Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Prime example here. This woman lies about everything. Even stuff that it makes no sense to lie about. She cost herself the election with her lies and corruption...
Are you BLIND to Trump lies???

Sure, all politicians lie, but Trump is in a class by himself ...

He lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently. Since he began his campaign last June, the Republican presidential candidate has subjected America to a daily barrage of inaccuracy and mendacity.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Likely the same way that you are blind to Hillary's lies. She also lies about both important things and things that are meaningless. She lies when her own statements are repeated to her.

When you try and attack the other guy for the same thing that yours is doing it falls on deaf ears. The fact that Trump lied continuously does nothing to advance Clinton's support because she lies continuously as well.
Prime example here. This woman lies about everything. Even stuff that it makes no sense to lie about. She cost herself the election with her lies and corruption...
Are you BLIND to Trump lies???

Sure, all politicians lie, but Trump is in a class by himself ...

He lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently. Since he began his campaign last June, the Republican presidential candidate has subjected America to a daily barrage of inaccuracy and mendacity.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Likely the same way that you are blind to Hillary's lies. She also lies about both important things and things that are meaningless. She lies when her own statements are repeated to her.

When you try and attack the other guy for the same thing that yours is doing it falls on deaf ears. The fact that Trump lied continuously does nothing to advance Clinton's support because she lies continuously as well.
I already mentioned that ALL politicians lie, and Hillary is a subset of "all". Did you miss that?
Did you also miss the part that Trump lied a heckuva lot more?
Did you read that fact-checker link i provided? Apparently not. I'll make it easy for you ...

Hillary Clinton has her own reputation for dishonesty. Some of it is no doubt earned: she has made false claims this campaign about her email scandal, about her flip-flop on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and about assorted other things. But our scrutiny shows there is just no comparison in their level of accuracy on the campaign trail. At the three presidential debates, for example, we counted 104 false claims for Trump to 13 for Clinton.
Prime example here. This woman lies about everything. Even stuff that it makes no sense to lie about. She cost herself the election with her lies and corruption...
Are you BLIND to Trump lies???

Sure, all politicians lie, but Trump is in a class by himself ...

He lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently. Since he began his campaign last June, the Republican presidential candidate has subjected America to a daily barrage of inaccuracy and mendacity.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Likely the same way that you are blind to Hillary's lies. She also lies about both important things and things that are meaningless. She lies when her own statements are repeated to her.

When you try and attack the other guy for the same thing that yours is doing it falls on deaf ears. The fact that Trump lied continuously does nothing to advance Clinton's support because she lies continuously as well.
I already mentioned that ALL politicians lie, and Hillary is a subset of "all". Did you miss that?
Did you also miss the part that Trump lied a heckuva lot more?
Did you read that fact-checker link i provided? Apparently not. I'll make it easy for you ...

Hillary Clinton has her own reputation for dishonesty. Some of it is no doubt earned: she has made false claims this campaign about her email scandal, about her flip-flop on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and about assorted other things. But our scrutiny shows there is just no comparison in their level of accuracy on the campaign trail. At the three presidential debates, for example, we counted 104 false claims for Trump to 13 for Clinton.
Yes, I noticed how you said all politicians lie and then went right on trying to condemn Trump for lying and justifying ignoring the fact that Hillary lies continually.

Further, I could care less what the number of lies comes out to or what your local source of choice tries to push out there. I know Trump says a lot of falsehoods - many out of outright ignorance. That was never in contention. What I did say was that your point is going to be largely ignored when you are willing to gave Hillary a pass for the same behavior. If I do not support Trump because he is dishonest then why the hell would I support Hillary who is also dishonest? Because her calculated political points dont have as many lies in them? That is rather asinine.

Hillary is entirely false - from every position that she takes and flips on to the fact that she creates a different false persona every time she gives a speech. There is literally nothing about Hillary that is genuine or truthful. Really, she is a lot like Trump.
Prime example here. This woman lies about everything. Even stuff that it makes no sense to lie about. She cost herself the election with her lies and corruption...
Are you BLIND to Trump lies???

Sure, all politicians lie, but Trump is in a class by himself ...

He lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently. Since he began his campaign last June, the Republican presidential candidate has subjected America to a daily barrage of inaccuracy and mendacity.

Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Likely the same way that you are blind to Hillary's lies. She also lies about both important things and things that are meaningless. She lies when her own statements are repeated to her.

When you try and attack the other guy for the same thing that yours is doing it falls on deaf ears. The fact that Trump lied continuously does nothing to advance Clinton's support because she lies continuously as well.
I already mentioned that ALL politicians lie, and Hillary is a subset of "all". Did you miss that?
Did you also miss the part that Trump lied a heckuva lot more?
Did you read that fact-checker link i provided? Apparently not. I'll make it easy for you ...

Hillary Clinton has her own reputation for dishonesty. Some of it is no doubt earned: she has made false claims this campaign about her email scandal, about her flip-flop on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and about assorted other things. But our scrutiny shows there is just no comparison in their level of accuracy on the campaign trail. At the three presidential debates, for example, we counted 104 false claims for Trump to 13 for Clinton.
Yes, I noticed how you said all politicians lie and then went right on trying to condemn Trump for lying and justifying ignoring the fact that Hillary lies continually.

Further, I could care less what the number of lies comes out to or what your local source of choice tries to push out there. I know Trump says a lot of falsehoods - many out of outright ignorance. That was never in contention. What I did say was that your point is going to be largely ignored when you are willing to gave Hillary a pass for the same behavior. If I do not support Trump because he is dishonest then why the hell would I support Hillary who is also dishonest? Because her calculated political points dont have as many lies in them? That is rather asinine.

Hillary is entirely false - from every position that she takes and flips on to the fact that she creates a different false persona every time she gives a speech. There is literally nothing about Hillary that is genuine or truthful. Really, she is a lot like Trump.
At least Hillary has consistent policies & lied MANY TIMES LESS than Trump, who seems unprepared and has to make up shit off the top of his head. Trump is the one "entirely false", and Hillary is nothing like him.

Trump changes his mind so frequently and so dramatically that a compilation of his current policies would not tell the whole story, nor would it be up to date for very long.

Here are all of Donald Trump's flip-flops on big issues
At least Hillary has consistent policies & lied MANY TIMES LESS than Trump, who seems unprepared and has to make up shit off the top of his head. Trump is the one "entirely false", and Hillary is nothing like him.

Here's the thing... Hillary Clinton's political career is over. She will never be elected to any public office again. Whatever her policies were, whatever she may have wanted to do or how great she would've been.... that's all over now.

On the other hand, Trump will be the president for the next 4 years at least. His ideas and policies will be advanced. If you want to live in denial over these realities, I'm sure you will become a great amusement around here.
At least Hillary has consistent policies & lied MANY TIMES LESS than Trump
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

One of the all time dumbest things ever posted. As I already pointed out, Hitlery just lies about stupid stuff. Stuff that isn't even relevant. Donald Trump has never tried to convince anyone that he landed under sniper fire.
“We believe that we lost this election in the last week,” Nayak’s email, published by Politico, said. “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters—particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Clinton Campaign Points Fingers At James Comey For Trump’s Win

Yep, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - because it was blatantly obvious! Comey must pay!

You know what.... I really do hope you turds continue to think this election wasn't about your policy ideas and America being fed up with you. Please.... brainwash yourselves into thinking James Comey ambushed your sure win! In 8 years, you've gone from having complete control of all 3 branches of government to having no control over anything. I want to ensure it stays that way for a really long time.

FACT: Hillary was ahead by double digits before Comey, well outside the margin of error. Comey put Trump in the White House.
Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Looks like he did.
Case closed?
At least Hillary has consistent policies & lied MANY TIMES LESS than Trump...
Hillary lost. None of this matters anymore.
Of course it matters; Hillary is leading the POPULAR vote by 1.1 MILLION ballots.

If it was reversed, Trump would be crying OUT LOUD bloody murder & "the election is rigged".
He himself hates the ECollege.

Yup, he would be and you would be here saying the same thing that he just did - it does not matter because she won.
At least Hillary has consistent policies & lied MANY TIMES LESS than Trump...
Hillary lost. None of this matters anymore.
Of course it matters; Hillary is leading the POPULAR vote by 1.1 MILLION ballots.

If it was reversed, Trump would be crying OUT LOUD bloody murder & "the election is rigged".
He himself hates the ECollege.


Hillary is leading the POPULAR vote by 1.1 MILLION ballots.

That and $5 will get Hillary a yummy drink at Starbucks!
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.



That MIGHT have had a TEENSY WEENSY LITTLE BIT of impact on the election.
Of course it matters; Hillary is leading the POPULAR vote by 1.1 MILLION ballots.
Hillary lost 306-232.
None of your rants and raves comparing Trump to anyone or anything matter any more.
You lost, and you lost because you ran Hillary Clinton.
Get over it. Move on.
I am aware of the fact that Clinton lost the Electoral College.
I was also pointing out the fact that Trump lost the popular vote.
You call the discussion of facts "rants & raves" ? LOL!

You don't like facts?
Maybe Clinton would have won the ECollege too if she lied as much as Trump!
Of course it matters; Hillary is leading the POPULAR vote by 1.1 MILLION ballots.
Hillary lost 306-232.
None of your rants and raves comparing Trump to anyone or anything matter any more.
You lost, and you lost because you ran Hillary Clinton.
Get over it. Move on.
I am aware of the fact that Clinton lost the Electoral College.
I was also pointing out the fact that Trump lost the popular vote.
One of these facts is relevant, the other is not.
Your rant concerns the one that is not.

You lost, and you lost because you ran Hillary Clinton.
Get over it. Move on.

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