Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

What wishful thinking? That Comey can provide any evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing BEFORE the election?
You're likely correct; he won't.
Yeah....uh.....Hitlery's long history of wrongdoing has been provided to the American people for about 30 years now.

I've really come to despise her. It seems to me that everything that comes out of her big mouth is nothing but lies, and her followers are all such pushovers. Pisses me off sometimes. Lol.
What wishful thinking? That Comey can provide any evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing BEFORE the election?
You're likely correct; he won't.
Yeah....uh.....Hitlery's long history of wrongdoing has been provided to the American people for about 30 years now.

I've really come to despise her. It seems to me that everything that comes out of her big mouth is nothing but lies, and her followers are all such pushovers. Pisses me off sometimes. Lol.
You and me both! She's one of the most repulsive people that America has ever produced. Sadly, so is Trump.
What wishful thinking? That Comey can provide any evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing BEFORE the election?
You're likely correct; he won't.
Yeah....uh.....Hitlery's long history of wrongdoing has been provided to the American people for about 30 years now.

I've really come to despise her. It seems to me that everything that comes out of her big mouth is nothing but lies, and her followers are all such pushovers. Pisses me off sometimes. Lol.
You and me both! She's one of the most repulsive people that America has ever produced. Sadly, so is Trump.

Trump has a big stupid mouth and is an arrogant prick. Hillary has a bad track record with enough scandals to fill an entire page.
Hillary reset our relationship and Obama was more flexible with Putin.
Now, suddenly, Putin is a bad guy? That's hilarious!!!
If he's so bad, why were Hillary and Obama kissing his butt?
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.
Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
Probably old fashioned politics.

LOLFOTF! How naive you are.
As i said, old fashioned politics.
So tell me, since that RT video "slip" back in March 2012, what flexibility has Obama demonstrated to the Russians, other than being a leader in imposing economic sanctions on Russia since 2014?

As i said, old fashioned politics.

Yes, Clinton and Obama kissing Putin's ass was their old fashioned politics.
What wishful thinking? That Comey can provide any evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing BEFORE the election?
You're likely correct; he won't.
Yeah....uh.....Hitlery's long history of wrongdoing has been provided to the American people for about 30 years now.
Politics & "wrongdoing" (i.e., "don't like it") are related. It's the American way (as in other countries), like football's "Just win, baby".
Trump is no angel either; he lies more than Hillary.

However, we also have laws.
Hillary has never been convicted of any crime, has she?
Just like Trump, who pays no taxes ... legally!
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.
Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
Probably old fashioned politics.

LOLFOTF! How naive you are.
As i said, old fashioned politics.
So tell me, since that RT video "slip" back in March 2012, what flexibility has Obama demonstrated to the Russians, other than being a leader in imposing economic sanctions on Russia since 2014?

Yes, Clinton and Obama kissing Putin's ass was their old fashioned politics.

You call economic sanctions "kissing Putin's ass"? You seem clueless.
Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
Probably old fashioned politics.

LOLFOTF! How naive you are.
As i said, old fashioned politics.
So tell me, since that RT video "slip" back in March 2012, what flexibility has Obama demonstrated to the Russians, other than being a leader in imposing economic sanctions on Russia since 2014?

Yes, Clinton and Obama kissing Putin's ass was their old fashioned politics.

You call economic sanctions "kissing Putin's ass"? You seem clueless.

No, I call their behavior 2009-2012 kissing Putin's ass.
How did their smooch fest benefit the US? Or the world?
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

I seriously doubt it. Voters already made up their minds. We have been bombarded with these damn emails since last year. Americans are so sick hearing these emails.
I'm very confident Hillary will win.
Of course the left wants to blame everyone other than their own leaders when things go sideways. But James Comey is not to blame for the the latest scandal. The blame is squarely on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and her deep commitment to corruption.
  • The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Mr. McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe, received $467,500 in campaign funds in late 2015 from the political-action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime ally of the Clintons and, until he was elected governor in November 2013, a Clinton Foundation board member.
  • In February of this year, Mr. McCabe ascended from the No. 3 position at the FBI to the deputy director post (the No. 2 position). When he assumed that role, officials say, he started overseeing the probe into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server for government work when she was secretary of state.
  • At a meeting early last week of senior Justice Department and FBI officials, a member of the department’s senior national-security staff asked for an update on the Weiner laptop, the people familiar with the matter said. At that point, officials realized that no one had acted to obtain a warrant, these people said.
  • The amount that was steered [Jill McCabe's] coffers was staggering. Nearly $500,000 for a state Senate seat, she apparently had no chance of winning. Since she got the money and then lost, that immediately raised red flags.
  • Was a senior Justice Department official getting special favors for his wife from a Clinton guy, while Mrs. Clinton, under active investigation by his department, including investigations in which he was materially involved.
Basically James Comey was forced to cover his butt because he was caught squarely in the Clinton corruption machine merely by taking a government job. If all of this comes out - the people want to know why a laptop with Clinton emails sat at the F.B.I. for 3 weeks without anyone getting a warrant for the emails.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

What Really Bothers Glenn About the FBI’s Latest Move
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

I don't think so, in fact Comey's action more than likely benefited Hillary Clinton. Everyone knows what Comey did was against long standing DOJ protocol, which was you do not make an announcement like this within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the Justice department NOT to do this, and he did it anyway. And everyone knows that James Comey is getting steam rolled over basically opening a door and shouting more emails, then slamming the door shut 11 days prior to a National Election. He did it without a single shred of evidence, he didn't even have those emails in his possession. And we find out this is about Huma's emails not Hillary Clinton's emails the following day, that are probably more than likely duplicates of ones the FBI has already reviewed.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Comey was meeting with Loretta Lynch today, and I imagine it was to discuss his resignation. He may be prosecuted also, because it's clear he is in violation of the 1939 Hatch Act. Deliberately inteferring in an election in order to sway a National Election. He admits his intent in this email, when aids questioned him about his motive. "Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."

FBI James Comey

He is being accused of undermining our Democracy. In fact it's possible that Comey helped her in a couple of ways.

The general public has a proportional sense to them, and since March of 2015 they've heard over 600 news media reports about emails. In fact 73% of the American public stated in July, 2016 they were sick and tired of hearing about emails and her server.

So what has happened

1. Comey's actions has really fired up Hillary Clinton's base, they are PISSED, and rightfully so. 500,000 volunteers are on the phones and walking the streets making certain those ballots get in.

Most importantly
2. Those people who have been sitting on the fence, now see something she has been saying for a couple of decades and believe her now. That there is INDEED a vast Reich wing conspiracy against her. And that there is also a double standard. Women are treated differently than men, because Comey DID not notify the public that Trump was being investigated for his ties to Russia.

Trump and the Reich wing will continue to believe that Hillary is the worst "criminal" in history. But the vast majority, including Republicans don't believe that.
And they aren't going to sacrifice this nations security, to install the most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS, immature, emotionally unstable, vile, sexist MALE drama queen to ever seek elected office, over emails.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!
The FBI's Nothing Burger

Get out there and VOTE, and vote early.
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It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

I don't think so, in fact Comey's action more than likely benefited Hillary Clinton. Everyone knows what Comey did was against long standing DOJ protocol, which was you do not make an announcement like this within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the Justice department NOT to do this, and he did it anyway. And everyone knows that James Comey is getting steam rolled over basically opening a door and shouting more emails, then slamming the door shut 11 days prior to a National Election. He did it without a single shred of evidence, he didn't even have those emails in his possession. And we find out this is about Huma's emails not Hillary Clinton's emails the following day, that are probably more than likely duplicates of ones the FBI has already reviewed.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Comey was meeting with Loretta Lynch today, and I imagine it was to discuss his resignation. He may be prosecuted also, because it's clear he is in violation of the 1939 Hatch Act. Deliberately inteferring in an election in order to sway a National Election. He admits his intent in this email, when aids questioned him about his motive. "Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."

FBI James Comey

He is being accused of undermining our Democracy. In fact it's possible that Comey helped her in a couple of ways.

The general public has a proportional sense to them, and since March of 2015 they've heard over 600 news media reports about emails. In fact 73% of the American public stated in July, 2016 they were sick and tired of hearing about emails and her server.

So what has happened

1. Comey's actions has really fired up Hillary Clinton's base, they are PISSED, and rightfully so. 500,000 volunteers are on the phones and walking the streets making certain those ballots get in.

Most importantly
2. Those people who have been sitting on the fence, now see something she has been saying for a couple of decades and believe her now. That there is INDEED a vast Reich wing conspiracy against her. And that there is also a double standard. Women are treated differently than men, because Comey DID not notify the public that Trump was being investigated for his ties to Russia.

Trump and the Reich wing will continue to believe that Hillary is the worst "criminal" in history. But the vast majority, including Republicans don't believe that.
And they aren't going to sacrifice this nations security, to install the most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS, immature, emotionally unstable, vile, sexist MALE drama queen to ever seek elected office, over emails.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!
The FBI's Nothing Burger

Get out there and VOTE, and vote early.

You don't live on the same planet with the rest of us. I don't even think you're in the same universe. I understand you are angry and mad, and all of you die-hard Hillary supporters are lashing out over this. You've had a few days to digest this and glean sympathy from your little support groups with each other, and now you're ready to come out swinging again.

It's a very tight close race and it just got tighter and closer. I don't know if it's enough to swing the election to Trump... we'll see on November 8. All you're doing is blowing off steam and showing people exactly how a partisan hack behaves when under pressure. It won't change any minds or votes. The very real prospects of this woman being criminally indicted on some very serious crimes might indeed change minds and votes. If she is elected, this could turn into a constitutional crisis. Some are now saying a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Tim Kaine.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

I don't think so, in fact Comey's action more than likely benefited Hillary Clinton. Everyone knows what Comey did was against long standing DOJ protocol, which was you do not make an announcement like this within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the Justice department NOT to do this, and he did it anyway. And everyone knows that James Comey is getting steam rolled over basically opening a door and shouting more emails, then slamming the door shut 11 days prior to a National Election. He did it without a single shred of evidence, he didn't even have those emails in his possession. And we find out this is about Huma's emails not Hillary Clinton's emails the following day, that are probably more than likely duplicates of ones the FBI has already reviewed.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Comey was meeting with Loretta Lynch today, and I imagine it was to discuss his resignation. He may be prosecuted also, because it's clear he is in violation of the 1939 Hatch Act. Deliberately inteferring in an election in order to sway a National Election. He admits his intent in this email, when aids questioned him about his motive. "Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."

FBI James Comey

He is being accused of undermining our Democracy. In fact it's possible that Comey helped her in a couple of ways.

The general public has a proportional sense to them, and since March of 2015 they've heard over 600 news media reports about emails. In fact 73% of the American public stated in July, 2016 they were sick and tired of hearing about emails and her server.

So what has happened

1. Comey's actions has really fired up Hillary Clinton's base, they are PISSED, and rightfully so. 500,000 volunteers are on the phones and walking the streets making certain those ballots get in.

Most importantly
2. Those people who have been sitting on the fence, now see something she has been saying for a couple of decades and believe her now. That there is INDEED a vast Reich wing conspiracy against her. And that there is also a double standard. Women are treated differently than men, because Comey DID not notify the public that Trump was being investigated for his ties to Russia.

Trump and the Reich wing will continue to believe that Hillary is the worst "criminal" in history. But the vast majority, including Republicans don't believe that.
And they aren't going to sacrifice this nations security, to install the most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS, immature, emotionally unstable, vile, sexist MALE drama queen to ever seek elected office, over emails.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!
The FBI's Nothing Burger

Get out there and VOTE, and vote early.

You don't live on the same planet with the rest of us. I don't even think you're in the same universe. I understand you are angry and mad, and all of you die-hard Hillary supporters are lashing out over this. You've had a few days to digest this and glean sympathy from your little support groups with each other, and now you're ready to come out swinging again.

It's a very tight close race and it just got tighter and closer. I don't know if it's enough to swing the election to Trump... we'll see on November 8. All you're doing is blowing off steam and showing people exactly how a partisan hack behaves when under pressure. It won't change any minds or votes. The very real prospects of this woman being criminally indicted on some very serious crimes might indeed change minds and votes. If she is elected, this could turn into a constitutional crisis. Some are now saying a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Tim Kaine.
Get out there and VOTE, and vote early.
A common theme among the Dumbocrats. Why vote early? Oh that's right - they want you to vote before any more information about Clinton corruption can be released.

As a person who deep loves the United States - I encourage all of you to vote late. Wait until the last possible moment so that you have every piece of information possible before casting your vote.

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