Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Let's assume for a moment that you are correct and the Republican Party is purposely alienating black voters. how is that fundamentally ANY different than the Democratic Party purposely alienating white male Christian voters?

Hardly a fair comparison. It's not like 90+% of white, male voters go Republican. The alienation meme is more like wishful thinking that the Reps may once again see a presidential majority.

I was considering how to phrase exactly what you just said... The only thing I would add is that the Pelosi brand of liberalism is pretty much what the Dems have to start to move away from. There is a place for liberalism in the nation...nbetter ot only because the GOP makes the alternative so repugnant but because people want better and the GOP is the party of 1950 when the nation wasn't better for a large segment of the population.

Again; as Obama said in 2008.
If you want to go forward, you put the car in D.
If you want to go backward, put the car in R.

It basically is that simple when you go into a voting booth (in national elections).
If you're in a ditch the way out is to go backwards.
If your economy sucks because Democrats have enacted onerous programs you vote the fuckers out and get some conservative GOP candidates in there.
Pretty simple.
Most people dont mix up D and R. Then again, most people dont mix up dick and pussy.

Gee another Rabbi thead that veers unexpectedly into talk about genitals. Almost everyone saw it coming.

Economy has added jobs month after month for a while now with maybe some set backs. Economy expanding, IPOs taking place again. Dow up. OBL dead, GM alive.
The majority of people think the recesson never ended. And for them, it never did. Take off the 1% that Democrats represent and the rest of the country looks mired in stagnation and recession.

Can you figure out of Reince Preibus is a man or a woman without a diagram yet?
Thats because the recession ending doesnt help your own personal economy. Stop whining and find some work.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
I dont see any confederate Black soldiers. There are no verifiable dates or anything. How can you prove these are authentic? Yes please continue to post more if you have some that are verifiable.

I ain't your errand boy - the ball is in your court - do your own footwork

Here's a clue for you - if you right click on an image you'll get an option "copy image url" do that and from there you can ascertain the page of each image - If you're too friggin lazy - oh well thats not my problem.

Here's one for you ..[below] domain would be .petersburgexpress.com that's not too complex for you now is it ?

That looks like an old black guy dress up in rags with medals. where is the proof he was a fighting soilder and not a servant forced under pain of a loved ones death to accompany the slave master into war?

Okay Asclepias - your stay of execution has expired You're up Pal - put up or shut up


Lets start with the first photo - whatcha got Pal .? .. nada ... there were no Black Confederate soldiers as per you --- okay so I guess this is a fake News Story right ?
I didnt say there were zero confederate soldiers. I said you dont have any proof they were anything but servants forced to help. I already addressed this story. "Gives the following incident..."? Come on dude thats not reporting. Thats passing on a confederate supporters acccount. No one believes that.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
Republicans have convinced African Americans that they want to turn back the clock to the days of slavery and Jim Crow. I got a message for them. It aint happenin on my watch.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.

So, in other words, you think black people are too stupid to see that they're being tricked by liberals?

You should tell that to the next black person you meet, and see what they say.
Yeah, they like the idea of a political party that refers to all young black men as "thugs". How can they resist?

not true, but lets say it is- who has caused damage to millions of Black's since the 60's? That's right the great society, welfare and slavery to gubmint checks... all dems fault.

How have those programs "caused damage to millions of Blacks"?

Be specific.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
Republicans have convinced African Americans that they want to turn back the clock to the days of slavery and Jim Crow. I got a message for them. It aint happenin on my watch.
Bull. Democrats have bought their votes.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
Republicans have convinced African Americans that they want to turn back the clock to the days of slavery and Jim Crow. I got a message for them. It aint happenin on my watch.
Bull. Democrats have bought their votes.
Repubs have put out a sign that says they dont want to do business with Blacks.

Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
Republicans have convinced African Americans that they want to turn back the clock to the days of slavery and Jim Crow. I got a message for them. It aint happenin on my watch.
Bull. Democrats have bought their votes.
Repubs have put out a sign that says they dont want to do business with Blacks.


Black Republican candidate explains why Democrat policies hurt black families so much The Right Scoop -
Maybe a little here and there, but I don't see much changing for quite a while.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists. So, they evidently think that blacks will just gravitate to them because they're tired of Democrats. I don't see that happening to any large extent. The GOP can't just stand there with a come-hither look. They have to actually DO something.

Nothing of significance happens unless and until the GOP grows some stones and calls the Democrats out for the damage they've done.

Not holding my breath on that one.

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

It's 2014.
The very same Corporations that ran our Country use to do the very same thing to "White Folk" during the Great Depression. I don't think the learning process is as hard today as it once was. Today we see rich people saying, "You are only poor because of welfare and entitlement programs". The few with brains remember why we voted these bills into law........

A blind manwoman is not/was not entitled to anything. Until...........We The People.....decided to help that blind person through taxation. I openly admit I will submit my taxation so a blind man/woman can survive.

This isn't "Welfare" this is either "Christian common decency" or "Humanity"

The people who receive funding for welfare who are manipulating the system aren't in a party, they are LAZY AMERICANS.

IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT it generally takes a Lawyer to prove they are "disabled" and Lawyers are part of the top 1%. (and doctors)

Watching the people fight for their own poverty is 2014 just like the Great Depression. Because people DO NOT want to learn beyond a single topic.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
Republicans have convinced African Americans that they want to turn back the clock to the days of slavery and Jim Crow. I got a message for them. It aint happenin on my watch.
Bull. Democrats have bought their votes.
no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full


Are you under the impression that that op-ed has anything to do with the question I asked?
no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full

Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.
no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full

Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.

Well, the link is "discredited" because it's nothing more than the same old history revisionism that's posted here everyday.

It doesn't come close to answering the question I asked, all it does is repeats the same tired "Republicans loved black people in the 60s" memes.

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