Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full

Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.

Well, the link is "discredited" because it's nothing more than the same old history revisionism that's posted here everyday.

It doesn't come close to answering the question I asked, all it does is repeats the same tired "Republicans loved black people in the 60s" memes.
That and the fact that the Republicans that existed back then were called liberals.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

Fox News has purchased many blacks. Watching them talk about Blacks is a learning experience.
This article sums it up quite nicely.


Black people understand that ANY Black person who aligns him or herself with the conservative cause has to be either an idiot or suffer from a severe character flaw. Sound crazy? Okay, well tell me this, how do you feel about Americans who align themselves with Al Qaeda? It’s the exact same rationale.

Black people have centuries of experience in dealing with White conservatives. We know whose grinnin’ in our face during the day, and then riding around under sheets at night. So Black people have long since recognized what many White liberals are just beginning to see – that the modern Republican Party is the domestic enemy of the United States.

Read more at Beneath the Spin Dr. Ben Carson is Revealing Himself to be an Idiot Savant
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A Black Conservative's Call to Free the Slaves fr…:

I love this post.^^^^^

Watching people misunderstand the laws of America made for the people, by the people and consider it "RACE BASED" is epic to this thread and old news to many.

America created welfare for the TRUELY NEEDY. Not the LAZY SLOTH. Welfare was for blind people. Welfare was for people that just lost their job so they can keep their home until they get a new job. Welfare was meant to be temporary............Then NAFTA ...........when the Industrial Nation of the USA was outsourced and the Industrial workers were seen as "Useless employee's" and they got jobs at places like McDonalds and WalMart.

These former Industrial workers are now seen as "Lazy People".

Meanwhile the average age of McDonalds workers rose to 36 or so and WalMart Documentaries expose that they are told to hand out information on WELFARE when employee's ask for a raise. Anyone with a small brain can see that if these Corporate leaders paid their team that helped them earn that profit, things would be much different. The CEO's can still be very very rich if they pay their employee's a competitive wage. They just can't make the top 10 richest bone heads in the world awards.

McDonalds and WalMart LOVE welfare.


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Welfare has nothing to do with blacks.

Everyone wants to stop WELFARE FRAUD.

Only some want to end Welfare. In perspective. We recently cut foodstamps to the blind because America thinks everyone on welfare is black and raping the system.

I'm fully aware that more blacks do abuse the system, but having the perspective that welfare is a "black only" topic is ignorance to why AMERICA, WE THE PEOPLE, voted it to be there in the first place.

Watching KOCH brothers buy morons spreading youtube video's of a couple black people admitting to fraud and seeing a nation turn their back on the truly needy is ignorance. I live around lot's of white people that abuse the system, mostly bikers. They get 1% Lawyers to ensure they get welfare when they aren't handicapped at all.

When I see people with down syndrome work and my biker neighbor stays at home watching Fox News all day collecting welfare and they say, "blacks are the problem"..............it's time for a more serious discussion.

Note, I live in red state America. I have 3 white people on the same block that are, "more disabled than someone with down syndrome and/or cerebral palsy". I even called the national hotline on a trash (white) family member that is abusing the system because she is friends with a doctor.

But once a 1% doctor says you are disabled.........you can get welfare.
Black people are going to vote for the party that gives them opportunity to participate equally in the American dream. Republicans basically paint themselves as the polar opposite of that idea.
Sorry but under which party have blacks seen declines in household income, household wealth, and employment? Yeah, that's the Democrat Party. Unless your idea of the American Dream is lots of free shit you're in the wrong party.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
As a black person and an active member of a black Christian church your OP is pretty much targeted dead center at me.

With that said, I can tell you this, although we're not too enthused with the whole gay marriage thing, we aren't appalled by it either, and we certainly AREN'T even THINKING about running to the GOP. That party simply doesn't speak to us, not in its current form at least. In fact, we mostly feel that its actively against us with their seemingly racist rhetoric and voter suppression tactics. You people have A LOT of work to do, if you're hoping to have blacks come to your party in any significant numbers.
It's a damn shame you people are incapable of obtaining FREE identification cards to present at the Polls. It's a damn shame.
Actually three of them are dead

You are running out of black Republicans

MLK wasn't a republican:

And the funny thing is, what have the Dems given the black community after 30+ years? Enslavement, out of wedlock births, bad education that keeps them ignorant and unemployable, and a culture that glorifies violence and sexual promiscuity.
If the organized black community hasn't figured out they're being used by the Dems then why should the GOP bother with them?

King was not a partisan and never endorsed any political candidate. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Contrast that to "black leaders " today and tell me if you can spot the difference

Well, Condi Rice is bound to the GOP...so is Michael Steele...
For some reason they keep leaving out Colin Powell

Probably because that n!gger showed his true colors when he went from being a conservative Republican to being an Obama acolyte for no other reason than Obama's skin color.

That should embarrass every black person out there, but it doesn't.

Imagine if a well known white liberal male had flopped sides because he did NOT want to vote for a black man in 2008... Just as disgusting.

See, you can't even see the racism...
Give em some rope and they find the nearest tree

Come on republicans......tell us again why blacks won't vote Republican
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
As a black person and an active member of a black Christian church your OP is pretty much targeted dead center at me.

With that said, I can tell you this, although we're not too enthused with the whole gay marriage thing, we aren't appalled by it either, and we certainly AREN'T even THINKING about running to the GOP. That party simply doesn't speak to us, not in its current form at least. In fact, we mostly feel that its actively against us with their seemingly racist rhetoric and voter suppression tactics. You people have A LOT of work to do, if you're hoping to have blacks come to your party in any significant numbers.
It's a damn shame you people are incapable of obtaining FREE identification cards to present at the Polls. It's a damn shame.
Where do you go for those free cards? What documentation is required to get one?
By the way Candy, why did you avoid my question?

What would you have said if in 2008 a well known white liberal had said "I'm not voting for a black man" and had voted Republican?

Because it's a stupid question perhaps???

I imagine that did happen quite often which is why it was even as close as it was in the Obama Landslide of 08. What would I have said?

I probably would have said "LOL...you're as ignorant as SmarterThanTheAverageBear, you two should become gay lovers if you aren't already and buy a trailer in Saskatchewan."
Black people are going to vote for the party that gives them opportunity to participate equally in the American dream. Republicans basically paint themselves as the polar opposite of that idea.
Sorry but under which party have blacks seen declines in household income, household wealth, and employment? Yeah, that's the Democrat Party. Unless your idea of the American Dream is lots of free shit you're in the wrong party.
For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?

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