republicans

It's a hatred the GOP worked hard to engender...it's basically the one thing they've been successful at lately.

You need to qualify that statement sweetheart , not just Blacks but IGNORANT BLACKS ... the more informed and intelligent ones are Republicans


When you can name your entire constituency...you don't have much of a constituency.

Yes, those 8 people are the ONLY 8 black Republicans...........................

How do you even manage to get through the day?
No, YOU hate Republicans, shitflinger. Blacks have millions of different opinions, because they are people - which you and your filthy party can't seem to grasp. Black people have as many differing opinions as there are individuals.

No, seriously....Blacks hate Republicans

Blacks do have different opinions. But when 90% of blacks refuse to vote Republican they have one thing in common. Young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated....They all hate Republicans

It's a hatred the GOP worked hard to engender...it's basically the one thing they've been successful at lately.

You need to qualify that statement sweetheart , not just Blacks but IGNORANT BLACKS ... the more informed and intelligent ones are Republicans


When you can name your entire constituency...you don't have much of a constituency.

Yes, those 8 people are the ONLY 8 black Republicans...........................

How do you even manage to get through the day?

Why do you even want blacks? According to you....

They also don't like

Not being criminals
Raising their own damned children
Staying Sober
Being Productive members of society


swimming, they hate swimming.
You're so full of shit you leave a trail of manure everywhere you go.. Do you expect the historians to pretend there was no genocide perpetrated upon the Indians ? Would you omit the mention of slavery in the curriculum ?Massacres and lynchings in the past? Hey ,I guess those are just stories those liberal professors made up to make white males feel guilty.
You forgot to mention the KKK is a democrat party invention.

So what? Most Blacks at that time were Republicans. Now most voting Blacks not only support the democrats they ARE the Democrats; and. the KKK is aligned with the White male Taliban party...the GOP!

And if you go back to the Civl War - you will find that Black Slaves actually had fought for the Confederacy , just as their descendants still do by supporting the Democratic Party.
You meant to say SOME Black freedmen might have fought for the confederacy but that is doubtful since cowardly confederate leaders wouldn't think of arming Blacks for any reason. There was always that nagging suspicion that, considering what they had done to Blacks, no White southerner was going to give blacks the opportunity to exact revenge with a gun! Who told you Black slaves actually fought for the Confederacy?

Here is my link...where is yours:

Did blacks fight in combat for the Confederacy The Civil War Gazette

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? Democrats have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs - which are actually another tool of enslavement. And the Slave still fights for the Slave Master

What a crock! The entire Black race is NOT on welfare. Most, in fact are not. There are far more Caucasians on welfare if you add Whites and Hispanics together/ If you don't. non-Hispanic Whites make up 38% of welfare recipients while Blacks make 39%. Don't forget.... 2/3rds of the Black population are living above the poverty level.

...The damage to our values and civility created by entitlement programs cannot be overstated. When people believe they are entitled to something, then they will demand that they get it. They will behave in an angry and belligerent manner as long as they perceive that their entitlement is being withheld. Instead of gratitude, the deliverers of entitlements are treated, at best, with indifference and, at worse, contempt. Entitlements make people dependent. As the opposite of independence, dependence is a form of slavery. The welfare state pits one group of citizens against another. One group is entitled. The other group is obligated. If you are a parent, did you bring your children into the world with the understanding that they will be either dependent on entitlements or enslaved to provide the entitlement? .... Welfare Is Another Form Of Slavery

So this flaky source of yours ( probably a Heritage Foundation spin off) wants to call Social Security, MEDICARE, and the PPACA entitlement programs? You want to lump those paid into benefits with welfare?
Kiss my ass you dumb sumbytch. If that's the case I'll stay on your fictitious Democrat Plantation. At least I can look forward to dying with a beer in my hand , sitting in my easy chair, and watching Al Sharpton on my 56 inch TV. You poor low class Republican fools are the ones on a plantation .one without ANY benefits. Therefore, you have to come to the Democrats for help whether you like it or not!

There are far more Caucasians on welfare if you add Whites and Hispanics together/ If you don't. non-Hispanic Whites make up 38% of welfare recipients while Blacks make 39%.

And your point is ...?

Don't forget.... 2/3rds of the Black population are living above the poverty level.

And your point is ...?

Stop trying to frame this discussion as Black vs White - That's not what it is . Whites as per your figures are 38% of welfare Blacks 39% - not statistically significant untill you add in the variable that Blacks only comprise about 12% of the overall population

My points ARE that by your crazy definition slavery encompasses far more Caucasians than Blacks if welfare marks the boundaries of your "Democrat Plantation.' At least its an egalitarian plantation.

JQPublic1 said:
GreenBean said:
Your link bases it's entire argument on the basis of the absence of correspondence from black soldiers - which is ridiculous . It is well documented that a majority of the Blacks of that time period were purposely kept illiterate and hence did not "write home" .
Your pictures could have been taken in 1961 or even 2014.
Even in 1861 they could have been staged. BTW staged guns aren't loaded. I'll stick with my source since it is hardly likely that White southerners would trust blacks with loaded guns!
GreenBean said:
The article also states that Blacks in the confederate Army served as servants - quite possibly - than how come there are no letters from these "servants". In addition the photographic evidence of Armed Black Soldiers is extensive

You call several likely staged photographs extensive evidence?
GreenBean said:
There are many many many more - but they speak for themselves - servants do not carry guns .
That is why I think the photos were staged.
GreenBean said:
The Policies of Jefferson Davis - of only white soldiers kept many Freedmen and slaves out of the confederate ranks - but when the bullets were flying the Black slaves were there protecting their "masser" from those nasty Republicans... nothing has changed in 140 years has it ?
NOPE! The same kind of racists who used to be Democrats are now Republicans. Like you, they are still trying to divide and conquer by ignoring maps like these which clearly show the party shift of the old Democrats to the GOP.


No, YOU hate Republicans, shitflinger. Blacks have millions of different opinions, because they are people - which you and your filthy party can't seem to grasp. Black people have as many differing opinions as there are individuals.

No, seriously....Blacks hate Republicans

Blacks do have different opinions. But when 90% of blacks refuse to vote Republican they have one thing in common. Young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated....They all hate Republicans

It's a hatred the GOP worked hard to engender...it's basically the one thing they've been successful at lately.

You need to qualify that statement sweetheart , not just Blacks but IGNORANT BLACKS ... the more informed and intelligent ones are Republicans


When you can name your entire constituency...you don't have much of a constituency.

Yes, those 8 people are the ONLY 8 black Republicans...........................

How do you even manage to get through the day?
Actually three of them are dead

You are running out of black Republicans

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