Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

I've noticed that Trump's women issues have pretty much disappeared from the News Hawkers.
Trump believes he is irresistible to blondes who have never given birth.


I like a man who likes women and let's them know it. It shows he is not afraid of arrest.
Are pictures & cartoons the extent of your intellectual capacity for TRYING to understand facts? Typical of your kind of voter, apparently. LOL !!! How about facts?
FACT: Hillary has never been convicted of any crime.
Neither has anyone for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I guess that means it never happened, uh dumb-ass? You're the poster child for why teenagers should not drop out of school. Hitlery is politically connected - which allows her to commit serious federal crimes and not face prosecution for them.
Donald lies more than Hillary.
Nobody lies more than Hitlery Clinton, you welfare queen tool. You're just desperate for government handouts so you can continue not holding a job.
So, YOU are Trump's bitch.
News flash junior....I hate Trump. Once again illustrating why you're the poster child for high school dropouts.
I don't care what anyone says about what Comey did, I don't think he had any other choice. Keeping it a "secret" that the FBI was re-opening the investigation into Clinton's emails wouldn't have been appropriate either. The public has a right to know but Congress most certainly had a right to know.

Now all these so-called "experts" can weigh in all they like, they're not privy to the information Comey has and they don't have any idea of what has been uncovered. Comey may not even know at this point, in fact, he has said that he doesn't know if anything is significant to the case or not at this point. The fact that he had testified to Congress that he had closed the investigation can't be ignored here. If he hadn't informed them, they would have crucified him if he waited until after the election... that certainly would have looked like partisan political hackery. You may not like to admit that but you have to know that's the truth.

I don't care what you think. When you have over 100 former DOJ justices (both Republican & Democrats) sending a letter to Comey slamming him for his actions, that speaks volumes. They know the LAW you don't. They know protocol, you don't.

Here is the Hatch Act of 1939.

The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch, from engaging in some forms of political activity.

Agencies and employees prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity

Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

It is more than clear that Comey has violated long standing protocol of the DOJ. (after being warned) and the Hatch Act of 1939, and he should be prosecuted for his actions.

I understand the Hatch Act and he didn't violate it. He is well within his authority and protocol to take the action he took and if you don't like that you can try and prosecute him... you're going to lose, but you're welcome to try.

In the meantime, I think we need to investigate who "warned" him not to inform Congress that he was re-opening an investigation he had told them was closed. I think whoever did that is in violation of the law.... obstruction of justice.

Again, I don't give a damn if 10,000 former justices wrote a fucking letter. This wasn't up to them... it wasn't their bag of donuts. They hadn't testified to Congress that an investigation had been closed then find additional information to re-open it. I don't understand how any sane and rational person thinks it would have been hunky-dory for Comey to not say anything about re-opening his investigation until after the election. If the subject of the investigation was George W. Bush, I guarantee you wouldn't have this fucked up opinion.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Nah. The only one she can blame is herself. From what I've read even Huma advised her not to do it but being Hillary she did as she pleased.

SHE is the only one she can blame for her email scandal.

Comey is doing exactly what he said he would do. He advised Congress that if he and the FBI came up with anything else then he would advise them. That's exactly what he did.

Hillary blew her own brains out with her stupidity, carelessness and incompetence.
w/o any proof of wrongdoing? :booze::cuckoo::crybaby::bsflag::deal:
Speaking of bullshit.

If you want to call stupidity wrongdoing then she's guilty as hell. Have to wait for what the FBI reports for anything else.

She has no one but herself to blame.
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Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?


I agree that it's unlikely - but Hillary supporters had better make sure they VOTE.
Just as I predicted a month ago the 'negro fire wall' Hillary took for granted is sitting in the fucking shade this election.
Hillary will be lucky if half the number of negroes who voted for Bobobo will 'axually' turn out and vote for Hillary.
She's got the wrong skin color don't you know.
Young women have found out too much about Hillary's 'enabling' a sexual predator.
Bonobo's health care disaster is costing Hillary the working middle class vote.
Thoughtful voters are following the ongoing Hillary email scandals with astonishment and disgust.
The FBI has Hillary in their sights and she's going to get a legal/political MOAB dropped on her corrupt head very soon.
ALL this is NO ONE'S fault but Hillary's.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.
Hopefully hillary will do what's right for America, disappear.
I think you're both right. Hillary did what she did and she's paying the price. This injection by Comey into the election may well be the end of her dreams of the Presidency. And I will not be celebrating that.
Hillary is the master of her destiny just like everyone else is.
Everything that happens to Hillary/The Clinton Crime Pay for Play criminal organization, the endless illegal email scandals etc is a direct result of the conscious choices Hillary and Bill made.
If Comey hadn't told Congress about the new emails until after the election and it turned out President Hillary was impeached YOU would have screamed that Comey should have saved everyone the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars it cost to kick the old bitch's ass into a jail cell.
BTW. Make no mistake. Comey now has in his possession hard factual evidence of Hillary's criminal activities. Enough to recommend criminal charges be brought against Hillary and Co.
Whether Obama's 'fisting buddy' Lynch goes forward with the charges or not and whether or not Bobobo pardons Hillary at the last moment is irrelevant.
Hillary and Bill and Huma et al are going to be a parihas for the rest of their lives in the minds of most Americans.
That's justice enough.
Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?

Hillary had a chance to turn over all emails long ago. Instead, there is evidence they tried to destroy them after they were issued a subpoena. Her own actions created the problem and delayed the investigation. Why are we supposed to feel sorry for her now?

These are NOT Hillary Clinton's emails. They are her aids emails, and more than likely they're duplicates of ones they have already seen, as Huma testified to the FBI that she often forwarded emails to her server in order to print them out.
OK 'Baghdad Bob'.
That's for clearing up the FACT that Hillary instructed Huma to take home classified State Department documents so Huma could use her home printer to make hard copies.
Huma testified the State Department printers were always too busy for her to make hard copies on.
You'd think Hillary would have told a flunky to go to Staples and buy a $200 printer!

It wasn't as though Hillary saw "broke" when she was the head of the State Department.
When you have over 100 former Justices sign off on a letter blasting Comey--both Republican and Democrat there is much more to this--than you can poo-poo away.
If the roles were reversed and Comey held damning information on Trump until after he won the election, you'd scream bloody murder.
There's one person to blame for all this: Hillary.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Already starting to get your excuses together, are you, redskin?
Are pictures & cartoons the extent of your intellectual capacity for TRYING to understand facts? Typical of your kind of voter, apparently. LOL !!! How about facts?
FACT: Hillary has never been convicted of any crime.
Neither has anyone for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
Hey bogus "Patriot" [sic], you don't believe in innocence until proven guilty?
Regarding your reference to the OJ Simpson trials, he was convicted in a civil suit finding him "responsible" for the respective murders.
Again, I repeat, Hillary has never been convicted of any crime.
And Donald lies more often than Hillary.

If you have no evidence otherwise, then STFU.
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It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Nope, IF she loses it will be of her own doing.
All she had to do was be honest and she couldn't.
Hey bogus "Patriot" [sic], you don't believe in innocence until proven guilty?
I believe in the rule of law. Something you corrupt progressives don't. The evidence is all there - just not the progressives with the integrity to indict one of their own.
Regarding your reference to OJ Simpson's trials, he was convicted in a civil suit finding him "responsible" for the respective murders.
Civil is not criminal, you desperate tool. The investigation remains open to this day because they did not get a criminal guilty verdict. So by your "logic" (and damn am I using that term lightly here), there was no crime. :eusa_doh:
Again, I repeat, Hillary has never been convicted of any crime.
Again, I repeat - that's because she's politically connected and progressives control the Department of Justice right now. They don't have the integrity to indict one of their own.

And again, I repeat - OJ Simpson was never convicted of murder in the criminal trial. But we all know we did it. Just like we all know Hitlery Clinton is guilty as hell of a slew of felony acts. It's just that people like you are too immature to admit it.
And Donald lies more often than Hillary.
Hitlery Clinton lies more than Donald Trump and Barack Obama combined and you know it. You're just not mature enough to admit it. Typical of progressives.
If you have no evidence otherwise, then STFU.
Typical progressive - wants to control speech and eliminate the 1st Amendment. Well...sorry bitch. I get to keep speaking and there is nothing you can do about it. I'd tell you to get used to it, but then it is pretty clear that you are used to being impotent in all phases of your life.
Hitlery Clinton lies more than Donald Trump and Barack Obama combined and you know it.
You're just not mature enough to admit it.
Where is your evidence to back up your claim? Or, are you not mature enough to understand what "evidence" is?
You are not mature enough to understand that a US patriot respects the notion that one is not guilty until proven so in the court of law ... and not in your immature mind of partisan excuses.

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