Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Comey did the right thing. If Hillary is being investigated, the voters should know before hitting the polls.
How come Comey does not tell voters explicitly that the FBI is "investigating" Trump like they are Clinton?

"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau."
"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin,"

Hillary reset our relationship and Obama was more flexible with Putin.
Now, suddenly, Putin is a bad guy? That's hilarious!!!
If he's so bad, why were Hillary and Obama kissing his butt?
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.
Comey did the right thing. If Hillary is being investigated, the voters should know before hitting the polls.
How come Comey does not tell voters explicitly that the FBI is "investigating" Trump like they are Clinton?

"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau."
I'm gonna guess it's because there is no investigation with Trump. Or.. maybe it's because there isn't anything worth mentioning. lol

You can't believe every article you read on the Internet, PK. You might wanna consider waiting until it hits the MSM before getting your hopes up. Just saying. :)
How about NY Times and Professor Richard Painter, the chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush? Just saying. :)

Comey did the right thing. If Hillary is being investigated, the voters should know before hitting the polls.
How come Comey does not tell voters explicitly that the FBI is "investigating" Trump like they are Clinton?

"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau."
"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin,"

Hillary reset our relationship and Obama was more flexible with Putin.
Now, suddenly, Putin is a bad guy? That's hilarious!!!
If he's so bad, why were Hillary and Obama kissing his butt?
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
I cannot WAIT to find out what the FBI has found! This election just got way more exciting! :D
I also would like to know what Comey found ... BEFORE the election, but i heard that's unlikely.
His large staff has had those new emails for WEEKS, and yet Comey cannot provide ANY evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing, as is the case with ALL previous investigations by Repubs.
Comey did the right thing. If Hillary is being investigated, the voters should know before hitting the polls.
How come Comey does not tell voters explicitly that the FBI is "investigating" Trump like they are Clinton?

"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau."
"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin,"

Hillary reset our relationship and Obama was more flexible with Putin.
Now, suddenly, Putin is a bad guy? That's hilarious!!!
If he's so bad, why were Hillary and Obama kissing his butt?
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
Probably old fashioned politics.
Comey did the right thing. If Hillary is being investigated, the voters should know before hitting the polls.
How come Comey does not tell voters explicitly that the FBI is "investigating" Trump like they are Clinton?

"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau."
"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin,"

Hillary reset our relationship and Obama was more flexible with Putin.
Now, suddenly, Putin is a bad guy? That's hilarious!!!
If he's so bad, why were Hillary and Obama kissing his butt?
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
Probably old fashioned politics.

I cannot WAIT to find out what the FBI has found! This election just got way more exciting! :D
I also would like to know what Comey found ... BEFORE the election, but i heard that's unlikely.
His large staff has had those new emails for WEEKS, and yet Comey cannot provide ANY evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing, as is the case with ALL previous investigations by Repubs.

Wishful thinking on your part, I'm sure.
Comey did the right thing. If Hillary is being investigated, the voters should know before hitting the polls.
How come Comey does not tell voters explicitly that the FBI is "investigating" Trump like they are Clinton?

"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau."
"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin,"

Hillary reset our relationship and Obama was more flexible with Putin.
Now, suddenly, Putin is a bad guy? That's hilarious!!!
If he's so bad, why were Hillary and Obama kissing his butt?
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.

Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
Probably old fashioned politics.

If Hillary jumped off a bridge, would you follow? I'll bet you would! :lol:
When the definitive post mortem of this dismal election is finally published, it should go something like this: The Republican establishment was foolish; the Democratic establishment was ruthless. The Republicans fumbled around incompetently and spinelessly in the face of an unforeseen challenge; the Democrats willfully and intentionally did all they could to carry a corrupt politician over the finish line, forcing the American public to choose between one known liar and another. Let’s review the facts:
  • The FBI continues to investigate Hillary Clinton’s maybe-criminal abuse of the Clinton Foundation as a front for systematic influence-peddling and her maybe-criminal mishandling of our nation’s secrets. Neither of these scandals is new. They both predate the launch of her presidential campaign.
  • Questions have swirled around the Clinton Foundation since Hillary was confirmed as secretary of state. Damaging evidence of outright influence-peddling — including evidence of large-scale donations made to the foundation as the State Department considered a crucial uranium deal — broke less than two weeks after her campaign announcement.
  • On April 23, 2015, the New York Times published an extraordinary story detailing the amount of money that was funneled to the Clinton Foundation (and to Bill Clinton directly) as the State Department considered whether to sign off on the sale of “one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States” to a Russian-controlled corporation. The chairman of the corporation donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian investment bank promoting Uranium One stock paid Bill Clinton a whopping $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow. The Clintons violated an agreement with the White House to “publicly identify all donors” by failing to disclose the Uranium One contributions. Hillary’s State Department approved the deal.
  • One month before the Uranium One story, as Clinton was preparing to announce her candidacy, the Times broke the news that still dominates the campaign today: Hillary “exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business.” Given the Clintons’ longstanding history of personal corruption, it should have been obvious to Democrats then that Hillary’s scandals were going to dog the party throughout the campaign, and, if she won, throughout her presidency. It would be a repeat of the 1990s, when an entire party was hijacked into relentlessly defending conduct that they would loudly condemn if it were attributed to any Republican.
  • Instead, the party did far more than merely acquiesce in Hillary’s decision to run. It did virtually everything it could to guarantee her victory. Scandal-free progressive politicians such as Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden stood aside. Superdelegates signed on with Hillary en masse. The DNC put its thumb on the scales to such an extent that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was ultimately fired to appease the Sanders holdouts. When angry Trump voters were accusing incompetent Republicans of “rigging” the system against their man, ruthless Democrats were were actually rigging the system for Hillary.
The Democratic Establishment Has Enabled Hillary’s Corruption at Every Turn
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.
The entire nation will have the exact same voting system in place on November 8th that they had last week, so the "American democracy" you speak of is still in full effect. The real question is why you are so panicked over the American people being informed? The Dumbocrats rely on an ignorant electorate - that's why.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.
The entire nation will have the exact same voting system in place on November 8th that they had last week, so the "American democracy" you speak of is still in full effect. The real question is why you are so panicked over the American people being informed? The Dumbocrats rely on an ignorant electorate - that's why.

I just prefer that it not be Adolf Trump doing the informing.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.
The entire nation will have the exact same voting system in place on November 8th that they had last week, so the "American democracy" you speak of is still in full effect. The real question is why you are so panicked over the American people being informed? The Dumbocrats rely on an ignorant electorate - that's why.

I just prefer that it not be Adolf Trump doing the informing.
Well Adolf Trump isn't in charge of the Justice Department - the Dumbocrats are. So clearly that's not your concern. Would you like to alter your statement to something slightly more believable?

That's pretty retarded - considering that all of Trump's products are made in foreign countries. He also uses foreign steel in his buildings and undocumented laborers.

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

He also uses foreign steel in his buildings and undocumented laborers.

Is it wrong to use undocumented workers?
Only for Republicans.
How come Comey does not tell voters explicitly that the FBI is "investigating" Trump like they are Clinton?

"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau."
Hillary reset our relationship and Obama was more flexible with Putin.
Now, suddenly, Putin is a bad guy? That's hilarious!!!
If he's so bad, why were Hillary and Obama kissing his butt?
WTF you talking about?
Putin has always been a KGB asshole, trying to look like an angel.
Why did Obama promise more flexibility to such an a-hole?
Probably old fashioned politics.

LOLFOTF! How naive you are.
As i said, old fashioned politics.
So tell me, since that RT video "slip" back in March 2012, what flexibility has Obama demonstrated to the Russians, other than being a leader in imposing economic sanctions on Russia since 2014?
I cannot WAIT to find out what the FBI has found! This election just got way more exciting! :D
I also would like to know what Comey found ... BEFORE the election, but i heard that's unlikely.
His large staff has had those new emails for WEEKS, and yet Comey cannot provide ANY evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing, as is the case with ALL previous investigations by Repubs.
Wishful thinking on your part, I'm sure.
What wishful thinking? That Comey can provide any evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing BEFORE the election?
You're likely correct; he won't.
I cannot WAIT to find out what the FBI has found! This election just got way more exciting! :D
I also would like to know what Comey found ... BEFORE the election, but i heard that's unlikely.
His large staff has had those new emails for WEEKS, and yet Comey cannot provide ANY evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing, as is the case with ALL previous investigations by Repubs.
Wishful thinking on your part, I'm sure.
What wishful thinking? That Comey can provide any evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing BEFORE the election?
You're likely correct; he won't.

We might find something out before election day. We will have to see, I suppose.
If Hillary jumped off a bridge, would you follow? I'll bet you would! :lol:
Why would i? I'm not a Democrat, although i can be considered a liberal, libertarian a la Thomas Paine.
What wishful thinking? That Comey can provide any evidence of Hillary's wrongdoing BEFORE the election?
You're likely correct; he won't.
Yeah....uh.....Hitlery's long history of wrongdoing has been provided to the American people for about 30 years now.

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