Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

Now, when Hillary is indicted for the Pay-To-Play corruption, it won't be a Constitutional crisis.
Comey must be thanked.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.
Washington Redskin, you need to stay away from the fire water… It makes you look like a really stupid Indian.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Good guess, going in without the results ahead of time. I was of the same opinion.

As it turns out, the surge for (R) Trump came from people who previously voted (D) Obama in 2012, all across the rust belt states and midwest states.The New York Times documented this on Wednesday.

Trump is Obama's legacy.
FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.

FACT: Polls are often wrong and the only one that matters is the one that happens on election day. If polls could elect presidents we wouldn't need to vote. The problem is, polls are often wrong.

And FYI, the LA Times poll showed Trump leading the past month. It didn't change due to Comey. They simply used a different methodology than the others. Oh... I know.... MSNBC and Young Turks had polls showing Hillary was going to win in a landslide and bring the Senate with her.

And speaking of the Senate... did Comey cost Democrats the Senate too? Seems to me like America had more their minds than Comey... who was put in the position he was in due to Hillary Rotten Clinton and her corruption.

But again... PLEASE.... Delude yourselves into thinking this election was lost due to Comey! Keep repeating that line! It won't get rid of Comey because you don't have any political power anymore and virtually everything you whine about will be ignored the next 4 years... but tell each other that!
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.
FACT: Hillary was far ahead AFTER Comey announced both the continuation and closure of the case and yet still lost.

That is because the polls have been shown to be utter BULLSHIT. Your argument is based on that bullshit.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.

The polls were wrong, you fucking moron.
FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.

FACT: Polls are often wrong and the only one that matters is the one that happens on election day. If polls could elect presidents we wouldn't need to vote. The problem is, polls are often wrong.

And FYI, the LA Times poll showed Trump leading the past month. It didn't change due to Comey. They simply used a different methodology than the others. Oh... I know.... MSNBC and Young Turks had polls showing Hillary was going to win in a landslide and bring the Senate with her.

And speaking of the Senate... did Comey cost Democrats the Senate too? Seems to me like America had more their minds than Comey... who was put in the position he was in due to Hillary Rotten Clinton and her corruption.

But again... PLEASE.... Delude yourselves into thinking this election was lost due to Comey! Keep repeating that line! It won't get rid of Comey because you don't have any political power anymore and virtually everything you whine about will be ignored the next 4 years... but tell each other that!
Exit polling shows that over 70% of people had made up their minds well before the announcement anyway. It had very little impact if any.
Because of Comey, Hillary had to totally change her campaign strategy for the last two weeks of her campaign.
Because of Comey, Hillary had to totally change her campaign strategy for the last two weeks of her campaign.

No... Because of Hillary's corruption she had to change her campaign strategy. You're trying to blame the FBI Director for doing his job.

Rather than whining over sour grapes, you need to be hoping Obama pardons her before he leaves office. I've heard the next AG might be Trey Gowdy and he'll put her ass in jail.
Because of Comey, Hillary had to totally change her campaign strategy for the last two weeks of her campaign.

No... Because of Hillary's corruption she had to change her campaign strategy. You're trying to blame the FBI Director for doing his job.

Rather than whining over sour grapes, you need to be hoping Obama pardons her before he leaves office. I've heard the next AG might be Trey Gowdy and he'll put her ass in jail.
That would be an assertion of guilt. Not going to happen.

Her prosecution is also not going to happen.
Well guess what? Comey's not going to pay because he has a 10 year appointment and the new president likes him... AND... you have no more fucking Congressional powers! So sit down and have a great big tall glass of ice cold Shut The Fuck Up!
Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

YES! Now it's a fact. Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.
The longer democrats believe that garbage, the longer they'll lose. The loser who doesn't look at himself, try to figure out what he did wrong and work to improve it doesn't normally come back and win.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.
Then he deserves commendation.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.
Then he deserves commendation.

For cheating? Really?

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