Will Donald Trump bring in World War 3 (or the Battle of Armageddon) if he is elected?

If the next president does not start the war to eliminate Islam?

Could we........
Well if one looks at what Putin did for Russia (like it or loathe it) a little bat shit crazy muscle seems to work.

Putin's foreign policy is working (achieving his and lager Russian nationalist goals) while the sober and moderate, (drinking expensive mineral water around conference tables and tell each other ever nice nothings, talking heads) in the democratic West are in foreign policy disarray.

So maybe the US needs a Trump?

Balance of bat shit crazy power and all that good historical stuff?
Is he the AntiChrist who will start WW3 (the BOA)?
YES. and i will be his soldier
Is he the AntiChrist who will start WW3 (the BOA)?
YES. and i will be his soldier

I don't think he has the temperament for a war or a World War.

No, he doesn't have the temperament for leading during wartime.

He DOES have the temperament to start one though.
Mr. Cool expanded the current war
milk toast Wilson sent us to war
candy assed fdr did the same
Blustering RR sent, oh wait, he avoided war and Ended The Cold War

you're bases of who starts wars in flawed
If Donald is the pawn of Satan, he has so many goons around him now it will take a large event to stop him...maybe.. maybe not.

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