Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

So, you approve of the FBI using their formal offices and taxpayer salaries to swing a presidential election?
Why not Lakhota? You dirt-bag progressives approved of Lois Lerner and the IRS "using their formal offices and taxpayer salaries to swing a presidential election".

Interesting how you celebrate something you do but condemn that exact same thing when you perceive that it is being done to you.
So, you approve of the FBI using their formal offices and taxpayer salaries to swing a presidential election?

I approve of the FBI doing their job and investigating criminal activities. If the person they happen to be investigating is in the midst of a political campaign, I don't want them to show any favoritism. The law is the law and it should apply to everyone equally. I am sorry Ms. Clinton finds herself in this position but if she had fully cooperated with investigators two years ago, this wouldn't be an issue for her now.

The fact that you believe certain candidates (yours) should be given some sort of pass or have their criminal activities overlooked because you want them to be elected, is troubling to me. I really never thought anyone in this country would be so invested in their politicians as to be willing to overlook the rule of law.
Let's see the fucking EVIDENCE before rushing to partisan conclusions.
Considering Comey leans pretty hard left (and completely let Hitlery off the hook last time despite explicitly stating that she checked every single criteria necessary for a felony indictment regarding the handling of classified materials), I think it's safe to say the evidence is far worse than they are letting on at this time.

As usual, you progressives mucked up big time and now you're angry at the world and want to take it out on everyone else. Next time, don't nominate a world-class dirt-bag with a history of pathological lying and corruption.
You know what? I wish someone would go back about two months ago and pull up the threads from you same liberal pukes, heaping glorious praises on Comey for his incredible integrity and diligence in the email investigation!
Works both ways.
I recall Trump was negative on Comey when he presented facts, but now Trump is very positive on Comey ... for presenting no facts, just another investigation.
Let's see the fucking EVIDENCE before rushing to partisan conclusions.

Yep, you're right, it does work both ways. However, nothing can be formally released until the investigation is complete. That's protocol. I criticized Comey for failing to indict Hillary a few months ago and I still believe he acted improperly and is now having to cover his ass for that mistake. So, I am not praising Comey at all... any other administration would have already appointed a special prosecutor in this case. It should have happened two years ago when all this came to light.

Regardless of how this latest chapter turns out, Congress needs to hold special hearings and get to the bottom of the shenanigans here. There is a lot of monkey business going on with the DOJ and FBI, as well as administration officials. The people deserve some answers.
a world-class dirt-bag with a history of pathological lying and corruption.
You referring to Trump?
Talk about pathological lying ...

The Internet’s fact-checking engines were working overtime during a presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. ...
According to one estimate, Trump made more than 34 comments that were either lies or mis-statements of fact during the debate. Clinton, by comparison, was tagged with four.

In that sample, both lie, as all politicians do.
However, Trump lies a lot more.
a world-class dirt-bag with a history of pathological lying and corruption.
You referring to Trump?
Talk about pathological lying ...

The Internet’s fact-checking engines were working overtime during a presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. ...
According to one estimate, Trump made more than 34 comments that were either lies or mis-statements of fact during the debate. Clinton, by comparison, was tagged with four.

In that sample, both lie, as all politicians do.
However, Trump lies a lot more.

I know that you think you're being really cute and clever here but you need to seriously understand... lying during a political debate is one thing... lying under oath to the FBI and Congress is a felony that people generally go to prison for. Intentionally destroying evidence material in a criminal investigation after it is subpoenaed is also a serious criminal offense.
Congress needs to hold special hearings and get to the bottom of the shenanigans here. There is a lot of monkey business going on with the DOJ and FBI, as well as administration officials. The people deserve some answers.
You trust Congress to be objective?
I agree about political monkey business, and it exists almost everywhere where there are a lot of people with varying viewpoints & motives.
I've worked in both gov and private sectors, and politics is human nature, but less so in academic science & courts of law where evidence is the focus that limits interpretation based on subjectivity.
Surprise, partisans trying to come up with reasons that their candidate may lose that, of course, do not pertain to them at all.

Color me shocked.
a world-class dirt-bag with a history of pathological lying and corruption.
You referring to Trump?
Talk about pathological lying ...

The Internet’s fact-checking engines were working overtime during a presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. ...
According to one estimate, Trump made more than 34 comments that were either lies or mis-statements of fact during the debate. Clinton, by comparison, was tagged with four.

In that sample, both lie, as all politicians do.
However, Trump lies a lot more.

I know that you think you're being really cute and clever here but you need to seriously understand... lying during a political debate is one thing... lying under oath to the FBI and Congress is a felony that people generally go to prison for. Intentionally destroying evidence material in a criminal investigation after it is subpoenaed is also a serious criminal offense.
You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."
You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."

He can't know about things that were deleted. You can't look at a deleted email that has been bleach-bitted. She was subpoenaed to turn over ALL emails and she deleted thousands of them. Richard Nixon erased 18 minutes of tape and had to resign in disgrace over it.

I suspect that what they've uncovered on Weiner/Abadens laptop are some of these emails she thought were deleted. I know you fans are all holding your breath and hoping there isn't anything to all this but I don't think he would have re-opened the investigation if there wasn't something there. He's seen it and he knows... that's why he felt it vital to inform Congress this close to the election.

And here's the other thing, I don't think he is the only one who knows what's going on. I think there are others who know as well and this isn't going to be easily smoothed over and covered up like the last rodeo. This is serious and it's going to get a lot more serious before it's over. There is also the investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and rumor has it that's even a bigger problem for her.

I honestly believe a vote for Hillary is a vote for Tim Kaine.
a world-class dirt-bag with a history of pathological lying and corruption.
You referring to Trump? Talk about pathological lying ...

The Internet’s fact-checking engines were working overtime during a presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. ...
According to one estimate, Trump made more than 34 comments that were either lies or mis-statements of fact during the debate. Clinton, by comparison, was tagged with four.

In that sample, both lie, as all politicians do.
However, Trump lies a lot more.
Oh please.....the "fact-checking engine" you're referring to was Hitlery Clinton's website. When is the last time that Donald Trump insisted that the Secret Service landed him "under sniper fire" and that subsequently forced him to "run to the cars with his head down". Game over son.

Hitlery Clinton got caught on audio stating that she has a "public policy position" to get elected and then a "private policy position" which is what she really intends to do. She's lying to you about her positions and you still keep just performing cunnilingus on her because you are desperate for your precious gub'mnt handouts.

Do you have any idea what a groveling little tool you look like sucking up to her for handouts when she is so corrupt she's telling you she's going to help you and that she hates the 1% while she hobnobs with corporate America and became a billionaire 1%er as a "public servant". Every time she looks at her bank statement she laughs at all of her "useful idiots". You're one of them.
You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."
So why were they deleted? Because she suddenly had the urge to wipe an entire server after receiving a subpoena from the F.B.I.? Come PK1, it is time to grow up.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."
He can't know about things that were deleted. You can't look at a deleted email that has been bleach-bitted. She was subpoenaed to turn over ALL emails and she deleted thousands of them. Richard Nixon erased 18 minutes of tape and had to resign in disgrace over it.
The problem with your biased view is that "she" did not delete the emails.

The FBI found no evidence that the emails were deleted deliberately to avoid the subpoena or other requests. Clinton’s team requested for emails to be deleted months before the subpoena came.
Clinton was not involved in deciding whether individual emails should be sent to State Department, nor "did she instruct anyone to delete her emails to avoid complying with FOIA, State or FBI requests for information."
a world-class dirt-bag with a history of pathological lying and corruption.
You referring to Trump? Talk about pathological lying ...

The Internet’s fact-checking engines were working overtime during a presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. ...
According to one estimate, Trump made more than 34 comments that were either lies or mis-statements of fact during the debate. Clinton, by comparison, was tagged with four.

In that sample, both lie, as all politicians do.
However, Trump lies a lot more.
Oh please.....the "fact-checking engine" you're referring to was Hitlery Clinton's website.
There were MANY fact checkers who noted Trump's EXTENSIVE LYING.
Not just Hillary's web site as your biased mind wants to believe. Here's one from a Canadian newspaper:

Donald Trump Quick Facts | Fact Check | Toronto Star
You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."
So why were they deleted? Because she suddenly had the urge to wipe an entire server after receiving a subpoena from the F.B.I.?
Read my recent response to Boss.
You reflect the many uneducated voters who support Trump without fact checking; only look at partisan pictures & cartoons? LOL!
You reflect the many uneducated voters who support Trump without fact checking; only look at partisan pictures & cartoons? LOL!
You reflect the fact that every progressive on this board is uneducated. Know why? Because I don't support Trump. At all. I just oppose 40 years of Clinton corruption. You tolerate it out of greed. You're hoping she will throw money and benefits at you.
You reflect the many uneducated voters who support Trump without fact checking; only look at partisan pictures & cartoons? LOL!
You reflect the fact that every progressive on this board is uneducated. Know why? Because I don't support Trump. At all. I just oppose 40 years of Clinton corruption. You tolerate it out of greed. You're hoping she will throw money and benefits at you.
I don't care if you support Trump or not; you act like a stupid Trump supporter.
Clinton was not my first choice. Johnson was, until he proved himself ignorant & lazy about international affairs.
Clinton or Trump?
I say ... definitely not Trump. He would be a disaster.
At least Clinton would be decent.

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