Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Comey GOT the witch the only way he could....behind Loretta Lynch's back.

Well done, Jim.
Maybe hiLIARy should have campaigned in areas where working class white lived...like her husband recommended.

Although even that likely wouldn't have helped given how Corrupt and Unlikable she is.
That said. Trump knew all along that he cannot just deport 20+ millions of illegals.

Yes, apparently, everyone with half a fucking brain knew this... except YOU!

Dude you got your ass backward. What the hell is wrong with you? Read my post #660 to refresh your memory.

Why is it that you fuckwits think people aren't capable of reading past posts? You claimed that I told you I voted for Donald Trump. I did not tell you that and I pointed out that your claim was a lie.

Now... Trump said a LOT of things during the campaign. I didn't defend everything he said and I won't defend them now. He said what he said, he'll do what he'll do and the public will judge him on this as well as his performance as president. He hasn't even taken office yet, so it's a little premature to claim he hasn't done what he said he would do. If you think his comments meant that he was going to form some gestapo force to go around kicking in doors and rounding up illegal aliens, you're an idiot. I don't care WHAT he said, if that's what you thought he meant... you're an idiot... whether you voted for him on that basis or not.

From my more level-headed and mature evaluation, what he meant was, he is going to allow ICE to do it's job as opposed to restricting them at every turn as Obama has done. Illegal aliens are going to be deported. There's no time limit on this, eventually the numbers may likely climb into the millions. But people who are not in this country legally are going to leave. The days of establishment republicans running interference because they like the cheap labor and democrats obstructing the law because they like the votes... is OVER in this country... DONE... FINISHED! You got that, twerp? :dunno:

FBI director: “We never confirm or deny a pending investigation.”

Senator: “The irony of your making that statement here, I cannot avoid.”

OMG, I love the irony!

LOL ---- you might want to whisper in somebody's ear to let sleeping dogs lie ... or you're gonna get bit.

You can't seriously believe that an Obama DOJ directed "investigation" (read: lynching) is really going to do anything but force Trump to go after Hillary. In order to legitimize his election, Trump has to prove that Hillary was guilty. Right now, he's willing to let it slide - in the interest of pulling the country together.

Force his hand, and it won't be pretty - for the Democrats. My guess is an independent counsel investigation initiated 15 days after the "results" of the investigation start to leak into the MSM.

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