Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

I would think blacks would abandon the democratic party for the reason of their harrowing struggles as a race being compared to butt sex, legally. I can't really think of a more offensive comparison. Oh sure, the mouthpiece for the democratic party [MSNBC] can line up a bunch of lisping black dudes in pastel lapels who say they're perfectly fine with the comparison. But I assure you the majority of regular black people aren't happy with the comparison. And since the word "democratic party" is now synonymous with "The Gay Agenda", blacks, hispanics and moderates of all walks and descriptions will be doing at least crossover voting this Fall and two from it.

I warned the dems about the Gay Albatross around their necks. And now the stink is driving off even the most loyal of former members.

People tend to think in terms of linear relationships that then come full circle with a conclusion. If dems are the party of the LGBTs and LGBTs have picked a pedophile as their iconic leader [Harvey Milk, a man who sodomized a teen boy while officiating as his father figure/guardian], then, logically, the democratic party is seen as "the party of pedophile-lovers". Or"the party that forced gay marriage/gay adoptions on my state against our Will and ability to protect our orphans".

It's just off-putting. Long story short.
Republicans looted the Treasury and crashed the economy - which Ben Bernanke said was worse than the Great Depression. Plus, two foreign wars and a war on women. So, why would any sane person vote Republican? Most blacks aren't that stupid.

Can you give some details of "looting?" What exactly did they take and what did they do with it?
And as long as Republicans can lie White males will vote for them.

But the interesting question is why have the Asians and Jews cast their lot with the democrats? Could these brilliant citizens know something you don't?
White males?

Phfffft. Seems to me you can tell blacks anything as long as it's racism, and they'll believe the worst.

But most "White Males" these days seem to like a straight-shooter that won't bullshit them. Blacks seem to relish in a bullshiter who only tells them bullshit they want to hear. Same goes for just about every so-called minority. Their inherent prejudice overrules their sense of right or wrong.
Why is this all true today?
Because Democrats are telling minorities their problems were caused by the White Man, not dishonest Democrats in Washington.
White Males
used to be like this back in the 50s and 60s, but that was back when White Males were mostly DEMOCRATS.

Seems to me that most of the racists either died or stayed in the Democratic Party, while the non-racists got tired of Democrat nonsense or simply learned that they were being lied to through first-hand experience and switched parties.

You obviously do not know any Blacks.

Nope, just the ones that live under my roof.
That is what you claim, but your statement suggests otherwise.

Well, you're wrong of course.

Wouldn't be the first time.
Or the last.
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

The Republic Party points to employment levels among blacks, yet does not offer a single program to help employment in inner cities. The Republic Party will pay for jails in our cities....but not jobs

Capitalism is the program that provides jobs. Democrats are bent on destroying it.

Give enough Monkey's enough key boards ... and even bripat can come up with an ironic truth. Yes, Capitalists provide jobs, as an example 98% of the clothes worn by Americans, bought in America, was made in other countries.

95% of all the jobs in this country were created by capitalists. The remaining 5% were created by sucking off the capitalists. We understand that capitalists haven't provided you with a job - at least not directly, but most of us have jobs provided by capitalists. That's why you find it so hard to believe that most jobs don't exist because some crooked politician put some constituents on the government payroll.

Capitalists made money off of every one of those jobs
Obama at his worst is far better than Republicans - for blacks, Hispanics, poor, middle class, gays, and women.

Oh, and the rich have thrived under Obama's leadership.
I would think blacks would abandon the democratic party for the reason of their harrowing struggles as a race being compared to butt sex, legally. I can't really think of a more offensive comparison. Oh sure, the mouthpiece for the democratic party [MSNBC] can line up a bunch of lisping black dudes in pastel lapels who say they're perfectly fine with the comparison. But I assure you the majority of regular black people aren't happy with the comparison. And since the word "democratic party" is now synonymous with "The Gay Agenda", blacks, hispanics and moderates of all walks and descriptions will be doing at least crossover voting this Fall and two from it.

I warned the dems about the Gay Albatross around their necks. And now the stink is driving off even the most loyal of former members.

People tend to think in terms of linear relationships that then come full circle with a conclusion. If dems are the party of the LGBTs and LGBTs have picked a pedophile as their iconic leader [Harvey Milk, a man who sodomized a teen boy while officiating as his father figure/guardian], then, logically, the democratic party is seen as "the party of pedophile-lovers". Or"the party that forced gay marriage/gay adoptions on my state against our Will and ability to protect our orphans".

It's just off-putting. Long story short.

So Republicans will regain the black vote on a "We hate fags" platform
The Dems with all their flaws are a way better party than the Reps. Personally I would encourage all Blacks to register as independents so no one knows which way you are going to vote. I bet that would light a fire under everyones ass.
Republicans looted the Treasury and crashed the economy - which Ben Bernanke said was worse than the Great Depression. Plus, two foreign wars and a war on women. So, why would any sane person vote Republican? Most blacks aren't that stupid.
For some reason i suspect the above issues don't play on their minds.
Everyone knows the war on women doesn't exist, unless they want to attack Sarah Palin again. Besides, who's knocking out their ole ladies in elevators these days?
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Republicans looted the Treasury and crashed the economy - which Ben Bernanke said was worse than the Great Depression. Plus, two foreign wars and a war on women. So, why would any sane person vote Republican? Most blacks aren't that stupid.

Shut up moron

Seriously, you add nothing of value to any conversation. BOTH parties loot the treasury and both parties fight foreign wars and neither party has a "war on women"

I agree. Shitter thinks the sun rises and sets on Obama and the Dems.

Why do blacks vote Dem??

Easy. They've been turned into slaves to Welfare. Seventy percent of black inner city births are illegitimate kids. All raised on Welfare.

Blacks vote for the easy way out. No need to work or have your baby's daddy support his kids when the taxpayers of America are forced to do so.

I doubt blacks will ever vote Rep. It would be against their own self interest.
Obama at his worst is far better than Republicans - for blacks, Hispanics, poor, middle class, gays, and women.

Oh, and the rich have thrived under Obama's leadership.

Proving you are an idiot, even the NAACP recognizes that blacks are worse off now than they were when Obama took office

NAACP President Black People Worse Off Under Obama American Renaissance

Many people are worse off - thanks to Bush. He fucked us really long time.
Obama at his worst is far better than Republicans - for blacks, Hispanics, poor, middle class, gays, and women.

Oh, and the rich have thrived under Obama's leadership.

Proving you are an idiot, even the NAACP recognizes that blacks are worse off now than they were when Obama took office

NAACP President Black People Worse Off Under Obama American Renaissance

Only people with low intelligence lack the ability to see into the future. Sometimes you have to take some steps back in order to go forward. With the mess Bush left us in Obama has worked miracles keeping us afloat. The Obama administration is the best thing since sliced bread for Black people.
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Obama at his worst is far better than Republicans - for blacks, Hispanics, poor, middle class, gays, and women.

Oh, and the rich have thrived under Obama's leadership.

Proving you are an idiot, even the NAACP recognizes that blacks are worse off now than they were when Obama took office

NAACP President Black People Worse Off Under Obama American Renaissance

Only people with low intelligence lack the ability to see into the future. Sometimes you have to take some steps back in order to go forward. With the mess Bush left us in Obama has worked miracles keeping us afloat. The Obama administration is the best thing since sliced bread for Black people.

Uh yeah right... You racist clowns keep telling yourself that. Obama is the WORST thing to ever happen to black people. So many intelligent, passionate, sincere blacks to choose from and you went all in on that clown as the first black President, OF COURSE you have to support him now, but the truth is he's set blacks back a hundred years.
As one conservative said about Blacks today:

They also don't like

Not being criminals
Raising their own damned children
Staying Sober
Being Productive members of society


I wonder how many conservatives think the same way?
If you have nothing of substance to add to the discussion, be silent.
Your drive by posting here is an insipid bore.

I see no denials yet...

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

Republican efforts to suppress the vote probably obviates any issues with Obama for blacks.

The Republican Party has continuously won a lower share of the minority vote for much of the past decade. Until the party figures that out - and most Republicans here have not - then all minorities, including blacks, won't abandon the Democrats any time soon.
In fact suppressing the black vote has worked so well for Republicans that now they are trying it on Hispanics.
Obama at his worst is far better than Republicans - for blacks, Hispanics, poor, middle class, gays, and women.

Oh, and the rich have thrived under Obama's leadership.

Proving you are an idiot, even the NAACP recognizes that blacks are worse off now than they were when Obama took office

NAACP President Black People Worse Off Under Obama American Renaissance

Only people with low intelligence lack the ability to see into the future. Sometimes you have to take some steps back in order to go forward. With the mess Bush left us in Obama has worked miracles keeping us afloat. The Obama administration is the best thing since sliced bread for Black people.

Uh yeah right... You racist clowns keep telling yourself that. Obama is the WORST thing to ever happen to black people. So many intelligent, passionate, sincere blacks to choose from and you went all in on that clown as the first black President, OF COURSE you have to support him now, but the truth is he's set blacks back a hundred years.

In 1914 Jim Crow was solidified across all states in the south. Sorry but Obama is the BEST thing to happen to Black people. At the very least, Black people that had no hope now do and follow his example of working hard to get where you are going. They also follow his example of a great family man. When you become Black and have a large following only then can you tell black people how bad Obama was for Black people and expect Black people to take you seriously.
Republicans looted the Treasury and crashed the economy - which Ben Bernanke said was worse than the Great Depression. Plus, two foreign wars and a war on women. So, why would any sane person vote Republican? Most blacks aren't that stupid.

Shut up moron

Seriously, you add nothing of value to any conversation. BOTH parties loot the treasury and both parties fight foreign wars and neither party has a "war on women"

I agree. Shitter thinks the sun rises and sets on Obama and the Dems.

Why do blacks vote Dem??

Easy. They've been turned into slaves to Welfare. Seventy percent of black inner city births are illegitimate kids. All raised on Welfare.

Blacks vote for the easy way out. No need to work or have your baby's daddy support his kids when the taxpayers of America are forced to do so.

I doubt blacks will ever vote Rep. It would be against their own self interest.
Blacks will never vote Republican because this is how Republicans think.
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

The Republic Party points to employment levels among blacks, yet does not offer a single program to help employment in inner cities. The Republic Party will pay for jails in our cities....but not jobs

Capitalism is the program that provides jobs. Democrats are bent on destroying it.

Give enough Monkey's enough key boards ... and even bripat can come up with an ironic truth. Yes, Capitalists provide jobs, as an example 98% of the clothes worn by Americans, bought in America, was made in other countries.

95% of all the jobs in this country were created by capitalists. The remaining 5% were created by sucking off the capitalists. We understand that capitalists haven't provided you with a job - at least not directly, but most of us have jobs provided by capitalists. That's why you find it so hard to believe that most jobs don't exist because some crooked politician put some constituents on the government payroll.

That you make up numbers does nothing to rehab your lack of credibility. Do you actually believe anyone believes your bullshit?

Many jobs are created by elected officials and funded by taxpayers. Many small businesses are started with loans from the Small Business Administration, and there are millions of Americans employed by the Federal, State, Town, City governments + special districts (water, sewage, schools, etc.).

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