Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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Thats right you never did answer that question
Are you comparing being pregnant to having cancer?
In that both are legitimate health concerns, I'd say pregnancy is like cancer. They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.

WARPED liberal mentality^^^^^^^^
Why? You boldly highlighted one little portion of my post and relegated the rest of the context to the garbage can. Is that what this is all about? You're trying to set an inept rhetorical trap? What about the remained of the post?

They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.
So are you saying health care for the celibate, tough nuggies for the rest of you poor people who want to enjoy the gift of sex? Try selling that to EVERYONE ELSE!

No, he's saying that none of us budget for hernias because most people don't get them.

However, those planning to have sex are pretty sure they're going to have sex and they can jolly well save up for or give up a pack of ciggies to buy their own Trojans. That is not too much to ask of somebody who is responsible enough to be having sex in the first place.
Are all contraceptive methods as inexpensive as a condom? Do some contraceptives provide health benefits beyond family planning? In other words, are there any birth control methods used for something other than the prevention of unwanted pregnancies?

And what happens should one slip passed the goalie? If contraceptive devices are no longer available through medical providers, shouldn't we brace ourselves for more unwanted pregnancies? And then what? If abortion is as vile as contraceptives, who's prepared to meet the costs of all those unplanned and unwanted pregnancies?

The last time I checked, a 30-day supply of generic birth control pills was something like $4/month at Wal-mart. A 13-15 pack of condoms is about $5.00 or so for the cheapest but servicable kind.

Exactly what IS your problem with expecting people responsible enough to have sex in the first place to pay for their own contraceptives? Or anything else that they voluntarily choose to do? Surely you understand that things we can choose are far different than things we have no choice about?
In that both are legitimate health concerns, I'd say pregnancy is like cancer. They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.

WARPED liberal mentality^^^^^^^^
Why? You boldly highlighted one little portion of my post and relegated the rest of the context to the garbage can. Is that what this is all about? You're trying to set an inept rhetorical trap? What about the remained of the post?

They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.

Who cast aspersions on the patient? What is wrong with you? Are you purposefully being a cement head or are you just this comprehension challenged?
In that both are legitimate health concerns, I'd say pregnancy is like cancer. They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.

WARPED liberal mentality^^^^^^^^
Why? You boldly highlighted one little portion of my post and relegated the rest of the context to the garbage can. Is that what this is all about? You're trying to set an inept rhetorical trap? What about the remained of the post?

They both require a specialized medical field for treatment. They both should be covered in any health policy worth it salt. And neither cancer nor pregnancy is reason to cast aspersions on the patient.
Because your comment was ridiculous you need to be ridiculed for your stupid comment.
I did my own investigation into this whole birth control BS. I found that you can get a months supply of birth control pills at Walmart for $9 - $15 per month. With a minimal health care plan they are free in most cases so what are the Obama friends talking about? If Ms Fluke or whatever her darn name is can't afford the "pill" then I'd suggest to her that she tattoo a price list on her forehead and put a coin slot on her headboard. It's interesting that for once the LEFTIES are leaving the boyfriends out of the discussion. Where's their responsibility? Free sex for all (except the tax and tuition payers) and all for free sex. Yeeehaaaa!
Have any prominent (or not so prominent) cultural conservatives come forward to publicly condemn Rush for his comments about a college coed?

Or can we now finally openly acknowledge that cultural conservatives are giving Rush a pass for his comments because he's a conservative?

oh dear gawd, crack us all up will ya..
We don't have to do what you all ask, so get over yourselves.
And Rush hands the high ground over to President Obama and the Democrats, which was inevitable, seeing as how Rush is embarrassing Republicans who remain silent...and driving away women voters in the process.

President Obama calls Georgetown student Fluke

President Obama called Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke on Friday to offer her words of encouragement amid a controversy involving Rush Limbaugh's words toward her.

Obama called Fluke shortly before her appearance on MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," Fluke said in a subsequent appearance on the program.
"He encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women," Fluke said in her description of the call. "What was really personal for me was that he said to tell my parents that they should be proud."

First Read - President Obama calls Georgetown student Fluke
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I did my own investigation into this whole birth control BS. I found that you can get a months supply of birth control pills at Walmart for $9 - $15 per month. With a minimal health care plan they are free in most cases so what are the Obama friends talking about? If Ms Fluke or whatever her darn name is can't afford the "pill" then I'd suggest to her that she tattoo a price list on her forehead and put a coin slot on her headboard. It's interesting that for once the LEFTIES are leaving the boyfriends out of the discussion. Where's their responsibility? Free sex for all (except the tax and tuition payers) and all for free sex. Yeeehaaaa!

If Ms Fluke or whatever her darn name is

Ms. fuck around all night long that's her name.
I didn't realize midwives were considered doctors.
The term midwife reflects a philosophy of care; one that is directed at the woman and her individual reproductive needs. A midwife usually offers a variety of options and seeks to eliminate or minimize unnecessary interventions.This philosophy of care is represented by the Midwives Model of Care.
Midwives : American Pregnancy Association
Ever hear of an Obstetrician or a Gynecologist?

Ever heard of a midwife? You don't need a doctor for a birth of a child
Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy. Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care.
Doctors can spot health problems early when they see mothers regularly. This allows doctors to treat them early. Early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others. Doctors also can talk to pregnant women about things they can do to give their unborn babies a healthy start to life.
I did my own investigation into this whole birth control BS. I found that you can get a months supply of birth control pills at Walmart for $9 - $15 per month. With a minimal health care plan they are free in most cases so what are the Obama friends talking about? If Ms Fluke or whatever her darn name is can't afford the "pill" then I'd suggest to her that she tattoo a price list on her forehead and put a coin slot on her headboard. It's interesting that for once the LEFTIES are leaving the boyfriends out of the discussion. Where's their responsibility? Free sex for all (except the tax and tuition payers) and all for free sex. Yeeehaaaa!

It has nothing to do with contraception.. it is just the left ginning up some stupid "you hate women" bullshit before an election.

Their argument is patently absurd and without any merit....
FINALLY (with a caveat)!

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) pushed back Friday against Rush Limbaugh's inflammatory comments about Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke.

"The speaker obviously believes the use of those words was inappropriate, as is trying to raise money off the situation," said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel in a statement. House Democrats have raised $1.1 million off the "War on Women" campaign.

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says

There ya go, now you all can pull the panties out..
The majority of the people could give a shit less about this stupidity..they have more to worry about like paying for gas and food and finding jobs.
FINALLY (with a caveat)!

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) pushed back Friday against Rush Limbaugh's inflammatory comments about Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke.

"The speaker obviously believes the use of those words was inappropriate, as is trying to raise money off the situation," said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel in a statement. House Democrats have raised $1.1 million off the "War on Women" campaign.

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says

Rush talked about it...and frankly? I don't think he gives a shit what Boehner said....Neither do I.
Ever hear of an Obstetrician or a Gynecologist?

Ever heard of a midwife? You don't need a doctor for a birth of a child
Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy. Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care.
Doctors can spot health problems early when they see mothers regularly. This allows doctors to treat them early. Early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others. Doctors also can talk to pregnant women about things they can do to give their unborn babies a healthy start to life.

Yada yada yada once again you do not need a doctor for the birth of a child. Midwives have been around a lot longer than Obstetrician or a Gynecologist. After all that was your point that only doctors can tend to the birth of a child. Well they aren't needed.
FINALLY (with a caveat)!

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) pushed back Friday against Rush Limbaugh's inflammatory comments about Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke.

"The speaker obviously believes the use of those words was inappropriate, as is trying to raise money off the situation," said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel in a statement. House Democrats have raised $1.1 million off the "War on Women" campaign.

Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Attack On Sandra Fluke 'Inappropriate,' John Boehner Camp Says

There ya go, now you all can pull the panties out..
The majority of the people could give a shit less about this stupidity..they have more to worry about like paying for gas and food and finding jobs.

No shit.... 40,000,000,000,000+ unemployed, 1/6 of Americans on assistance, $16,000,000,000,000 debt, massive deficits, inflation, $4 gas, and Obama focus' on free rubbers for all!

What idiots...
FINALLY (with a caveat)!

There ya go, now you all can pull the panties out..
The majority of the people could give a shit less about this stupidity..they have more to worry about like paying for gas and food and finding jobs.

No shit.... 40,000,000,000,000+ unemployed, 1/6 of Americans on assistance, $16,000,000,000,000 debt, massive deficits, inflation, $4 gas, and Obama focus' on free rubbers for all!

What idiots...

I must yada yada rep you yada yada in 24 hours yada yada.
What you fail to recognize is the difference between accidents and planned behavior. Unlike sexual activity, no one CHOOSES to get a hernia.
So are you saying health care for the celibate, tough nuggies for the rest of you poor people who want to enjoy the gift of sex? Try selling that to EVERYONE ELSE!

No, I'm saying if you CHOOSE to have sex you should be responsible enough to PURCHASE your own fucking birth control. If you can't AFFORD it, go to Planned Parenthood or the local county health center and get it for FREE.
In all seriousness though, just give this skank her b.c. for free. The rate at which Liberal/Democrat Women are killing their Babies, is incredibly alarming. So save a Baby's life and give this skank her b.c.

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