Will Democrats Condemn Obama for...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?
I suspect Obama's foriegn interventions are even worse than that.
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?
I suspect Obama's foriegn interventions are even worse than that.
Obama's just a puppet.

I'm not sure things would've been much different with Romney in charge.
More Republican encouragement of Russia to fix our elections
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?

Why do you want Assad in power?
More Republican encouragement of Russia to fix our elections

RW, why haven't I seen you in that thread on the child rapist who was deported 19 times?

A lot of loose talk in there about deportations and shit. A great place for you to defend your side's polices and attack Trump. ON policy.
More Republican encouragement of Russia to fix our elections
So that's a 'No' - you will NOT be condemning Obama for doing 4 TIMES ad much as what he is accusing Putin of doing...got it!
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?

Why do you want Assad in power?
No one does - it's just ANOTHER one of your false narratives in a pathetic attempt to defend Obama's actions and hypocrisy.
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President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?

Why do you want Assad in power?
No one does - it's just ANOTHER one of your false natratives in a pathetic attempt to defend Obama's actions and hypocrisy.

So you're attacking Obama because you and he agree that Assad should be gone.

That's a textbook example of insanity.
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?

Why do you want Assad in power?
No one does - it's just ANOTHER one of your false narratives in a pathetic attempt to defend Obama's actions and hypocrisy.

No one? No one except Trump and Putin...
Page 2, and - as expected- no liberal condemnation of Barry for intervening in 4 governments / elections... :p
Gotta love the commie Russian Dictator lovers on this board defending them/him.....

Who would have ever thunk it?

Practice is in order, shout and spell RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, we are better than the USA!

Come on now pawns, all in UNISON

R U S S I A we are better than the USA!
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?

Why do you want Assad in power?
No one does - it's just ANOTHER one of your false natratives in a pathetic attempt to defend Obama's actions and hypocrisy.

So you're attacking Obama because you and he agree that Assad should be gone.

That's a textbook example of insanity.
1. Stop with the false narratives already - you're embarassing yourself.

2. Obama is trying to oust ANOTHER leader of a soveriegn government ...
While bitching about Russia and providing no solid evidence of Russian interference.

3. Obama has openly done - 4 times - what he is accusing Russia of having done.

Where is your condemnation for HIS actions.

If you agree with the sanctions / ejections of diplomats Obama made happen than you must equally agree that Obama's administration should be punished for interfering in other nation's hovernments and elections.

You condemned Bush for taking us to war and intervening into another country's business when it was none of OUR business ... but you are defending Barry for the same thing ... which makes YOU a hypocrite, too.
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Gotta love the commie Russian Dictator lovers on this board defending them/him.....

Who would have ever thunk it?

Practice is in order, shout and spell RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, we are better than the USA!

Come on now pawns, all in UNISON

R U S S I A we are better than the USA!

Russia is no longer communists.

That is why the Cold War is over.

That and there are no longer 10 thousand SOVIET tanks sitting in the middle of Europe.
Gotta love the commie Russian Dictator lovers on this board defending them/him.....

Who would have ever thunk it?

Practice is in order, shout and spell RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, we are better than the USA!

Come on now pawns, all in UNISON

R U S S I A we are better than the USA!
Pointing out that Barry has wrongly injected himself into other nations' politics and elections is not, as you know, showing support for any other nation or leader - it is making snowflakes so uncomfortable and defensive that they have to create false narratives and attempt to hijack threads to defend Obama.

It's pathetic that you can't condemn Barry for doing what he claims Russia did.
Gotta love the commie Russian Dictator lovers on this board defending them/him.....

Who would have ever thunk it?

Practice is in order, shout and spell RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, we are better than the USA!

Come on now pawns, all in UNISON

R U S S I A we are better than the USA!

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