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Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

No. Hillary will get nearly the same numbers as Obama and whomever you guys run will get next to no support. You've earned it.
Hillary?....Please...You are a feminist. You believe in your heart of hearts that a woman in the Oval Office is some kind of moral imperative.
A woman? Sure. Just not Hillary.
The country has had it's fill of far left wing politicians and policies. Mrs Clinton is a far left wing politician. A person who watched her husband cheat on her, humiliate her. Yet for purely political gain she stayed with her husband.
What kind of woman ( other than a blind to the facts subservient mousey housewife type or militant feminist) would want a woman who essentially threw her dignity to the wind?
You claim the electorate is majority female. and in doing so imply that women will vote in lockstep for a woman based solely on gender. You insult the intelligence of every independent thinking woman in the country.
Hillary Clinton has so many skeletons in her closet, that she needs a new wing on her Westchester County mansion.
Do you really think Whitewater, Vince Foster, her anti military stance, Hillary care, Benghazi, having resigned her cabinet position, etc are going to go unnoticed should she run?
Keep wishing. In any event even if by some lightning bolt from the blue she somehow wins the White House, she faces an uphill battle with the potential of both Houses of Congress being GOP majority.
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
Yes they did...because Obama is Democrat and Black voters are overwhelmingly Democrat. Did you expect them to vote Republican? :rofl:

They voted for him cuz he's black. They'll vote for a cop-killing, butt-reaming asshole if he's pigment-challenged.
And you wonder why the blacks has issues with rwer's?

That's a circular argument.
Being honest about the situation doesn't work with the black folks you want to oppress and subjugate, so your obvious course if action is to lie your asses off.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

They've overwhelmingly voted for pretty much any democratic presidential candidate for quite a while. Kerry, the whitest guy I know, got only a slightly lower percentage of the black vote than Obama.

What Obama did for blacks, however, is mobilize them. With significantly higher turn outs by blacks in both 2008 and 2012. I doubt you'll see quite the same turn out in 2016. But its extremely likely you'll see similar percentages of blacks voting democrat.
How has that mobilization made them any better off?

In comparison to what? I think you're going to have a very hard time convincing most blacks that republicans give a fiddler's fuck about them. Or have any interest in improving the lives of black folks. The recession was pretty brutal, especially to blacks. And it began before Obama took office. Making the 'obama's policies made their situation worse' angle a bit of a hard sell.

Blacks are unlikely to go anywhere. As there's only one party advocating for them, and that's the democrats. Republicans might as well be called the 'white wing party'. With a full 87% of Romney voters being white. That wasn't a coincidence.
White wing party..of course that is a perception on your part.
You conveniently forget that but for the suburban white moderate vote, Obama is a mere footnote in the political history of this country.
Meaning, despite the mobilization of black voters in 2008 and 2012 who voted in virtual lockstep for "the black man", it still would not have been enough.
Now, insert a candidate such as Dr Carter or another prominent minority GOP candidate to which blacks can relate, and the theory of black equals go for the "D" goes out the window.
When black culture changes for the better more of them will start becoming republican. Unfortunately I don't see that happening soon.

ooooor maybe republicans can present issues important to AA's?
Which issues might those be? More "this is what government can do for you because everyone owes you something"?
That is the exclusive province of democrats. THEY are the party of "don't worry about doing anything to help yourself. After all you are all victims of an evil, unfair and racist system. We are here to help you get even with that system."
When black culture changes for the better more of them will start becoming republican. Unfortunately I don't see that happening soon.

Asians are extremely well educated and generally a wealthy demographic overall and yet 2/3 of them still vote Democratic.
Most wealthy educated Asians live in urban areas. There is little in the way of opposition to entrenched democrats
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
So you think black people are too stupid to figure out ways to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves? This is why you are a Democrat. Democrats: The Party of Slaveowners.
Evidence coming from the mouths of RWrs such as yourself seem to indicate that it is YOU who think black people "are too stupid."
Obviously Democrats do, or they wouldn't have nominated Obama , considering the fact they knew he was unqualified.

But he was clean with no negro dialect.

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Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
Yes they did...because Obama is Democrat and Black voters are overwhelmingly Democrat. Did you expect them to vote Republican? :rofl:

They voted for him cuz he's black. They'll vote for a cop-killing, butt-reaming asshole if he's pigment-challenged.
And you wonder why the blacks has issues with rwer's?

That's a circular argument.
Being honest about the situation doesn't work with the black folks you want to oppress and subjugate, so your obvious course if action is to lie your asses off.
Who doesn't that is a politician? Even Mittens turned blue from spinning so fast...
As long as Democrats can lie blacks will vote for them.
And as long as Republicans can lie White males will vote for them.

But the interesting question is why have the Asians and Jews cast their lot with the democrats? Could these brilliant citizens know something you don't?
White males?

Phfffft. Seems to me you can tell blacks anything as long as it's racism, and they'll believe the worst.

But most "White Males" these days seem to like a straight-shooter that won't bullshit them. Blacks seem to relish in a bullshiter who only tells them bullshit they want to hear. Same goes for just about every so-called minority. Their inherent prejudice overrules their sense of right or wrong.
Why is this all true today?
Because Democrats are telling minorities their problems were caused by the White Man, not dishonest Democrats in Washington.
White Males
used to be like this back in the 50s and 60s, but that was back when White Males were mostly DEMOCRATS.

Seems to me that most of the racists either died or stayed in the Democratic Party, while the non-racists got tired of Democrat nonsense or simply learned that they were being lied to through first-hand experience and switched parties.

You obviously do not know any Blacks.
As long as Democrats can lie blacks will vote for them.
Do you think that republicans are truthful? Would you like to buy a nice bridge, cheap?
It's amazing that you accept outright lies from your party and your only defense is "They both lie".
When we discover liars and cheats we get rid of them. You guys celebrate them. You all praise their imagination and their cleverness for tricking people into voting Democrat. It's what is called getting out the vote. Then once they're in office and they're caught red-handed pulling a fast one you defend them by claiming it's what they all do, or we're just making up scandals.
I am just being realistic. To tell you the truth, I have lived in Europe for the last 20 years and barely give a shit.
well stay in U-rope and out of our politics, actually i find it hard to believe a liberfool like you would admit to the "truth" :up:
Another idiot heard from. Just shows how little you know.
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
Yes they did...because Obama is Democrat and Black voters are overwhelmingly Democrat. Did you expect them to vote Republican? :rofl:

They voted for him cuz he's black. They'll vote for a cop-killing, butt-reaming asshole if he's pigment-challenged.
And you wonder why the blacks has issues with rwer's?

That's a circular argument.
Being honest about the situation doesn't work with the black folks you want to oppress and subjugate, so your obvious course if action is to lie your asses off.
Who doesn't that is a politician? Even Mittens turned blue from spinning so fast...

But current events proved he had his shit together, unlike Obama.
As long as Democrats can lie blacks will vote for them.
And as long as Republicans can lie White males will vote for them.

But the interesting question is why have the Asians and Jews cast their lot with the democrats? Could these brilliant citizens know something you don't?
White males?

Phfffft. Seems to me you can tell blacks anything as long as it's racism, and they'll believe the worst.

But most "White Males" these days seem to like a straight-shooter that won't bullshit them. Blacks seem to relish in a bullshiter who only tells them bullshit they want to hear. Same goes for just about every so-called minority. Their inherent prejudice overrules their sense of right or wrong.
Why is this all true today?
Because Democrats are telling minorities their problems were caused by the White Man, not dishonest Democrats in Washington.
White Males
used to be like this back in the 50s and 60s, but that was back when White Males were mostly DEMOCRATS.

Seems to me that most of the racists either died or stayed in the Democratic Party, while the non-racists got tired of Democrat nonsense or simply learned that they were being lied to through first-hand experience and switched parties.

You obviously do not know any Blacks.

Nope, just the ones that live under my roof.
Maybe a little here and there, but I don't see much changing for quite a while.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists. So, they evidently think that blacks will just gravitate to them because they're tired of Democrats. I don't see that happening to any large extent. The GOP can't just stand there with a come-hither look. They have to actually DO something.

Nothing of significance happens unless and until the GOP grows some stones and calls the Democrats out for the damage they've done.

Not holding my breath on that one.


Nothing of significance happens until you chase the racists out of the party. Don't give Democrats the ammunition to begin with.
Which racists are those?
That horse has left the barn and run off.
The lie you people tell yourselves is inside of every Caucasian there is a cross burning racist.
Your side uses the media to further this perception.The lie gets told so many times it goes George Costanza..."It's not a lie, if you believe it"..
The fact is, without an example being placed in front of you with an illustration and text you could not define the term "racist"..
No. all your side does is scream "white = racist"...
Your side's downfall is you have rammed the politics of identity down the throats of Americans and they are sick of it.
This was from another thread but is 100% indicative of the way conservatives think:

The 10 states with the worst quality of life (90% Red States)

To nobody's surprise, nine out of ten states (rated by Yahoo) for poorest quality of life for it's citizens are Red states in the South.

The 10 states with the worst quality of life - Yahoo Finance

Yet each one will be red in the next election or two....(with the possible exception of Arkansas). How Texas missed the list is anyone's guess.

10 Poorest Quality of Life States in the Union

#10 Georgia = 56.3% white; 30.1% black
#9 New Mexico = 40.9% white; 1.7% black
#8 Louisiana = 60.7% white; 31.7% black
#7 South Carolina = 64.3% white; 27.8% black
#6 Oklahoma = 69.1% white; 7.2% black
#5 Tennessee = 75.9% white; 16.5% black
#4 West Virginia = 93.2% white; 3.1% black
#3 Arkansas = 74.8% white; 15.4% black
#2 Alabama = 67.3% white; 26.1% black
#1 Mississippi = 58.2% white; 36.9% black

10 Richest Quality of Life States in the Union

#10 Wisconsin = 83.6% white; 6.1% black
#9 Washington = 73.1% white; 3.4% black
#8 Maine = 94.6% white; 1.0% black
#7 Massachusetts = 76.9%white; 6.1% black
#6 Colorado = 70.3% white; 3.7% black
#5 North Dakota= 89.2% white; 1.0% black
#4 Iowa = 89% white; 2.6% black
#3 Vermont = 94.4% white; 0.8% black
#2 Minnesota = 83.4% white; 4.9% black
#1 New Hampshire = 92.4% white; 1.0% black

Anyone seeing a pattern?

Yep, Black people don't like the cold. I agree with them.

They also don't like

Not being criminals
Raising their own damned children
Staying Sober
Being Productive members of society


swimming, they hate swimming.

And of course, no conservative here will call them out on these idiotic views.

Notwithstanding the silly snark about swimming and the other generalizations, the facts are evident in the statistics which you yourself were the catalyst.
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

The Republic Party points to employment levels among blacks, yet does not offer a single program to help employment in inner cities. The Republic Party will pay for jails in our cities....but not jobs
Who's fault is it blacks vote dem anyway?
Must there be a victim?

No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

No, when they stop thinking like idiots they might discover that Democrats offer free stuff but 9 times out of 10 they never deliver. Then if they can overcome their racist tendencies they might explore other alternatives.

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