Will Donald Trump's hatred towards John McCain cost him Arizona?

If those 11 EVs make a difference, it will be John McCains revenge

McCain has had his revenge already, when he defeated Trumpcare a few years back stabbing his President in the back.

What a nonsense. Trump had no concept. He stabbed himselve ... meanwhile I don't know how often the "system Trump" stabbed himselve in the back of others. Next will be Dr. Fauci, because Trump fought and still fights for the spreading of the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

But he really just hurt the people, as they didn't get the tremendous healthcare they were hoping for at unbelievable savings.
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McCain was a saint to Republicans in Arizona
Trump insisting on attacking him long after he was dead had consequences
It appears that it will cost trump more than Az.

President Trump might, or might not, lose the election and the Presidency.

However, watch him land on his feet and unlike most Americans during the Bidenist regime, he'll be doing tremendously well financially anyhow.
In Moscow or jail...
Imo all of Trump's emotional outburst "we want all the voting to stop" is to just not be seen as "a loser" which in the Trump lexicon is the worst one can be. A "winner" prevails even though he's unfairly outnumbered. There's even a Fox "news" show with this title. Trump's bankruptcy was staved off when he chanced upon reality tv, and his signature line was "you're fired." He wins, the other guy loses. Trump is going to lose the election and THAT is not news, but for Trump it has to be because "it was stolen."

Both Rich Lowrey of Natl Review (Oct 26) The Only Middle Finger Available | National Review
And Tom Friedman in todays NYT write that Trump's campaign was the literal "fuck you" to the powers of the liberal "wokeism" Or for Rich Lowry, Trump is the only middle finger the working class has to offer against the cultural elite and educated class that looks down upon their making little more than min wage with illegal aliens looking like econ competition.

That's really an overstatement because the gop's law taking away tax deductions for charitable giving was actually pushed by a scholarship student who went to Stanford. Steven Miller is a grandson of Russian Jew immigrants to fled to the US to avoid persecution …. and his father was a real estate investor who sent him to … wait for it …. Duke. Where he also encountered Richard Spencer who later terrorized Virginia Jews. The working class has other champions, but that's another story. But there's no denying that the liberal elite looks down on workers, and those folks are Trump's base.

I'm sure you know as well as me that Post-Presidency Trump will still be selling shit to these folks. Trump's just protecting his brand name.[/QUOTE]

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