Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Thats what simpletons think. They think if they call something a word they are actually correct. I feel for you simpletons.
Is this man a simpleton?

Yes he is if he is comparing slavery to politics.
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:

These few video images of disgruntled blacks do not convince me that inner city blacks are abandoning Obama. When it gets that bad large numbers of Blacks in every city will be the first to know and let it show!
Is this man a simpleton?

Yes he is if he is comparing slavery to politics.
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:

These few video images of disgruntled blacks do not convince me that inner city blacks are abandoning Obama. When it gets that bad large numbers of Blacks in every city will be the first to know and let it show!

Oh my, they're "disgruntled'. LOL. I prefer "Educated and Liberated".
Is this man a simpleton?

Yes he is if he is comparing slavery to politics.
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:

These few video images of disgruntled blacks do not convince me that inner city blacks are abandoning Obama. When it gets that bad large numbers of Blacks in every city will be the first to know and let it show!

These clowns really think a few Black people being upset at the POTUS is going to cause them to vote Republican is about as hilarious a suggestion than I have heard of in a while.
Yes he is if he is comparing slavery to politics.
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:

These few video images of disgruntled blacks do not convince me that inner city blacks are abandoning Obama. When it gets that bad large numbers of Blacks in every city will be the first to know and let it show!

These clowns really think a few Black people being upset at the POTUS is going to cause them to vote Republican is about as hilarious a suggestion than I have heard of in a while.

Blacks will follow Obama to HELL:
Glad she got out. We need more like her. Too bad she couldnt affect votes like the voting laws in the south.

The Democrats wrote those Jim Crow laws. You're doing great. Carry on.
Thats when the Dems were actually todays Repubs. Youre not very intelligent so I cant expect you to know this.
Rachel Maddow told you that, huh. How's the dyke's ratings these days?
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:

These few video images of disgruntled blacks do not convince me that inner city blacks are abandoning Obama. When it gets that bad large numbers of Blacks in every city will be the first to know and let it show!

These clowns really think a few Black people being upset at the POTUS is going to cause them to vote Republican is about as hilarious a suggestion than I have heard of in a while.

Blacks will follow Obama to HELL:

As long as they dont follow a Repub there I am cool with that.
Glad she got out. We need more like her. Too bad she couldnt affect votes like the voting laws in the south.

The Democrats wrote those Jim Crow laws. You're doing great. Carry on.
Thats when the Dems were actually todays Repubs. Youre not very intelligent so I cant expect you to know this.
Rachel Maddie told you that, huh. How's the dyke's ratings these days?
I dont know who Rachel Maddie is.

You should do your own research and not name drop. That doesnt impress me at all.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

Will the African-American community flock to the right?


They'll more likely just stay home, vote third party, or most likely vote Democrat because the right offers them nothing.
True. The Left offers free clothing, free food, free medical care, free housing. Just like the slavemasters of yore.

Calling the Left Slave Masters is telling me that this thread is not to be taken serious. If you actually believe what you wrote then I have no reason to further this debate.
I was calling Democrats in favor of those policies slave masters. The analogy is fitting. We take care of your basic needs and you work for us. In the case of the Dems they want votes to stay in power. If you really think that is a stretch you're not paying attention.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

Will the African-American community flock to the right?


They'll more likely just stay home, vote third party, or most likely vote Democrat because the right offers them nothing.
True. The Left offers free clothing, free food, free medical care, free housing. Just like the slavemasters of yore.
Not really. Being a slave is the utmost sacrifice. They lost their freedom as slaves. Its not like the enslavers were doing this for nothing. Only a moron would think that.
Welfare class blacks lose their freedom too. Being on government programs is dehumanizing and people lose a lot of freedom that way. And it isn't like Democrats do it for nothing or because they're generous. They're doing it for votes.
Change the voting laws to disallow anyone on government assistance from voting and see how quickly support among Dems for more government cheese disappears.

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