Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Nope.. if she's gonna go out there and make an ass out of herself, then she should expect to be ridiculed. She seems like a complete douche.
No. I never mentioned cancer. I'm saying being pregnant is a health issue. Birth control and family planning are health issues. And as health issues, I cannot understand why anyone seeking birth control and family planning services can legitimately be called a slut.

there is a need for prenatal care, and that's a health issue not a moral one. There is a need for contraceptive devices and that's a health care issue, not a moral issue.

The only way someone could call a woman a slut is on moral grounds. seeking legitimate health care services does not make a slut.

And imagine the gall it takes for someone to make such a judgment. I recall someone talking about casting the first stone, but I'm positive that reference would be lost on the Christian Right and the moralists who cannot understand that pregnancy is a matter of health first.

Thats right you never did answer that question
Are you comparing being pregnant to having cancer?

Both are medical conditions requiring a doctors care

Except one is 100% avoidable.
If she needs 3k a year to pay for her birth control she is a slut. If she needs that much money to support her sex addiction she should be in porn, or to a Nevada brothel where her financial needs will be commensurate with her activities.

I bet her parents are ready to crawl under a rock over this...
No. I never mentioned cancer. I'm saying being pregnant is a health issue. Birth control and family planning are health issues. And as health issues, I cannot understand why anyone seeking birth control and family planning services can legitimately be called a slut.

there is a need for prenatal care, and that's a health issue not a moral one. There is a need for contraceptive devices and that's a health care issue, not a moral issue.

The only way someone could call a woman a slut is on moral grounds. seeking legitimate health care services does not make a slut.

And imagine the gall it takes for someone to make such a judgment. I recall someone talking about casting the first stone, but I'm positive that reference would be lost on the Christian Right and the moralists who cannot understand that pregnancy is a matter of health first.

Thats right you never did answer that question
Are you comparing being pregnant to having cancer?

Both are medical conditions requiring a doctors care
I didn't realize midwives were considered doctors.
The term midwife reflects a philosophy of care; one that is directed at the woman and her individual reproductive needs. A midwife usually offers a variety of options and seeks to eliminate or minimize unnecessary interventions.This philosophy of care is represented by the Midwives Model of Care.
Midwives : American Pregnancy Association
Have any prominent (or not so prominent) cultural conservatives come forward to publicly condemn Rush for his comments about a college coed?

Or can we now finally openly acknowledge that cultural conservatives are giving Rush a pass for his comments because he's a conservative?
Maybe the prominent Conservatives are just too tired of putting out the silly fires started by the blowhard demagogue Limbaugh.
Thats right you never did answer that question
Are you comparing being pregnant to having cancer?

Both are medical conditions requiring a doctors care

Except one is 100% avoidable.
Right on! An astute observation! So, the policy has to be: health care for the celibate, tough shit for those who want to enjoy sex!

Great policy! You should really run with that. I'll bet it's going to be wildly popular!
Aren't all personal health issues private health issues? If a hernia is considered a private health issue and the coverage to repair a hernia was suddenly deemed illegitimate due to an employer's personal feelings about it, would there be any outrage? It's as private a health concern as a pregnancy.

And yet there is indifference toward pregnancy from a health care perspective shared by Conservatives. The bring words like 'slut' to condemn those seeking family planning and contraceptive devices, even though these things are health matters. So it must be some stilted, antiquated, archaic morals involved to make the leap from 'slut' to hernia patient.

What you fail to recognize is the difference between accidents and planned behavior. Unlike sexual activity, no one CHOOSES to get a hernia.
So are you saying health care for the celibate, tough nuggies for the rest of you poor people who want to enjoy the gift of sex? Try selling that to EVERYONE ELSE!

No, he's saying that none of us budget for hernias because most people don't get them.

However, those planning to have sex are pretty sure they're going to have sex and they can jolly well save up for or give up a pack of ciggies to buy their own Trojans. That is not too much to ask of somebody who is responsible enough to be having sex in the first place.
Rush is throwing his outrageous commits out out there because she gave no facts as to why it costs 3,000.00.
It's called being facetious.
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Thats right you never did answer that question
Are you comparing being pregnant to having cancer?

Both are medical conditions requiring a doctors care
I didn't realize midwives were considered doctors.
The term midwife reflects a philosophy of care; one that is directed at the woman and her individual reproductive needs. A midwife usually offers a variety of options and seeks to eliminate or minimize unnecessary interventions.This philosophy of care is represented by the Midwives Model of Care.
Midwives : American Pregnancy Association
Ever hear of an Obstetrician or a Gynecologist?
Both are medical conditions requiring a doctors care

Except one is 100% avoidable.
Right on! An astute observation! So, the policy has to be: health care for the celibate, tough shit for those who want to enjoy sex!

Great policy! You should really run with that. I'll bet it's going to be wildly popular!

Are you retarded? I said no such thing. I didn't have kids until my very late twenties? Ya know why? because I couldn't afford them and to that point I didn't demand that my rubbers be paid for by somebody else.

Grow up and stop being such a needy child.
No. I never mentioned cancer. I'm saying being pregnant is a health issue. Birth control and family planning are health issues. And as health issues, I cannot understand why anyone seeking birth control and family planning services can legitimately be called a slut.

there is a need for prenatal care, and that's a health issue not a moral one. There is a need for contraceptive devices and that's a health care issue, not a moral issue.

The only way someone could call a woman a slut is on moral grounds. seeking legitimate health care services does not make a slut.

And imagine the gall it takes for someone to make such a judgment. I recall someone talking about casting the first stone, but I'm positive that reference would be lost on the Christian Right and the moralists who cannot understand that pregnancy is a matter of health first.

Thats right you never did answer that question
Are you comparing being pregnant to having cancer?
In that both are legitimate health concerns, I'd say pregnancy is like cancer. They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.

WARPED liberal mentality^^^^^^^^
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Nope.. if she's gonna go out there and make an ass out of herself, then she should expect to be ridiculed. She seems like a complete douche.

Testifying before a Congressional committee is making an ass out of oneself?
Both are medical conditions requiring a doctors care
I didn't realize midwives were considered doctors.
The term midwife reflects a philosophy of care; one that is directed at the woman and her individual reproductive needs. A midwife usually offers a variety of options and seeks to eliminate or minimize unnecessary interventions.This philosophy of care is represented by the Midwives Model of Care.
Midwives : American Pregnancy Association
Ever hear of an Obstetrician or a Gynecologist?

Ever heard of a midwife? You don't need a doctor for a birth of a child
Thats right you never did answer that question
Are you comparing being pregnant to having cancer?
In that both are legitimate health concerns, I'd say pregnancy is like cancer. They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.

WARPED liberal mentality^^^^^^^^

No shit huh? Nosmo's either colossally stupid or hopelessly naive.
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Nope.. if she's gonna go out there and make an ass out of herself, then she should expect to be ridiculed. She seems like a complete douche.

Testifying before a Congressional committee is making an ass out of oneself?

No, saying stupid shit in front of a congressional committee is though... do try and keep up.
What you fail to recognize is the difference between accidents and planned behavior. Unlike sexual activity, no one CHOOSES to get a hernia.
So are you saying health care for the celibate, tough nuggies for the rest of you poor people who want to enjoy the gift of sex? Try selling that to EVERYONE ELSE!

No, he's saying that none of us budget for hernias because most people don't get them.

However, those planning to have sex are pretty sure they're going to have sex and they can jolly well save up for or give up a pack of ciggies to buy their own Trojans. That is not too much to ask of somebody who is responsible enough to be having sex in the first place.
Are all contraceptive methods as inexpensive as a condom? Do some contraceptives provide health benefits beyond family planning? In other words, are there any birth control methods used for something other than the prevention of unwanted pregnancies?

And what happens should one slip passed the goalie? If contraceptive devices are no longer available through medical providers, shouldn't we brace ourselves for more unwanted pregnancies? And then what? If abortion is as vile as contraceptives, who's prepared to meet the costs of all those unplanned and unwanted pregnancies?
FINALLY (with a caveat)!

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) pushed back Friday against Rush Limbaugh's inflammatory comments about Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke.

"The speaker obviously believes the use of those words was inappropriate, as is trying to raise money off the situation," said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel in a statement. House Democrats have raised $1.1 million off the "War on Women" campaign.

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says
So are you saying health care for the celibate, tough nuggies for the rest of you poor people who want to enjoy the gift of sex? Try selling that to EVERYONE ELSE!

No, he's saying that none of us budget for hernias because most people don't get them.

However, those planning to have sex are pretty sure they're going to have sex and they can jolly well save up for or give up a pack of ciggies to buy their own Trojans. That is not too much to ask of somebody who is responsible enough to be having sex in the first place.
Are all contraceptive methods as inexpensive as a condom? Do some contraceptives provide health benefits beyond family planning? In other words, are there any birth control methods used for something other than the prevention of unwanted pregnancies?

And what happens should one slip passed the goalie? If contraceptive devices are no longer available through medical providers, shouldn't we brace ourselves for more unwanted pregnancies? And then what? If abortion is as vile as contraceptives, who's prepared to meet the costs of all those unplanned and unwanted pregnancies?

Seriously, how old are you?
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Nope.. if she's gonna go out there and make an ass out of herself, then she should expect to be ridiculed. She seems like a complete douche.

Testifying before a Congressional committee is making an ass out of oneself?

Comedy worked real good for Stephen Colbert during a congressional hearing :lol:

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