Will Brutal Dismantling Of Zuccotti Park Strengthen OWS Movement?

It could if they get it together and stop shitting on cars and streets. Right now they're losing much of the support they may have had early on. They need to get their nutters under control or they risk losing it all. I actually agree with some of their message. The Government & Corporations have been screwing the People for far too long. So their message is a pretty sound one and worth supporting but they have to get the nutters out of it. Just ditch the hardcore Anarchists,Communists,and Shitters. If they do that,they might just survive.

It's always good to distinguish the message from the messenger, especially when splinter groups and mixed messages apply. Too many mixed signals and misinformation to take everything at face value. The last thing I want is more Government to Dictate to us.

Mayor Bloomberg: OWS Eviction Decision Was "Mine And Mine Alone": Gothamist

Up yours, Bloomberg!

As late as this action came, it is one of the best and most decisive to date.
I appreciate what these young OWS patriots are trying to do. Their collective voice is being heard around the world.

I just looked up the word "oxymoron" in the dictionary. It gave an example of the definition as "OWS Patriots".

I thought you left wingnuts were against the whole concept of "patriotism"?

The OWS squatters are to patriotism what Barack Obama is to honesty and integrity.

Why don't you concentrate on figuring out how to properly spell the word "Lakota", aka the Sioux. Leftist moron.
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I appreciate what these young OWS patriots are trying to do. Their collective voice is being heard around the world.

Patriots. > Now that is the funniest thing I heard all day.

The same people who shit on our American flag:cuckoo:
Sexual Assults
Violence ie shootings, sexual assaults
That is just to name a few. If you think these people are patriots. I would hate to see what a criminal looks like in your eyes:cuckoo:
I appreciate what these young OWS patriots are trying to do. Their collective voice is being heard around the world.

I just looked up the word "oxymoron" in the dictionary. It gave an example of the definition as "OWS Patriots".

I thought you left wingnuts were against the whole concept of "patriotism"?

The OWS squatters are to patriotism what Barack Obama is to honesty and integrity.

Why don't you concentrate on figuring out how to properly spell the word "Lakota", aka the Sioux. Leftist moron.

Oh, goodie, another uninformed Pilgrim...

Lakhóta/Dahkóta/Nahkóta (Sioux) Literature

As late as this action came, it is one of the best and most decisive to date.

For a guy who, on a daily basis, has difficulty deciding what color of socks he should wear, because he's afraid of hurting the feelings of the other socks in the drawer, this is quite a bold move by the billionaire mayor.

Bloomberg must have finally had enough of the stench of poop and urine and spunk and marijuana and crystal meth chemicals, and the screams of rape victims, permeating his mayoral office.

Well done, Mikey!
I appreciate what these young OWS patriots are trying to do. Their collective voice is being heard around the world.

I just looked up the word "oxymoron" in the dictionary. It gave an example of the definition as "OWS Patriots".

I thought you left wingnuts were against the whole concept of "patriotism"?

The OWS squatters are to patriotism what Barack Obama is to honesty and integrity.

Why don't you concentrate on figuring out how to properly spell the word "Lakota", aka the Sioux. Leftist moron.

Oh, goodie, another uninformed Pilgrim...

Lakhóta/Dahkóta/Nahkóta (Sioux) Literature

The COMMON spelling is L-A-K-O-T-A. Are you having problems assimilating into our society, Sitting Bull (shit)? :lol::lol::lol:
I appreciate what these young OWS patriots are trying to do. Their collective voice is being heard around the world.

So it's patriotic to want to overthrow the Constitution and Republic now?
I just hate to see peaceful young patriots treated like Palestinians. Is Bloomberg using Netanyahu's playbook?

Do you have any idea how disconnected the OWS movement is from mainstream Americans. Your constant belief in this movement is naive. Use the same logic as the left used when determining the Tea Party is racists and one could make a convincing argument that this movement of hippies living in shanties throughout this countries' cities represents sex offenders and other such variety of criminals.

You are delusional.
I just hate to see peaceful young patriots treated like Palestinians. Is Bloomberg using Netanyahu's playbook?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: If Palestinians are so peaceful why did they murder a jewish family including a 2 month old baby in Israel. Your mind is demented dude. To many drugs I suspect.
I just looked up the word "oxymoron" in the dictionary. It gave an example of the definition as "OWS Patriots".

I thought you left wingnuts were against the whole concept of "patriotism"?

The OWS squatters are to patriotism what Barack Obama is to honesty and integrity.

Why don't you concentrate on figuring out how to properly spell the word "Lakota", aka the Sioux. Leftist moron.

Oh, goodie, another uninformed Pilgrim...

Lakhóta/Dahkóta/Nahkóta (Sioux) Literature

The COMMON spelling is L-A-K-O-T-A. Are you having problems assimilating into our society, Sitting Bull (shit)? :lol::lol::lol:

COMMON to whom - whites? Just read the link I gave you...
Yea i have to say there has been no "Brutal Dismantling" of anything thus far. It went to the courts and it was ruled on. They can still protest there but they can no longer bring their tents and camp out. So i think this OP is being a tad bit over-dramatic. But he or she does have passion so i'll cut em some slack.
I suspect the legal battle is far from over.

I love your signature,

I wish you fucks would have kept Obama to yourselves. We didn't deserve this shit.

Enjoy the Delusions.

Yep. I believe Obama has caused more pain and suffering than he has ever been given credit for.

To be fair, I think this people would be feeling pain regardless who was in the White House. The fact is, we the people have been corrupt for too long. We need to humble ourselves and repent or we are going to be going through alot more pain than we need to.
I just hate to see peaceful young patriots treated like Palestinians. Is Bloomberg using Netanyahu's playbook?

Since when do peaceful people engage in violence, rape, and vandalism?
I love your signature,

I wish you fucks would have kept Obama to yourselves. We didn't deserve this shit.

Enjoy the Delusions.

Yep. I believe Obama has caused more pain and suffering than he has ever been given credit for.

To be fair, I think this people would be feeling pain regardless who was in the White House. The fact is, we the people have been corrupt for too long. We need to humble ourselves and repent or we are going to be going through alot more pain than we need to.

Amen! Good to hear some sanity from the right.

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