Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

I'm watching a news conference right now, waiting for Hill hag to take the stage. I almost feel bad. All the people look like such sad sacks. Lol.

Kaine is blaming her loss on being female, what a douche bag

I was just about to post the same thing. Oh, she lost because she's a woman? I don't think so. She lost because of the woman that she is!

It's a great thing about this country that being a woman was a total non factor for her. He was held accountable for her establishment corruption, no one cared.

Women are further behind because of the past for such lofty offices. It takes a career to get there and women were in the past held back. But the way to fix that is not to rush women not right for the job to somehow even it out. The way to fix the past is to do what we are doing, not caring

Well, like I said, if it had been a woman like Condolleezza Rice, I would have definitely voted for her. I am more concerned about having a president who follows the constitution rather than the gender of a candidate. Not saying it wouldn't be nice to have a woman president though. :)

Exactly. I don't care if our President is black, female, Hispanic, transexual, Muslim or what they are. I care that they respect my life, liberty and property. That's what the Constitution boils down to
I'm watching a news conference right now, waiting for Hill hag to take the stage. I almost feel bad. All the people look like such sad sacks. Lol.

Kaine is blaming her loss on being female.

Maybe being a CRIMINAL has something to do with it, douche bag!
Actually, the only reason she came close to taking it all was because she is female (and married to President Bill Clinton). Everything else being equal, she would never have been considered a serious candidate for president.
Like Hillary said: "This is painful, and will be for a long time"

Gin, Hillary, to ease the pain.
Think about Bill fooling around, drink, think about losing to that unqualified Senator from Illinois, drink, think about losing to Trump, drink some more.
The cure for your pain is in the bottom of that bottle. Have Huma pour you another.
Trump owes his victory to Assange, Comey, and Putin.
Sure, more rhetoric that ignores the actual actions and words of the democrats and Hillary but blames those that exposed them.

The new morality, its telling others what you did that is immoral not the actions themselves.
Like Hillary said: "This is painful, and will be for a long time"

Well, then do not make nice. Of course, the republicans swept the entire government yesterday so weather or not the dems make nice is irrelevant - the republicans do not actually need you at this point.
Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

YES! Now it's a fact. Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.
Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

YES! Now it's a fact. Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.
Trump was 'defeated' according to the polls. He was 'defeated' according to those same polls the day before the election as well.

The polls were simply wrong.
Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

YES! Now it's a fact. Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.

Look, you little whiny fucking baby.... How fucking bad does your candidate have to be to have the media in her corner, polls rigged in her favor, the Justice Department protecting her, the FBI director giving her at least two free passes, a bought-off Attorney General, Obama The Rock Star stumping for her, BILL CLINTON stumping for her, illegals and dead people voting for her, a month-long early voting spree, won the debates because Donna Brazeal GAVE her the questions, former first lady who historically Americans adore, former Senator from New York, Former Secretary of State, handing out "freebies" left and right.... all of her party and half the other party basically working on her behalf.... AND SHE STILL LOSES TO A REALITY SHOW STAR?

Don't give us this bullshit that it was COMEY's fault!

She was a totally ROTTEN candidate and you need to know that!
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

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