Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

I don't understand your peevishness but the reality is Comey caused a substantial damage to Hillary's campaign. That's a fact.
Then lying Trump took advantage and having a buffet when nobody even know what's in those emails.
Prime example here. This woman lies about everything. Even stuff that it makes no sense to lie about. She cost herself the election with her lies and corruption...

Hillary Caught In Yet Another Ridiculous Lie!

The reality is Trump lies every time he open his mouth far more than Hilary.
Followers like you are so used to it that you don't even realize or don't even care that he is lying, twisting words and insulting just about every one he doesn't like.

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter


“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.
Then he deserves commendation.

For cheating? Really?
Hillary was the only one that has been proven to have cheated this election.

I doubt you even care about it though.
Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

YES! Now it's a fact. Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.
The longer democrats believe that garbage, the longer they'll lose. The loser who doesn't look at himself, try to figure out what he did wrong and work to improve it doesn't normally come back and win.

There is only one person to blame when you lose and that is yourself. Hillary lost the election because of Hillary, end of story.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

I don't understand your peevishness but the reality is Comey caused a substantial damage to Hillary's campaign. That's a fact.
Then lying Trump took advantage and having a buffet when nobody even know what's in those emails.

No, the REALITY is... Hillary shouldn't have been trying to avoid FOIA so she could sell influence to her office. This needs to all be adjudicated eventually and I hope the next AG has it as their first priority. This is the most corrupt person who has ever been nominated by a major party.

Comey should have never released his statement back in May. He did that for political reasons and that's going to haunt the man's career forever. Once he caved to political pressure instead of doing his job, the wheels came off and he had to eventually come back out and re-open the thing, then come back again and close it again. ALL of this is politically motivated and he shouldn't have gotten himself wrapped up in it.

So I have absolutely no objection to removing Comey but he has a 10 year term, ostensibly, to protect him from political entanglements.... isn't that ironic?

And honestly and truthfully, if liberal democrats wish to believe that Comey cost her the presidency and it wasn't her ideas and policies... by all means, please... keep think that! Convince yourselves to "double-down" on her new democratic socialism and keep pushing that agenda. Keep it up with identity politics! You've been politically neutered now... you pose no threat whatsoever.

And hey.... FYI.... Democrats lose just one more statehouse and Republicans have a clear shot at passing new Constitutional Amendments.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

I don't understand your peevishness but the reality is Comey caused a substantial damage to Hillary's campaign. That's a fact.
Then lying Trump took advantage and having a buffet when nobody even know what's in those emails.

No, the REALITY is... Hillary shouldn't have been trying to avoid FOIA so she could sell influence to her office. This needs to all be adjudicated eventually and I hope the next AG has it as their first priority. This is the most corrupt person who has ever been nominated by a major party.

Comey should have never released his statement back in May. He did that for political reasons and that's going to haunt the man's career forever. Once he caved to political pressure instead of doing his job, the wheels came off and he had to eventually come back out and re-open the thing, then come back again and close it again. ALL of this is politically motivated and he shouldn't have gotten himself wrapped up in it.

So I have absolutely no objection to removing Comey but he has a 10 year term, ostensibly, to protect him from political entanglements.... isn't that ironic?

And honestly and truthfully, if liberal democrats wish to believe that Comey cost her the presidency and it wasn't her ideas and policies... by all means, please... keep think that! Convince yourselves to "double-down" on her new democratic socialism and keep pushing that agenda. Keep it up with identity politics! You've been politically neutered now... you pose no threat whatsoever.

And hey.... FYI.... Democrats lose just one more statehouse and Republicans have a clear shot at passing new Constitutional Amendments.

Comey caused substantial damage to Hillary either you believe it or not. Period.
It's now Trump's turn ......... You will be on the defensive side regarding the flawed of his policies. And as far as lying is concern .............. Trump lied far more than Hillary.
To start.............................. There will be no mass deportation.

Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force'
Paul Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force' - CNNPolitics.com
Comey caused substantial damage to Hillary either you believe it or not. Period.
It's now Trump's turn ......... You will be on the defensive side regarding the flawed of his policies. And as far as lying is concern .............. Trump lied far more than Hillary.
To start.............................. There will be no mass deportation.

Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force'
Paul Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force' - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, I never realized you were in favor of mass deportation! I'm sorry if Trump disappointed you with this. Most of us on the right never thought he did plan some mass deportation. This has been your stupid shallow-minded rhetoric all along, but Trump never made that promise and no one ever thought he implied it... except YOU.

So now... you're going to blame Trump for not following through with the rhetorical nonsense you dreamed up and perverted his statements into during the campaign?
Comey caused substantial damage to Hillary either you believe it or not. Period.
It's now Trump's turn ......... You will be on the defensive side regarding the flawed of his policies. And as far as lying is concern .............. Trump lied far more than Hillary.
To start.............................. There will be no mass deportation.

Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force'
Paul Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force' - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, I never realized you were in favor of mass deportation! I'm sorry if Trump disappointed you with this. Most of us on the right never thought he did plan some mass deportation. This has been your stupid shallow-minded rhetoric all along, but Trump never made that promise and no one ever thought he implied it... except YOU.

So now... you're going to blame Trump for not following through with the rhetorical nonsense you dreamed up and perverted his statements into during the campaign?
Bull. He directly said it:

“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

I don't understand your peevishness but the reality is Comey caused a substantial damage to Hillary's campaign. That's a fact.
Then lying Trump took advantage and having a buffet when nobody even know what's in those emails.
If no one knows what's in the emails, why did Comey so quickly clear Hillary? He could just as easily stated that they were reviewing the emails and that nothing was off the table.
Prime example here. This woman lies about everything. Even stuff that it makes no sense to lie about. She cost herself the election with her lies and corruption...
Are you BLIND to Trump lies???

Sure, all politicians lie, but Trump is in a class by himself ...

He lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently. Since he began his campaign last June, the Republican presidential candidate has subjected America to a daily barrage of inaccuracy and mendacity.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Comey caused substantial damage to Hillary either you believe it or not. Period.
It's now Trump's turn ......... You will be on the defensive side regarding the flawed of his policies. And as far as lying is concern .............. Trump lied far more than Hillary.
To start.............................. There will be no mass deportation.

Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force'
Paul Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force' - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, I never realized you were in favor of mass deportation! I'm sorry if Trump disappointed you with this. Most of us on the right never thought he did plan some mass deportation. This has been your stupid shallow-minded rhetoric all along, but Trump never made that promise and no one ever thought he implied it... except YOU.

So now... you're going to blame Trump for not following through with the rhetorical nonsense you dreamed up and perverted his statements into during the campaign?

You really disappointed me. I didn't realize you are this dumb and ignorant. On top of that you've been here for quite sometime to post something this stupid. People in Asia, C/S America, Europe even knew about this crap. And you don't?
Trump exact words................. *There will be deportation force*. He even mentioned several times during his rallies .............. *they have to go*
Don't tell me you are going to ask for a link.
Comey caused substantial damage to Hillary either you believe it or not. Period.
It's now Trump's turn ......... You will be on the defensive side regarding the flawed of his policies. And as far as lying is concern .............. Trump lied far more than Hillary.
To start.............................. There will be no mass deportation.

Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force'
Paul Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force' - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, I never realized you were in favor of mass deportation! I'm sorry if Trump disappointed you with this. Most of us on the right never thought he did plan some mass deportation. This has been your stupid shallow-minded rhetoric all along, but Trump never made that promise and no one ever thought he implied it... except YOU.

So now... you're going to blame Trump for not following through with the rhetorical nonsense you dreamed up and perverted his statements into during the campaign?

You really disappointed me. I didn't realize you are this dumb and ignorant. On top of that you've been here for quite sometime to post something this stupid. People in Asia, C/S America, Europe even knew about this crap. And you don't?
Trump exact words................. *There will be deportation force*. He even mentioned several times during his rallies .............. *they have to go*
Don't tell me you are going to ask for a link.

He said they were going to secure the border, boot out the criminal illegals, and then decide what to do with the rest. He also needs to add in fining the crap out of those who employ illegals, didn't hear him say that.

They won't get booted (no one with half a brain ever thought they would) but hopefully there will be fines, back of the line kind of thing.
Comey caused substantial damage to Hillary either you believe it or not. Period.
It's now Trump's turn ......... You will be on the defensive side regarding the flawed of his policies. And as far as lying is concern .............. Trump lied far more than Hillary.
To start.............................. There will be no mass deportation.

Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force'
Paul Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force' - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, I never realized you were in favor of mass deportation! I'm sorry if Trump disappointed you with this. Most of us on the right never thought he did plan some mass deportation. This has been your stupid shallow-minded rhetoric all along, but Trump never made that promise and no one ever thought he implied it... except YOU.

So now... you're going to blame Trump for not following through with the rhetorical nonsense you dreamed up and perverted his statements into during the campaign?

You really disappointed me. I didn't realize you are this dumb and ignorant. On top of that you've been here for quite sometime to post something this stupid. People in Asia, C/S America, Europe even knew about this crap. And you don't?
Trump exact words................. *There will be deportation force*. He even mentioned several times during his rallies .............. *they have to go*
Don't tell me you are going to ask for a link.

I don't know if this is just not sinking in for you guys, but I really don't give two shits what Trump said during the campaign or how you construed things he said. You're out here acting like a bunch of insane morons... trying to work people up over the fact that Trump isn't going to round people up and have mass deportation... as IF that was something we all had our hearts set on! It's just offensive to me. I mean, you really do think that is going to just piss us the hell off, that Trump isn't going to round up all the illegals... all 11~20 million of them... and ship them back to Mexico.
Comey caused substantial damage to Hillary either you believe it or not. Period.
It's now Trump's turn ......... You will be on the defensive side regarding the flawed of his policies. And as far as lying is concern .............. Trump lied far more than Hillary.
To start.............................. There will be no mass deportation.

Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force'
Paul Ryan: 'We are not planning on erecting a deportation force' - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, I never realized you were in favor of mass deportation! I'm sorry if Trump disappointed you with this. Most of us on the right never thought he did plan some mass deportation. This has been your stupid shallow-minded rhetoric all along, but Trump never made that promise and no one ever thought he implied it... except YOU.

So now... you're going to blame Trump for not following through with the rhetorical nonsense you dreamed up and perverted his statements into during the campaign?

You really disappointed me. I didn't realize you are this dumb and ignorant. On top of that you've been here for quite sometime to post something this stupid. People in Asia, C/S America, Europe even knew about this crap. And you don't?
Trump exact words................. *There will be deportation force*. He even mentioned several times during his rallies .............. *they have to go*
Don't tell me you are going to ask for a link.

I don't know if this is just not sinking in for you guys, but I really don't give two shits what Trump said during the campaign or how you construed things he said. You're out here acting like a bunch of insane morons... trying to work people up over the fact that Trump isn't going to round people up and have mass deportation... as IF that was something we all had our hearts set on! It's just offensive to me. I mean, you really do think that is going to just piss us the hell off, that Trump isn't going to round up all the illegals... all 11~20 million of them... and ship them back to Mexico.

First you denied that he never utter those irresponsible statements........ now you don't give a shit. You are one funny keyboard tough guy.

You have to care because if your role model is lying as always then he tricked you to vote for him. Meaning you only voted for him bc you are fascinated but not his policies.
You don't care but people like us like to see how he can accomplish those promises bc that is how we lost.
That said. Trump knew all along that he cannot just deport 20+ millions of illegals.
There will be no WALL but fence. There will be no mass force deportation. Now where do you stand?
Do you want switch NBA or NFL discussions?
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