Will democrats/the left claim Russia hacked the elections in 2018 and 2020

Will democrats/the left blame Russia for losses in 2018 and 2020 elections?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
If the GOP wins? Either wins BIG or just wins a few seats they are expected to win? I say yes,I hope they do because if the witch hunt is still ongoing its just going to show how much of a JOKE it is. The democrats will turn into the boy that cried wolf,every time they lose an election it will be time to blame Russia and Muh Collusion.
What the FBI, the CIA, DOJ, all the intel agencies say ~ that matters.

What the Alt Right and Russian-inspired American haters of America say ~ does not matter.
When you've had a hit sing ... the audience demands you sing it at ever show ...

What the FBI, the CIA, DOJ, all the intel agencies say ~ that matters.

What the Alt Right and Russian-inspired American haters of America say ~ does not matter.

So you'd trust a bunch of corrupt governmental agencies which are more than likely gathering intelligence on you and spying on you, even as I type this?

Would you like me to explain to you the difference between a "fool" and a "damned fool"?

Nice attempt to portray yourself as a "patriot", BTW. I never thought I'd see the day when you communists/socialist types claim that they love America.
If the GOP wins? Either wins BIG or just wins a few seats they are expected to win? I say yes,I hope they do because if the witch hunt is still ongoing its just going to show how much of a JOKE it is. The democrats will turn into the boy that cried wolf,every time they lose an election it will be time to blame Russia and Muh Collusion.
Has the tRump *administration* done anything to prevent it?
If you’re on the left you don’t have to worry. They aren’t after them.
What the FBI, the CIA, DOJ, all the intel agencies say ~ that matters.

What the Alt Right and Russian-inspired American haters of America say ~ does not matter.

So you'd trust a bunch of corrupt governmental agencies which are more than likely gathering intelligence on you and spying on you, even as I type this?

Would you like me to explain to you the difference between a "fool" and a "damned fool"?

Nice attempt to portray yourself as a "patriot", BTW. I never thought I'd see the day when you communists/socialist types claim that they love America.
Trust the alt right haters of all that is good in America or trust the DOJ, the FBI, the intel agencies, the Senate intel cmte? :laughing0301:

And the alt right traitors with Russian support trying to overthrow America should be surveiled.

Maybe that is happening right now.

Well, if they win, Russia had nothing to do with it.

If they lose, Russia had everything to do with it, fuck Trump.

That's how partisans roll. Hey, at least they're predictable.
The left has claimed a stolen election with every republican win since Nixon. They won't suddenly start accepting election results now.
Dear President Trump,

Putin put you in the White House.

we're Putin your ass in jail!
The idea of Trump in jail is unpleasant to me, smacks of Banana Republic. However I do want him out of office. He can screw up his life, his friends' lives, and anybody that trusts him, but he wont be able to screw up the country any more, is all. And that's all I want. Not revenge, just relief! I do wonder if his Russian connections would so much as look at him of he couldn't be of service to them. And I noticed on the news today that Minneapolis had a sizable rally against admin policies. I wonder what was the crowd size compared to the Trump campaign rally held there last week. Anybody know?
more than likely gathering intelligence on you and spying on you, even as I type this?
No, J, they'll be spying on YOU! Remember, they're Commie, Leftist, Socialist Crooks?

I'd like to believe, but you could be right.

But it does present one hell of a conundrum to JakeStarkey: "Should I trust my government and believe that my intelligence agencies would only go after conservatives, and not myself?"

To sincerely believe that, JakeStarkey would be admitting that the American intelligence agencies did indeed treat conservatives unfairly.

So which is it, Jake?
Wonder if he still denies the irs did...
more than likely gathering intelligence on you and spying on you, even as I type this?
No, J, they'll be spying on YOU! Remember, they're Commie, Leftist, Socialist Crooks?

I'd like to believe, but you could be right.

But it does present one hell of a conundrum to JakeStarkey: "Should I trust my government and believe that my intelligence agencies would only go after conservatives, and not myself?"

To sincerely believe that, JakeStarkey would be admitting that the American intelligence agencies did indeed treat conservatives unfairly.

So which is it, Jake?
Well, if they win, Russia had nothing to do with it.

If they lose, Russia had everything to do with it, fuck Trump.

That's how partisans roll. Hey, at least they're predictable.
You give away that you are a regressive Alt Righty.

You know, if you are honest with yourself, the Russians meddled in 2016.

JGalt is Russian trolling, so he would deny it, so his opinion is worthless.

Mac1958, you doubt they will try to meddle this year and in 2020?
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Well, if they win, Russia had nothing to do with it.

If they lose, Russia had everything to do with it, fuck Trump.

That's how partisans roll. Hey, at least they're predictable.
You give away that you are a regressive Alt Righty.

You know, if you are honest with yourself, the Russians meddled in 2016.

JGalt is Russian trolling, so he would deny it, so his opinion is worthless.

Mac1958, you doubt they will try to meddle this year and in 2020?
All reports are that we have done very little to stop Russian meddling in 2018/2020. However, by now they don't have to . Russia, in the form of Putin, already has his foot in the door of the Oval Office. No need to sneak around anymore. And the forthcoming 'summit' will tell us a lot too. Meantime, who needs Russian interlopers when Putin has sycophants right here on this board...still passing on old lies and chanting 'lock her up' whenever Mueller gets close to Trump.
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If the GOP wins? Either wins BIG or just wins a few seats they are expected to win? I say yes,I hope they do because if the witch hunt is still ongoing its just going to show how much of a JOKE it is. The democrats will turn into the boy that cried wolf,every time they lose an election it will be time to blame Russia and Muh Collusion.

Not after this upcoming week. (I think) Nothing is absolutely certain, but..
When the Democrats win, they say nothing about election hacking or anything else. When they lose, they blame the Russians, "ignorant" rural voters, the weather, etc., etc.

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