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Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Who's fault is it blacks vote dem anyway?
Must there be a victim?

No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group

Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
They might stay home on election day but those that don't will vote Democrat the black vote in my view is locked in Democrat. The irony of this is it really leaves the black community without a party the Republicans don't try to get the black vote anymore seeing as a waste of time and money and the Democrats know they don't have to follow through on there promises because the black vote is not going anywhere.
You are so full 'o shit I'll bet your sweat is greenish brown. How about giving us a clue as to what promises the democrats made to minorities that have not been kept. You do know, don't you?
The only promise democrats CAN keep is the free flow of public assistance.
Democrats campaign in cities where high concentrations of blacks reside and promise jobs and housing. Democrats go to black churches to urge them to take advantage of early voting. This is based in the fear democrats instill in blacks that if they don't go to the polls early, their vote might not count.
Look up "souls to the polls"....democrat operatives pay for buses to take blacks from church directly to the nearest early voting polling place and gleefully give them a ride back.
This happens usually the closest to the last Sunday before early voting closes.
Is it any wonder democrats LOVE early voting? They can manipulate the vote and campaign to the voters( illegal) while in their company right to the polling place.
Who's fault is it blacks vote dem anyway?
Must there be a victim?

No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group

Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
They might stay home on election day but those that don't will vote Democrat the black vote in my view is locked in Democrat. The irony of this is it really leaves the black community without a party the Republicans don't try to get the black vote anymore seeing as a waste of time and money and the Democrats know they don't have to follow through on there promises because the black vote is not going anywhere.
You are so full 'o shit I'll bet your sweat is greenish brown. How about giving us a clue as to what promises the democrats made to minorities that have not been kept. You do know, don't you?
How about the fact Obama and the Democrats promised the black community that they would revitalize the inner city, improve unemployment for blacks especially young black males reduce the crime rate among blacks again especially among young black males improve education in black communities? All of these things are the same or worse than when the Democrats took control in January of 2009 which puts them under the heading of promises not keep you may now deny all of this.

Where is the link that supports your narrative? Put up or shut up!
How long before we just stop responding to your denial posts?
How about now?
"I deny this. Prove it", gets you nowhere here.
Stow it.
Maybe a little here and there, but I don't see much changing for quite a while.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists. So, they evidently think that blacks will just gravitate to them because they're tired of Democrats. I don't see that happening to any large extent. The GOP can't just stand there with a come-hither look. They have to actually DO something.

Nothing of significance happens unless and until the GOP grows some stones and calls the Democrats out for the damage they've done.

Not holding my breath on that one.


Nothing of significance happens until you chase the racists out of the party. Don't give Democrats the ammunition to begin with.
Which racists are those?
That horse has left the barn and run off.
The lie you people tell yourselves is inside of every Caucasian there is a cross burning racist.
Your side uses the media to further this perception.The lie gets told so many times it goes George Costanza..."It's not a lie, if you believe it"..
The fact is, without an example being placed in front of you with an illustration and text you could not define the term "racist"..
No. all your side does is scream "white = racist"...
Your side's downfall is you have rammed the politics of identity down the throats of Americans and they are sick of it.
Not yet.

Some live off of it.
Money beats principle. Blacks get lots of benefits handed to them by Democrats. Democrats exist to extract wealth from whites and transfer it to minorities.
What benefits are handed to Blacks by democrats? Most Democrats are White so what the hell are you rambling about "extracting wealth from whites and transferring it to minorities?" You are way out there, fellow.
"What benefits are handed to Blacks by democrats? "
Yer kidding, right?
Now you are arguing just to argue.
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

No, when they stop thinking like idiots they might discover that Democrats offer free stuff but 9 times out of 10 they never deliver. Then if they can overcome their racist tendencies they might explore other alternatives.

The problem for the Republic Party is that only ten percent of blacks will vote for a Republic candidate. Among othr minorities, it is no higher than 30 percent. Now, the Republic Party can claim it is all about "free stuff', liberal media, ignorant voters or fixed elections

None of that helps you appeal to minority voters. They expect a simple answer....What can the Republic Party do to make my life better?

The answer seems to be nothing
Who's fault is it blacks vote dem anyway?
Must there be a victim?

No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group

Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.

Remember that the next time Harry Reid screams racism on the Senate floor

Strange how you're able to put words in my mouth or discover hidden meaning in short sentences but unable to spot hidden meaning in a title of an article I highlighted yesterday. I think the reason for your suspiciously selective powers of perception comes from compulsive dishonesty.
As one conservative said about Blacks today:

They also don't like

Not being criminals
Raising their own damned children
Staying Sober
Being Productive members of society


I wonder how many conservatives think the same way?
If you have nothing of substance to add to the discussion, be silent.
Your drive by posting here is an insipid bore.
Who's fault is it blacks vote dem anyway?
Must there be a victim?

No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group

Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.

Remember that the next time Harry Reid screams racism on the Senate floor

Remember what? That you shrugged off calling black ignorant because they dont vote repub?

Strange how you're able to put words in my mouth or discover hidden meaning in short sentences but unable to spot hidden meaning in a title of an article I highlighted yesterday. I think the reason for your suspiciously selective powers of perception comes from compulsive dishonesty.

Are you denying something or nah? Did I say something incorrect? Because you're kinda alluding to it but failing to point it out
As long as Democrats can lie blacks will vote for them.

As long as the Republican Party's big tent (ha ha) encourages bigots, racists and misogynists, we can expect they will lose the vote of most minorities and women, as well as most enlightened white men.

How long has the GOP promised social conservatives they would outlaw abortion? How many times has the GOP tried to repeal the PPACA, harming those with preexisting conditions? What has the GOP done to repair our economy (better to ask, why has the GOP roadblocked every effort to repair our economy)?
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

The Republic Party points to employment levels among blacks, yet does not offer a single program to help employment in inner cities. The Republic Party will pay for jails in our cities....but not jobs
They obviously like having black people in cages.
Money beats principle. Blacks get lots of benefits handed to them by Democrats. Democrats exist to extract wealth from whites and transfer it to minorities.
What benefits are handed to Blacks by democrats? Most Democrats are White so what the hell are you rambling about "extracting wealth from whites and transferring it to minorities?" You are way out there, fellow.
"What benefits are handed to Blacks by democrats? "
Yer kidding, right?
Now you are arguing just to argue.
The larger question is....
Why does the Republic Party seek to take away those benefits and what do they propose to replace them with?
Must there be a victim?

No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group

Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.

Remember that the next time Harry Reid screams racism on the Senate floor

Remember what? That you shrugged off calling black ignorant because they dont vote repub?

Strange how you're able to put words in my mouth or discover hidden meaning in short sentences but unable to spot hidden meaning in a title of an article I highlighted yesterday. I think the reason for your suspiciously selective powers of perception comes from compulsive dishonesty.

Are you denying something or nah? Did I say something incorrect? Because you're kinda alluding to it but failing to point it out

Ignorant or racist for voting for a candidate because of what they are, not what they have done.

The Democrats know their base well, but you seem to think knowing this makes a person racist. So what are Democrats if not racist?
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

The Republic Party points to employment levels among blacks, yet does not offer a single program to help employment in inner cities. The Republic Party will pay for jails in our cities....but not jobs
They obviously like having black people in cages.

Please provide a link that proves this Ravi.

As long as Democrats can lie blacks will vote for them.

As long as the Republican Party's big tent (ha ha) encourages bigots, racists and misogynists, we can expect they will lose the vote of most minorities and women, as well as most enlightened white men.

How long has the GOP promised social conservatives they would outlaw abortion? How many times has the GOP tried to repeal the PPACA, harming those with preexisting conditions? What has the GOP done to repair our economy (better to ask, why has the GOP roadblocked every effort to repair our economy)?

When did the Democrats tackle these issues? They have the Whitehouse and the Senate. What's stopping them?

And if you can answer that without lying ask yourself why Republicans can't do shit either?
No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group

Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.

Remember that the next time Harry Reid screams racism on the Senate floor

Remember what? That you shrugged off calling black ignorant because they dont vote repub?

Strange how you're able to put words in my mouth or discover hidden meaning in short sentences but unable to spot hidden meaning in a title of an article I highlighted yesterday. I think the reason for your suspiciously selective powers of perception comes from compulsive dishonesty.

Are you denying something or nah? Did I say something incorrect? Because you're kinda alluding to it but failing to point it out

Ignorant or racist for voting for a candidate because of what they are, not what they have done.

The Democrats know their base well, but you seem to think knowing this makes a person racist. So what are Democrats if not racist?

In contrast to callous conservatives, the Democrats 1) listen to minority concerns; 2) include minorities and women in discussions on solutionss and legislation (D. Issa take notice); and 3) don't characterize and entire race of people by the actions of a few.

D's also look for reasons why the population of minorities in prison far exceeds the national demographic and seeks parity in sentencing.
No but there has to be a reason. Most times the republicans blame the lack of intelligence in blacks as to why they vote dem. Which dont get me wrong is a really attractive ideal but I think calling someone too ignorant to know better as a "reason" isnt attractive to any group

Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.

Remember that the next time Harry Reid screams racism on the Senate floor

Remember what? That you shrugged off calling black ignorant because they dont vote repub?

Strange how you're able to put words in my mouth or discover hidden meaning in short sentences but unable to spot hidden meaning in a title of an article I highlighted yesterday. I think the reason for your suspiciously selective powers of perception comes from compulsive dishonesty.

Are you denying something or nah? Did I say something incorrect? Because you're kinda alluding to it but failing to point it out

Ignorant or racist for voting for a candidate because of what they are, not what they have done.

The Democrats know their base well, but you seem to think knowing this makes a person racist. So what are Democrats if not racist?

Are you still talking to me?
Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.

Remember that the next time Harry Reid screams racism on the Senate floor

Remember what? That you shrugged off calling black ignorant because they dont vote repub?

Strange how you're able to put words in my mouth or discover hidden meaning in short sentences but unable to spot hidden meaning in a title of an article I highlighted yesterday. I think the reason for your suspiciously selective powers of perception comes from compulsive dishonesty.

Are you denying something or nah? Did I say something incorrect? Because you're kinda alluding to it but failing to point it out

Ignorant or racist for voting for a candidate because of what they are, not what they have done.

The Democrats know their base well, but you seem to think knowing this makes a person racist. So what are Democrats if not racist?

In contrast to callous conservatives, the Democrats 1) listen to minority concerns; 2) include minorities and women in discussions on solutionss and legislation (D. Issa take notice); and 3) don't characterize and entire race of people by the actions of a few.

D's also look for reasons why the population of minorities in prison far exceeds the national demographic and seeks parity in sentencing.

Could be something to do with BREAKING THE LAW!!!

Democrats act like they listen but they don't. What they do is get everyone worked up so they can fundraise.

Are you people really stupid enough to listen to a party that lies so blatantly?
Democrats call them too ignorant to get a picture I.D. :dunno:

What you hear and what is said are too different things.

Also, Did you see what you did there? You didnt deny Republicans calling blacks ignorant you sought to excuse it by saying someone else does it too.

Either way, pointing your finger at someone else doesnt absolve you from your behavior.

Remember that the next time Harry Reid screams racism on the Senate floor

Remember what? That you shrugged off calling black ignorant because they dont vote repub?

Strange how you're able to put words in my mouth or discover hidden meaning in short sentences but unable to spot hidden meaning in a title of an article I highlighted yesterday. I think the reason for your suspiciously selective powers of perception comes from compulsive dishonesty.

Are you denying something or nah? Did I say something incorrect? Because you're kinda alluding to it but failing to point it out

Ignorant or racist for voting for a candidate because of what they are, not what they have done.

The Democrats know their base well, but you seem to think knowing this makes a person racist. So what are Democrats if not racist?

Are you still talking to me?

Harness those selective powers of perception and try figuring it out on your own.


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