Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Truth is truth, regardless of your intelligence.
Thats what simpletons think. They think if they call something a word they are actually correct. I feel for you simpletons.
Is this man a simpleton?

Yes he is if he is comparing slavery to politics.
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:
Thats what simpletons think. They think if they call something a word they are actually correct. I feel for you simpletons.
Is this man a simpleton?

Yes he is if he is comparing slavery to politics.
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:

Someone already posted that. If you think Black people in general are going to support the Republican party you are as dumb as a box of lint.
The only way blacks give up on the Dem party is if the GOP starts handing out free fried chicken.
Is this man a simpleton?

Yes he is if he is comparing slavery to politics.
All Sharpton is a reverand, huh.
You shouldnt take advice from Sharpton or Carson. You should learn to think and analyze for yourself.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama &…:

Someone already posted that. If you think Black people in general are going to support the Republican party you are as dumb as a box of lint.

ZoNation with Alfonzo Rachel: The Democratic Part…:
Genocide implies extermination of a race --- we are still here .

I see you are just as ignorant as the RABBIt..heh heh genocide - definition of genocide by The Free Dictionary

Genocide is the systematic destruction of all or of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group.
genocide - definition of genocide by The Free Dictionary

Slavery originated as a Black on Black from inter-tribal warfare within Africa. Moslems later joined in and black tribesmen were used as a chatel between African Tribal Kings and Moslem traders. Europeans , and later North Americans joined the fray from contact with Moslem traders and later directly with African Kings . Slavery was dead in the white world untill reintroduced by Africans.

Well, I have heard that dubious claim before but the very term SLAVERY originates from White on White slavery. Slavery has occurred in every continent and is probably as old as humanity itself.
C13: via Old French from Medieval Latin Sclāvus a Slav, one held in bondage (from the fact that the Slavonic races werefrequently conquered in the Middle Ages), from Late Greek Sklabos a Slav
slave - definition of slave by The Free Dictionary
The only way blacks give up on the Dem party is if the GOP starts handing out free fried chicken.
That would attract white people not Black people. We know how to make our own fried chicken.
Do you buy it with your own money or with a food card?
Usually I use a white womans money.
I'm sure you do. Are you proud of that?
Yes I am.

What does this have to do with Blacks switching to the Republicans enmasse?
That would attract white people not Black people. We know how to make our own fried chicken.
Do you buy it with your own money or with a food card?
Usually I use a white womans money.
I'm sure you do. Are you proud of that?
Yes I am.

What does this have to do with Blacks switching to the Republicans enmasse?
Living off a woman and you're proud of it. I bet you're a democrat, huh.
No actually I am not a democrat..
What does that have to do with the thread? Are you getting frustrated or something?
LOL. Coward.
You go completely off topic and I am the coward? :lol:
Yes, you're a coward. Are the Black Panthers racist or not? Simple question for a simple mind.
What does that have to do with the thread? Are you getting frustrated or something?
LOL. Coward.
You go completely off topic and I am the coward? :lol:
Yes, you're a coward. Are the Black Panthers racist or not? Simple question for a simple mind.
What does that have to do with Blacks voting Republican?
Do you buy it with your own money or with a food card?
Usually I use a white womans money.
I'm sure you do. Are you proud of that?
Yes I am.

What does this have to do with Blacks switching to the Republicans enmasse?
Living off a woman and you're proud of it. I bet you're a democrat, huh.
No actually I am not a democrat..
What does that have to do with the thread? Are you getting frustrated or something?
LOL. Coward.
You go completely off topic and I am the coward? :lol:
Yes, you're a coward. Are the Black Panthers racist or not? Simple question for a simple mind.
What does that have to do with Blacks voting Republican?
Never mind. Everyone can now see the real you. Thanks.
Usually I use a white womans money.
I'm sure you do. Are you proud of that?
Yes I am.

What does this have to do with Blacks switching to the Republicans enmasse?
Living off a woman and you're proud of it. I bet you're a democrat, huh.
No actually I am not a democrat..
What does that have to do with the thread? Are you getting frustrated or something?
LOL. Coward.
You go completely off topic and I am the coward? :lol:
Yes, you're a coward. Are the Black Panthers racist or not? Simple question for a simple mind.
What does that have to do with Blacks voting Republican?
Never mind. Everyone can now see the real you. Thanks.
Youre welcome.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
But you still have history in public schools and college campuses that teach all Whites are evil.

You're so full of shit you leave a trail of manure everywhere you go.. Do you expect the historians to pretend there was no genocide perpetrated upon the Indians ? Would you omit the mention of slavery in the curriculum ?Massacres and lynchings in the past? Hey ,I guess those are just stories those liberal professors made up to make white males feel guilty.
You forgot to mention the KKK is a democrat party invention.

So what? Most Blacks at that time were Republicans. Now most voting Blacks not only support the democrats they ARE the Democrats; and. the KKK is aligned with the White male Taliban party...the GOP!

And if you go back to the Civl War - you will find that Black Slaves actually had fought for the Confederacy , just as their descendants still do by supporting the Democratic Party.
You meant to say SOME Black freedmen might have fought for the confederacy but that is doubtful since cowardly confederate leaders wouldn't think of arming Blacks for any reason. There was always that nagging suspicion that, considering what they had done to Blacks, no White southerner was going to give blacks the opportunity to exact revenge with a gun! Who told you Black slaves actually fought for the Confederacy?

Here is my link...where is yours:

Did blacks fight in combat for the Confederacy The Civil War Gazette

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? Democrats have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs - which are actually another tool of enslavement. And the Slave still fights for the Slave Master

What a crock! The entire Black race is NOT on welfare. Most, in fact are not. There are far more Caucasians on welfare if you add Whites and Hispanics together/ If you don't. non-Hispanic Whites make up 38% of welfare recipients while Blacks make 39%. Don't forget.... 2/3rds of the Black population are living above the poverty level.

...The damage to our values and civility created by entitlement programs cannot be overstated. When people believe they are entitled to something, then they will demand that they get it. They will behave in an angry and belligerent manner as long as they perceive that their entitlement is being withheld. Instead of gratitude, the deliverers of entitlements are treated, at best, with indifference and, at worse, contempt. Entitlements make people dependent. As the opposite of independence, dependence is a form of slavery. The welfare state pits one group of citizens against another. One group is entitled. The other group is obligated. If you are a parent, did you bring your children into the world with the understanding that they will be either dependent on entitlements or enslaved to provide the entitlement? .... Welfare Is Another Form Of Slavery

So this flaky source of yours ( probably a Heritage Foundation spin off) wants to call Social Security, MEDICARE, and the PPACA entitlement programs? You want to lump those paid into benefits with welfare?
Kiss my ass you dumb sumbytch. If that's the case I'll stay on your fictitious Democrat Plantation. At least I can look forward to dying with a beer in my hand , sitting in my easy chair, and watching Al Sharpton on my 56 inch TV. You poor low class Republican fools are the ones on a plantation .one without ANY benefits. Therefore, you have to come to the Democrats for help whether you like it or not!

Is getting arrested at a higher rate for murder also the result of racism?

Hell yeah if you don't have anything to do with that murder rate! 90% of Blacks have nothing to do with those
rates so why are you saying they do? I suspect a lot of those arrests ARE the result of racism and will lay odds that the number of arrests far out number actual convictions!

So you're saying that only 10% of blacks are murderers?

Are you saying your statistics prove otherwise. Remember they only represent ARRESTS, not convictions!.
I'm saying that far less than 10% of Black Americans are murderers.

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