Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."
Comey said that. He also said this:

Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

People have gone to jail for careless handling of classified material.

Clinton’s Handling of Classified Information
An FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information resulted in no criminal charges, but it revealed that Clinton and her campaign made statements in the past about her email use that have turned out to be false or misleading:

  • Clinton repeatedly claimed that she did not send or receive any information that was marked classified in her personal emails. That’s false. FBI Director James Comey said more than 2,000 emails contained classified information and some of them “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information.”
  • Clinton said her lawyers “went through every single email” to determine which ones were personal and which were work-related, and that they were “overly inclusive” in which ones were provided to the State Department. Comey said the lawyers did not go through every email. Rather, they used header information and search terms to identify work-related emails, and, he said, it is “highly likely” they missed some.
I don't care if you support Trump or not; you act like a stupid Trump supporter.
Clinton was not my first choice. Johnson was, until he proved himself ignorant & lazy about international affairs.
Clinton or Trump?
I say ... definitely not Trump. He would be a disaster.
At least Clinton would be decent.
Your insults aside, you don't seem like a Libertarian. Your comments and fervor for supporting and defending Hillary tag you as a staunch LWer.
You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."
He can't know about things that were deleted. You can't look at a deleted email that has been bleach-bitted. She was subpoenaed to turn over ALL emails and she deleted thousands of them. Richard Nixon erased 18 minutes of tape and had to resign in disgrace over it.
The problem with your biased view is that "she" did not delete the emails.

The FBI found no evidence that the emails were deleted deliberately to avoid the subpoena or other requests. Clinton’s team requested for emails to be deleted months before the subpoena came.
Clinton was not involved in deciding whether individual emails should be sent to State Department, nor "did she instruct anyone to delete her emails to avoid complying with FOIA, State or FBI requests for information."

Well then, Comey lied to Congress because he told them she had deleted some 30,000 emails. This was done after she was told to turn them over to the FBI. The whole intent and purpose of her private email server was to AVOID FOIA. You must think people are idiots or something.

Now you can sit at your computer the next few days and obfuscate, excuse, blame, smear... whatever... This shit is getting real on ya gal and she's goin' down. I hope you really like Tim Kaine because that's who you're voting for. This corrupt bitch won't last until January.
I don't care if you support Trump or not; you act like a stupid Trump supporter.
Clinton was not my first choice. Johnson was, until he proved himself ignorant & lazy about international affairs.
Clinton or Trump?
I say ... definitely not Trump. He would be a disaster.
At least Clinton would be decent.
Your insults aside, you don't seem like a Libertarian. Your comments and fervor for supporting and defending Hillary tag you as a staunch LWer.
There are different kinds of Libertarians. I lean toward the socially ethical variety, a la Thomas Paine.
That may seem to you as a "LWer", but i vouch for EVERYONE's right to justice and the pursuit of happiness, which was the conceptual basis of USA's revolution & leadership in world affairs.

You referred to Hillary's private email system that was not "supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government".
Do you not recall those 20 million classified OPM Federal employee records that were hacked by another nation state, or the NSA breach, or the many other breaches ... of systems protected by "security staff"?
You did not read Comey's July statement in full. He said the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."
He can't know about things that were deleted. You can't look at a deleted email that has been bleach-bitted. She was subpoenaed to turn over ALL emails and she deleted thousands of them. Richard Nixon erased 18 minutes of tape and had to resign in disgrace over it.
The problem with your biased view is that "she" did not delete the emails.

The FBI found no evidence that the emails were deleted deliberately to avoid the subpoena or other requests. Clinton’s team requested for emails to be deleted months before the subpoena came.
Clinton was not involved in deciding whether individual emails should be sent to State Department, nor "did she instruct anyone to delete her emails to avoid complying with FOIA, State or FBI requests for information."
Well then, Comey lied to Congress because he told them she had deleted some 30,000 emails.
I understand her staff deleted those subsets of private unclassified emails based on tasks assigned prior to the subpoena. Do you know otherwise ?
There are different kinds of Libertarians. I lean toward the socially ethical variety, a la Thomas Paine.
That may seem to you as a "LWer", but i vouch for EVERYONE's right to justice and the pursuit of happiness, which was the conceptual basis of USA's revolution & leadership in world affairs.

You referred to Hillary's private email system that was not "supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government".
Do you not recall those 20 million classified OPM Federal employee records that were hacked by another nation state, or the NSA breach, or the many other breaches ... of systems protected by "security staff"?
I'm a typical Libertarian - "Socially Liberal, Fiscally Conservative", but I'd never vote for either Hillary or Trump.

It's not your "socially ethic" POV, but your staunch defense of Hillary and personal attacks against those that question her ethics, morality and trustworthiness that cause me to believe you are a LWer.

Case in point was her exclusive use of a private server to pass, however intentionally, inadvertently or simply carelessly, classified information. Not once, but multiple times. A true non-LWer and/or Libertarian would be honest enough to admit she fucked up and was, like Comey initially said, "extremely careless". You can't do that because, IMO, you're a LWer.
I understand her staff deleted those subsets of private unclassified emails based on tasks assigned prior to the subpoena. Do you know otherwise ?
Are you admitting Hillary is incompetent and unfit to be President because she can't run a proper staff?

President Truman is famous for having a "The Buck Stops Here" sign on his desk. A leader accepts responsibility for the actions of his/her team/staff/subordinates. Regardless of who actually screened and deleted the emails, Hillary is responsible since 1) they were her emails, 2) it was her staff doing the work she ordered them to do and 3) she had a sworn obligation to carry out the directives given her.
I understand her staff deleted those subsets of private unclassified emails based on tasks assigned prior to the subpoena. Do you know otherwise ?
Are you admitting Hillary is incompetent and unfit to be President because she can't run a proper staff?

President Truman is famous for having a "The Buck Stops Here" sign on his desk. A leader accepts responsibility for the actions of his/her team/staff/subordinates. Regardless of who actually screened and deleted the emails, Hillary is responsible since 1) they were her emails, 2) it was her staff doing the work she ordered them to do and 3) she had a sworn obligation to carry out the directives given her.
4. They should never have been co-mingled in the first place.

I believe she did that deliberately so she would have cover to delete what she didn't want in public.
I understand her staff deleted those subsets of private unclassified emails based on tasks assigned prior to the subpoena.
Clinton’s staff had requested the emails to be deleted months before the subpoena, according to the FBI’s August 2016 report. Moreover, there’s no evidence Clinton deleted the emails in anticipation of the subpoena, and FBI director James B. Comey has said his agency’s investigation found no evidence that any work-related emails were “intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them.”

Fact check: Trump’s claim Clinton destroyed emails after getting a subpoena from Congress
There are different kinds of Libertarians. I lean toward the socially ethical variety, a la Thomas Paine.
That may seem to you as a "LWer", but i vouch for EVERYONE's right to justice and the pursuit of happiness, which was the conceptual basis of USA's revolution & leadership in world affairs.

You referred to Hillary's private email system that was not "supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government".
Do you not recall those 20 million classified OPM Federal employee records that were hacked by another nation state, or the NSA breach, or the many other breaches ... of systems protected by "security staff"?
I'm a typical Libertarian - "Socially Liberal, Fiscally Conservative", but I'd never vote for either Hillary or Trump.

It's not your "socially ethic" POV, but your staunch defense of Hillary and personal attacks against those that question her ethics, morality and trustworthiness that cause me to believe you are a LWer.

Case in point was her exclusive use of a private server to pass, however intentionally, inadvertently or simply carelessly, classified information. Not once, but multiple times. A true non-LWer and/or Libertarian would be honest enough to admit she fucked up and was, like Comey initially said, "extremely careless". You can't do that because, IMO, you're a LWer.
NO DOUBT she fucked up royally with the email server(s) fiasco.
I fault her naive judgement on THAT issue.
However, in the overall scheme of things, it's not that important of an issue compared to MANY others.
The Repubs are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. and i don't blame them (it's politics!) ... except they need to stick to facts, not BS and pictures and cartoons that belittle their honesty & intelligence.
NO DOUBT she fucked up royally with the email server(s) fiasco.
I fault her naive judgement on THAT issue.
However, in the overall scheme of things, it's not that important of an issue compared to MANY others.
The Repubs are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. and i don't blame them (it's politics!) ... except they need to stick to facts, not BS and pictures and cartoons that belittle their honesty & intelligence.
Disagreed on "mountain out of molehill". It's important since it goes straight to character. Sure there are more important issues, but many remember electing Bill Clinton because he was a nice "homey" guy even though he was being trailed by multiple sexual harassment accusations, adultery accusations and lied straight into the face of every American citizen by saying "I didn't inhale".

THere's a reason why Hillary (and Trump) are so disliked.
THere's a reason why Hillary (and Trump) are so disliked.
I understand the frustration with choosing among these candidates -- the finalists from the 2 main political parties.
It comes down to who you DO NOT want to be the next POTUS.
For me, based on character and positions, both international & domestic, i feel much safer with Hillary than Donald.
THere's a reason why Hillary (and Trump) are so disliked.
I understand the frustration with choosing among these candidates -- the finalists from the 2 main political parties.
It comes down to who you DO NOT want to be the next POTUS.
For me, based on character and positions, both international & domestic, i feel much safer with Hillary than Donald.
A slight disagreement. I've voted in every Presidential election since Ford and Carter (I voted for Ford). I've tried the "lesser of two evils" strategy so many times I'm about to puke. No more. This time I voted my conscience and I will continue to do so in the future. The reason we don't have a viable third party is because too many people are suckered into the "they can't win, you have to choose the lesser of two evils" meme.

What strikes me funniest about this election re the "lesser of two evils" is that it's the fucking Democrats who are screaming "if you vote for a third party you are throwing your vote away!!!", not the Republicans. Sure, some RWers will voice that same meme, but it's the LWers on television, celebrities and, of course, politicians who are loudest about it. I think they are truly shitting their pantsuits that Ms. Deplorable will lose to Trump. ROFL
THere's a reason why Hillary (and Trump) are so disliked.
I understand the frustration with choosing among these candidates -- the finalists from the 2 main political parties.
It comes down to who you DO NOT want to be the next POTUS.
For me, based on character and positions, both international & domestic, i feel much safer with Hillary than Donald.
A slight disagreement. I've voted in every Presidential election since Ford and Carter (I voted for Ford). I've tried the "lesser of two evils" strategy so many times I'm about to puke. No more. This time I voted my conscience and I will continue to do so in the future. The reason we don't have a viable third party is because too many people are suckered into the "they can't win, you have to choose the lesser of two evils" meme.

What strikes me funniest about this election re the "lesser of two evils" is that it's the fucking Democrats who are screaming "if you vote for a third party you are throwing your vote away!!!", not the Republicans. Sure, some RWers will voice that same meme, but it's the LWers on television, celebrities and, of course, politicians who are loudest about it. I think they are truly shitting their pantsuits that Ms. Deplorable will lose to Trump. ROFL
Also very true.

The left knows that this time most of those voting for Trump are not going anywhere. Those voting for Hilary OTOH are doing so holding their nose and can easily go elsewhere.
THere's a reason why Hillary (and Trump) are so disliked.
I understand the frustration with choosing among these candidates -- the finalists from the 2 main political parties.
It comes down to who you DO NOT want to be the next POTUS.
For me, based on character and positions, both international & domestic, i feel much safer with Hillary than Donald.
A slight disagreement. I've voted in every Presidential election since Ford and Carter (I voted for Ford). I've tried the "lesser of two evils" strategy so many times I'm about to puke. No more. This time I voted my conscience and I will continue to do so in the future. The reason we don't have a viable third party is because too many people are suckered into the "they can't win, you have to choose the lesser of two evils" meme.
Those voting for Hilary OTOH are doing so holding their nose and can easily go elsewhere.
One can also say ...
Those voting for Trump are doing so holding their nose & brain.
Most of the well educated will not vote for that Trump trash.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Equally disturbing is the involvement of the New York office where Giuliani has good friends and retains significant influence. This office is deeply anti-Clinton, and it relies on scandal-literature created by Breitbart's boss and Trump manager Steve Banon.

The FBI-Giuliani-Bannon team knew they couldn't prosecute her after one of the longest and most expensive congressional investigations in history. Comey admitted that they didn't have a case for prosecution.

The only thing they had left was a strategic leak just prior to voting. Giuliani admitted on FOX that they had an announcement coming, and they had tricks up their sleeves. This is a private citizen working with the FBI to strategically create the impression of a crime while people are going to the polls.

The Rightwing claims to be cynical of government, yet they are participating in government-lead coup of a national election. They are using the FBI to destroy the opposition.

Even if they are not successful at stealing this election, the Justice Department should bring charges against Comey, Giuliani and the agents who orchestrated this October Surprise.

If this happened to Dick Chaney, the guilty parties would go down quicker than Paul Wellstone. LBJ was the last Democratic president who knew how to fight. The current Dems are literally letting them steal this election. The Bush administration would have annihilated the FBI and put several people in jail if a democrat-lead FBI-election coup happened on their watch. Obama needs to show more strength.
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