Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Let's assume for a moment that you are correct and the Republican Party is purposely alienating black voters. how is that fundamentally ANY different than the Democratic Party purposely alienating white male Christian voters?

Hardly a fair comparison. It's not like 90+% of white, male voters go Republican. The alienation meme is more like wishful thinking that the Reps may once again see a presidential majority.

I was considering how to phrase exactly what you just said... The only thing I would add is that the Pelosi brand of liberalism is pretty much what the Dems have to start to move away from. There is a place for liberalism in the nation...nbetter ot only because the GOP makes the alternative so repugnant but because people want better and the GOP is the party of 1950 when the nation wasn't better for a large segment of the population.

Again; as Obama said in 2008.
If you want to go forward, you put the car in D.
If you want to go backward, put the car in R.

It basically is that simple when you go into a voting booth (in national elections).
If you're in a ditch the way out is to go backwards.
If your economy sucks because Democrats have enacted onerous programs you vote the fuckers out and get some conservative GOP candidates in there.
Pretty simple.
Most people dont mix up D and R. Then again, most people dont mix up dick and pussy.

Gee another Rabbi thead that veers unexpectedly into talk about genitals. Almost everyone saw it coming.

Economy has added jobs month after month for a while now with maybe some set backs. Economy expanding, IPOs taking place again. Dow up. OBL dead, GM alive.
Let's assume for a moment that you are correct and the Republican Party is purposely alienating black voters. how is that fundamentally ANY different than the Democratic Party purposely alienating white male Christian voters?

Hardly a fair comparison. It's not like 90+% of white, male voters go Republican. The alienation meme is more like wishful thinking that the Reps may once again see a presidential majority.

I was considering how to phrase exactly what you just said... The only thing I would add is that the Pelosi brand of liberalism is pretty much what the Dems have to start to move away from. There is a place for liberalism in the nation...nbetter ot only because the GOP makes the alternative so repugnant but because people want better and the GOP is the party of 1950 when the nation wasn't better for a large segment of the population.

Again; as Obama said in 2008.
If you want to go forward, you put the car in D.
If you want to go backward, put the car in R.

It basically is that simple when you go into a voting booth (in national elections).
If you're in a ditch the way out is to go backwards.
If your economy sucks because Democrats have enacted onerous programs you vote the fuckers out and get some conservative GOP candidates in there.
Pretty simple.
Most people dont mix up D and R. Then again, most people dont mix up dick and pussy.

Gee another Rabbi thead that veers unexpectedly into talk about genitals. Almost everyone saw it coming.

Economy has added jobs month after month for a while now with maybe some set backs. Economy expanding, IPOs taking place again. Dow up. OBL dead, GM alive.
The majority of people think the recesson never ended. And for them, it never did. Take off the 1% that Democrats represent and the rest of the country looks mired in stagnation and recession.

Can you figure out of Reince Preibus is a man or a woman without a diagram yet?
MLK wasn't a republican:

King was not a partisan and never endorsed any political candidate. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Contrast that to "black leaders " today and tell me if you can spot the difference

Well, Condi Rice is bound to the GOP...so is Michael Steele...
For some reason they keep leaving out Colin Powell

Probably because that n!gger showed his true colors when he went from being a conservative Republican to being an Obama acolyte for no other reason than Obama's skin color.

That should embarrass every black person out there, but it doesn't.

Imagine if a well known white liberal male had flopped sides because he did NOT want to vote for a black man in 2008... Just as disgusting.

See, you can't even see the racism...

But you do when you look in the mirror quite obviously. You have my pity.

You are a FAR bigger racist than I dear. You accept that blacks are all stupid and vote Democrat b/c they are told to. I don't believe that, I believe that there are intelligent blacks out there who see the lies the Democrats are telling them for what they are and want nothing to do with it, I think that even more are wising up every day and seeing that they are nothing but PAWNS for the Democratic party.

At least the Republicans are up front and say " blacks aren't are primary concern" whereas the Democrats will tell ANY lie to ANY group.
Let's assume for a moment that you are correct and the Republican Party is purposely alienating black voters. how is that fundamentally ANY different than the Democratic Party purposely alienating white male Christian voters?

Hardly a fair comparison. It's not like 90+% of white, male voters go Republican. The alienation meme is more like wishful thinking that the Reps may once again see a presidential majority.

I was considering how to phrase exactly what you just said... The only thing I would add is that the Pelosi brand of liberalism is pretty much what the Dems have to start to move away from. There is a place for liberalism in the nation...nbetter ot only because the GOP makes the alternative so repugnant but because people want better and the GOP is the party of 1950 when the nation wasn't better for a large segment of the population.

Again; as Obama said in 2008.
If you want to go forward, you put the car in D.
If you want to go backward, put the car in R.

It basically is that simple when you go into a voting booth (in national elections).
If you're in a ditch the way out is to go backwards.
If your economy sucks because Democrats have enacted onerous programs you vote the fuckers out and get some conservative GOP candidates in there.
Pretty simple.
Most people dont mix up D and R. Then again, most people dont mix up dick and pussy.

Gee another Rabbi thead that veers unexpectedly into talk about genitals. Almost everyone saw it coming.

Economy has added jobs month after month for a while now with maybe some set backs. Economy expanding, IPOs taking place again. Dow up. OBL dead, GM alive.

Unemployment figures have went down, which is not the same thing as saying jobs have been created.
Dems only have like 15%. So what?

Link? That sounds suspiciously like a number you pulled out of your ass.
The actual number is 22. Big fucking deal. Democrats are the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and the war on the black family.

Trumping your previous lies with more lies, eh? Remember we're talking contemporary politics. If you're talking about something else, take it to the History forum. Though that comment tells me that those who agree with me and myself are winning this argument. :biggrin:
Let's assume for a moment that you are correct and the Republican Party is purposely alienating black voters. how is that fundamentally ANY different than the Democratic Party purposely alienating white male Christian voters?

Hardly a fair comparison. It's not like 90+% of white, male voters go Republican. The alienation meme is more like wishful thinking that the Reps may once again see a presidential majority.

I was considering how to phrase exactly what you just said... The only thing I would add is that the Pelosi brand of liberalism is pretty much what the Dems have to start to move away from. There is a place for liberalism in the nation...nbetter ot only because the GOP makes the alternative so repugnant but because people want better and the GOP is the party of 1950 when the nation wasn't better for a large segment of the population.

Again; as Obama said in 2008.
If you want to go forward, you put the car in D.
If you want to go backward, put the car in R.

It basically is that simple when you go into a voting booth (in national elections).
If you're in a ditch the way out is to go backwards.
If your economy sucks because Democrats have enacted onerous programs you vote the fuckers out and get some conservative GOP candidates in there.
Pretty simple.
Most people dont mix up D and R. Then again, most people dont mix up dick and pussy.

Gee another Rabbi thead that veers unexpectedly into talk about genitals. Almost everyone saw it coming.

Economy has added jobs month after month for a while now with maybe some set backs. Economy expanding, IPOs taking place again. Dow up. OBL dead, GM alive.

Unemployment figures have went down, which is not the same thing as saying jobs have been created.

Nonfarm payrolls have been rising by ~200k/month for a few years now.
By the way Candy, why did you avoid my question?

What would you have said if in 2008 a well known white liberal had said "I'm not voting for a black man" and had voted Republican?
Hardly a fair comparison. It's not like 90+% of white, male voters go Republican. The alienation meme is more like wishful thinking that the Reps may once again see a presidential majority.

I was considering how to phrase exactly what you just said... The only thing I would add is that the Pelosi brand of liberalism is pretty much what the Dems have to start to move away from. There is a place for liberalism in the nation...nbetter ot only because the GOP makes the alternative so repugnant but because people want better and the GOP is the party of 1950 when the nation wasn't better for a large segment of the population.

Again; as Obama said in 2008.
If you want to go forward, you put the car in D.
If you want to go backward, put the car in R.

It basically is that simple when you go into a voting booth (in national elections).
If you're in a ditch the way out is to go backwards.
If your economy sucks because Democrats have enacted onerous programs you vote the fuckers out and get some conservative GOP candidates in there.
Pretty simple.
Most people dont mix up D and R. Then again, most people dont mix up dick and pussy.

Gee another Rabbi thead that veers unexpectedly into talk about genitals. Almost everyone saw it coming.

Economy has added jobs month after month for a while now with maybe some set backs. Economy expanding, IPOs taking place again. Dow up. OBL dead, GM alive.

Unemployment figures have went down, which is not the same thing as saying jobs have been created.

Nonfarm payrolls have been rising by ~200k/month for a few years now.

Don't you have some scotch to drink?
Dems only have like 15%. So what?

Link? That sounds suspiciously like a number you pulled out of your ass.
The actual number is 22. Big fucking deal. Democrats are the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and the war on the black family.

Trumping your previous lies with more lies, eh? Remember we're talking contemporary politics. If you're talking about something else, take it to the History forum. Though that comment tells me that those who agree with me and myself are winning this argument. :biggrin:
Democrats are the party of single black mothers, welfare, food stamps, SSI, and dependence.

Again, the answer to my initial question is No. Blacks are too stupid to understand they have been duped by the Democrats, who failed to make their lives better by one iota since taking power in 2008.
Dems only have like 15%. So what?

Link? That sounds suspiciously like a number you pulled out of your ass.
The actual number is 22. Big fucking deal. Democrats are the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and the war on the black family.

Trumping your previous lies with more lies, eh? Remember we're talking contemporary politics. If you're talking about something else, take it to the History forum. Though that comment tells me that those who agree with me and myself are winning this argument. :biggrin:
Democrats are the party of single black mothers, welfare, food stamps, SSI, and dependence.

Again, the answer to my initial question is No. Blacks are too stupid to understand they have been duped by the Democrats, who failed to make their lives better by one iota since taking power in 2008.

Thats where we differ Rabbi - Blacks are not too stupid - they're too ignorant and there is a big difference. Stupid implies that they are organically and genetically inferior and incapable of understanding --which I will not accept. Where as ignorant implies that they have an intellectual capacity that is equal and comparable to the rest of humanity.

I believe the factors that keep the blacks uneducated and seemingly uneducatable [ignorant] are more relative to socio-economic factors and not genetics. These socio-economic factors are somewhat tools which are figuratively links in the chains that keeps the Blacks enslaved to this very day ... enslaved to the slave holders , the Democrats
Democrats are the party of single black mothers, welfare, food stamps, SSI, and dependence.

....The damage to our values and civility created by entitlement programs cannot be overstated. When people believe they are entitled to something, then they will demand that they get it. They will behave in an angry and belligerent manner as long as they perceive that their entitlement is being withheld. Instead of gratitude, the deliverers of entitlements are treated, at best, with indifference and, at worse, contempt. Entitlements make people dependent. As the opposite of independence, dependence is a form of slavery. The welfare state pits one group of citizens against another. One group is entitled. The other group is obligated. If you are a parent, did you bring your children into the world with the understanding that they will be either dependent on entitlements or enslaved to provide the entitlement? .... Welfare Is Another Form Of Slavery
Dems only have like 15%. So what?

Link? That sounds suspiciously like a number you pulled out of your ass.
The actual number is 22. Big fucking deal. Democrats are the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and the war on the black family.

Trumping your previous lies with more lies, eh? Remember we're talking contemporary politics. If you're talking about something else, take it to the History forum. Though that comment tells me that those who agree with me and myself are winning this argument. :biggrin:
Democrats are the party of single black mothers, welfare, food stamps, SSI, and dependence.

Again, the answer to my initial question is No. Blacks are too stupid to understand they have been duped by the Democrats, who failed to make their lives better by one iota since taking power in 2008.

Thats where we differ Rabbi - Blacks are not too stupid - they're too ignorant and there is a big difference. Stupid implies that they are organically and genetically inferior and incapable of understanding --which I will not accept. Where as ignorant implies that they have an intellectual capacity that is equal and comparable to the rest of humanity.

I believe the factors that keep the blacks uneducated and seemingly uneducatable [ignorant] are more relative to socio-economic factors and not genetics. These socio-economic factors are somewhat tools which are figuratively links in the chains that keeps the Blacks enslaved to this very day ... enslaved to the slave holders , the Democrats
I didnt mean to imply I believe blacks are stupid. That's obviously not true. It is Democrats who thnk they can continue putting one over on them, telling them the GOP is their enemy when in fact Democrats have been the worst thing to happen to the black community.
Democrats are the party of single black mothers, welfare, food stamps, SSI, and dependence.

....The damage to our values and civility created by entitlement programs cannot be overstated. When people believe they are entitled to something, then they will demand that they get it. They will behave in an angry and belligerent manner as long as they perceive that their entitlement is being withheld. Instead of gratitude, the deliverers of entitlements are treated, at best, with indifference and, at worse, contempt. Entitlements make people dependent. As the opposite of independence, dependence is a form of slavery. The welfare state pits one group of citizens against another. One group is entitled. The other group is obligated. If you are a parent, did you bring your children into the world with the understanding that they will be either dependent on entitlements or enslaved to provide the entitlement? .... Welfare Is Another Form Of Slavery

The ignorance is that they can't figure this out.

As anyone who has kids who have moved away from home knows. This is the way it works. I told my boys that while I'm paying the bills, I control them. They both got out of college and didn't want dad controlling them anymore so they stopped accepting my money.

How simple....
Link? That sounds suspiciously like a number you pulled out of your ass.
The actual number is 22. Big fucking deal. Democrats are the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and the war on the black family.

Trumping your previous lies with more lies, eh? Remember we're talking contemporary politics. If you're talking about something else, take it to the History forum. Though that comment tells me that those who agree with me and myself are winning this argument. :biggrin:
Democrats are the party of single black mothers, welfare, food stamps, SSI, and dependence.

Again, the answer to my initial question is No. Blacks are too stupid to understand they have been duped by the Democrats, who failed to make their lives better by one iota since taking power in 2008.

Thats where we differ Rabbi - Blacks are not too stupid - they're too ignorant and there is a big difference. Stupid implies that they are organically and genetically inferior and incapable of understanding --which I will not accept. Where as ignorant implies that they have an intellectual capacity that is equal and comparable to the rest of humanity.

I believe the factors that keep the blacks uneducated and seemingly uneducatable [ignorant] are more relative to socio-economic factors and not genetics. These socio-economic factors are somewhat tools which are figuratively links in the chains that keeps the Blacks enslaved to this very day ... enslaved to the slave holders , the Democrats
I didnt mean to imply I believe blacks are stupid. That's obviously not true. It is Democrats who thnk they can continue putting one over on them, telling them the GOP is their enemy when in fact Democrats have been the worst thing to happen to the black community.

Write like the world is listening and they will - [That's a quote from somebody - I don't remember who] Libs look for comments like that - they salivate over them - a chance to paint us in a negative light - they live for it.
I dont see any confederate Black soldiers. There are no verifiable dates or anything. How can you prove these are authentic? Yes please continue to post more if you have some that are verifiable.

I ain't your errand boy - the ball is in your court - do your own footwork

Here's a clue for you - if you right click on an image you'll get an option "copy image url" do that and from there you can ascertain the page of each image - If you're too friggin lazy - oh well thats not my problem.

Here's one for you ..[below] domain would be .petersburgexpress.com that's not too complex for you now is it ?

That looks like an old black guy dress up in rags with medals. where is the proof he was a fighting soilder and not a servant forced under pain of a loved ones death to accompany the slave master into war?

Okay Asclepias - your stay of execution has expired You're up Pal - put up or shut up


Lets start with the first photo - whatcha got Pal .? .. nada ... there were no Black Confederate soldiers as per you --- okay so I guess this is a fake News Story right ?
I didnt say there were zero confederate soldiers. I said you dont have any proof they were anything but servants forced to help. I already addressed this story. "Gives the following incident..."? Come on dude thats not reporting. Thats passing on a confederate supporters acccount. No one believes that.
When you can name your entire constituency...you don't have much of a constituency.

Yes, those 8 people are the ONLY 8 black Republicans...........................

How do you even manage to get through the day?

Why do you even want blacks? According to you....

They also don't like

Not being criminals
Raising their own damned children
Staying Sober
Being Productive members of society


swimming, they hate swimming.

I'm not a Republican, so it's not a matter of what I want. It's a matter of fact, there are Black Republicans.

Apparently 5 of them...still living. Thanks for playing.

Let's assume for a moment that you are correct and the Republican Party is purposely alienating black voters. how is that fundamentally ANY different than the Democratic Party purposely alienating white male Christian voters?
Black people arent white Christians and the Dems won despite white christians.
Yes, those 8 people are the ONLY 8 black Republicans...........................

How do you even manage to get through the day?
Actually three of them are dead

You are running out of black Republicans

MLK wasn't a republican:

And the funny thing is, what have the Dems given the black community after 30+ years? Enslavement, out of wedlock births, bad education that keeps them ignorant and unemployable, and a culture that glorifies violence and sexual promiscuity.
If the organized black community hasn't figured out they're being used by the Dems then why should the GOP bother with them?

King was not a partisan and never endorsed any political candidate. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Contrast that to "black leaders " today and tell me if you can spot the difference

Well, Condi Rice is bound to the GOP...so is Michael Steele...
For some reason they keep leaving out Colin Powell
He supported the POTUS so we know why.

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