Will Donald Trump's hatred towards John McCain cost him Arizona?

McCain supported repeal and replace Obamacare
What he voted against was repealing Obamacare and offering nothing to replace it

As far as I am able to see this from Germany the honorable Senator John McCain saw the problem that president Donald Trump did not offer a better alternative. This problem exists in many irreversible decisions of the Trump government. Sometimes the USA is only able to be a loser in long term of many of the short circuited decisions of Donald Trump as for example the INf-treaty and other problems of stability.

He made for example a very short time ago the president of Serbia to a public fool, when he had combined an economic agreement of the USA between Serbia and the Kosovo (¿Why is the USA doing such things?) with the decision that Serbia agreed to accept to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The president of Serbia seemed to know nothing about this, he was totally surprised when Trump suddenly said so. The strange thing: This decision is bad for Serbia, it is bad for the USA, what Trump had done, and it is also bad for Israel - but Trump is doing so on reason to show that he is a good businessmen, who is able to manipulate the fine-print in a treaty. Donald Trump is a slob, who shows that no one and nothing is for him important, what other people say and think.
As usual, Trump is best at tearing up deals and not so good at the work involved in developing a better deal.

Trump thought healthcare was easy and he could just turn to Republicans and tell them to come up with something better than Obamacare. They made little effort to coordinate a deal and came up with a plan that was laughably bad.
After that disaster, Republicans just went with .......Repeal Obamacare and trust us to come up with something better.

McCain wouldn’t go with it
McCain may have been held in isolation for six years
He may have been tortured.

But he never had to endure bone spurs

That is why Trump does not respect him
McCain may have been held in isolation for six years
He may have been tortured.
But he never had to endure bone spurs
That is why Trump does not respect him
McCain wasted our tax dollars. The military spent a lot of money to train him, he flushed all that money down the toilet when he let himself get shot down and captured.
McCain may have been held in isolation for six years
He may have been tortured.
But he never had to endure bone spurs
That is why Trump does not respect him
McCain wasted our tax dollars. The military spent a lot of money to train him, he flushed all that money down the toilet when he let himself get shot down and captured.
Swift boating an American hero
In light of John McCain's popularity in his home state, and his friendshop with Joe Biden, could Trump's anti-McCain comments result in defeat for him against Joe Biden?
I know about 90% of USMB members are Trump supporters, but I'll ask anyway.
What do you think guys?
Nope. But the Establishment GOP and Democrats goal of demographic replacement will help beat Trump in Arizona and so what, he flipped THREE blue wall states and will flip at least another one in Minnesota this election cycle, so leftists get a state that was eventually going to go blue anyways because of the influx of illegals but Trump has showed the GOP how to flip states that have been blue for DECADES.
Nope. But the Establishment GOP and Democrats goal of demographic replacement will help beat Trump in Arizona and so what, he flipped THREE blue wall states and will flip at least another one in Minnesota this election cycle, so leftists get a state that was eventually going to go blue anyways because of the influx of illegals but Trump has showed the GOP how to flip states that have been blue for DECADES.
The demographic changes in Arizona show why Trump is right about building the border wall. Stopping them at the border needs to be our number one priority. Once Mexicans get into our country, they breed like rabbits, creating future Democrat voters.
McCain was corrupt. As part of the "Keating Five" McCain received trips and campaign contributions from Charles Keating who was the head of Lincoln Savings and Loan. The cost to the taxpayers was enormous. Here is an overview:

"The five U.S. senators were accused of trying to pressure federal thrift regulators to back off their political benefactor Keating, whose Lincoln Savings & Loan would collapse during the savings-and-loan crisis of the late 1980s at a cost of $3.4 billion to taxpayers. At the time, Keating was an influential and larger-than-life business figure in Arizona and he generously contributed campaign cash to his favorite politicians."

In light of John McCain's popularity in his home state, and his friendshop with Joe Biden, could Trump's anti-McCain comments result in defeat for him against Joe Biden?
I know about 90% of USMB members are Trump supporters, but I'll ask anyway.
What do you think guys?
Nope. But the Establishment GOP and Democrats goal of demographic replacement will help beat Trump in Arizona and so what, he flipped THREE blue wall states and will flip at least another one in Minnesota this election cycle, so leftists get a state that was eventually going to go blue anyways because of the influx of illegals but Trump has showed the GOP how to flip states that have been blue for DECADES.
He will have to if he has any hope of winning.

Right now, losing Florida and Arizona will bury Trump
In light of John McCain's popularity in his home state, and his friendshop with Joe Biden, could Trump's anti-McCain comments result in defeat for him against Joe Biden?
I know about 90% of USMB members are Trump supporters, but I'll ask anyway.
What do you think guys?
Nope. But the Establishment GOP and Democrats goal of demographic replacement will help beat Trump in Arizona and so what, he flipped THREE blue wall states and will flip at least another one in Minnesota this election cycle, so leftists get a state that was eventually going to go blue anyways because of the influx of illegals but Trump has showed the GOP how to flip states that have been blue for DECADES.
He will have to if he has any hope of winning.

Right now, losing Florida and Arizona will bury Trump
nope. Winning the other states he won in 16 plus Minnesota is all he would need to win.
In light of John McCain's popularity in his home state, and his friendshop with Joe Biden, could Trump's anti-McCain comments result in defeat for him against Joe Biden?
I know about 90% of USMB members are Trump supporters, but I'll ask anyway.
What do you think guys?
Nope. But the Establishment GOP and Democrats goal of demographic replacement will help beat Trump in Arizona and so what, he flipped THREE blue wall states and will flip at least another one in Minnesota this election cycle, so leftists get a state that was eventually going to go blue anyways because of the influx of illegals but Trump has showed the GOP how to flip states that have been blue for DECADES.
He will have to if he has any hope of winning.

Right now, losing Florida and Arizona will bury Trump
nope. Winning the other states he won in 16 plus Minnesota is all he would need to win.
Easier said than done
Trump is unlikely to win either Pennsylvania or Michigan.
He is struggling in Florida, Arizona, N Carolina and Ohio
In light of John McCain's popularity in his home state, and his friendshop with Joe Biden, could Trump's anti-McCain comments result in defeat for him against Joe Biden?
I know about 90% of USMB members are Trump supporters, but I'll ask anyway.
What do you think guys?

Last I heard, Trump carried AZ in 2016, why should it be different now? Nothing has changed.


Romney took Arizona by 9 percent in 2012, Trump by 3 percent in 2016.
Since then, his support and Republican support has eroded.

For the first time EVER, Arizona is looking to vote for a Democrat for President and have TWO Democratic Senators

3.6 to be exact, which is just as good as 20. And if the riots continue, it might be 20.

3.6 is way less than 9
Shows Trumps support in Arizona eroded in 2016.

There are no riots in Arizona.

There is a President who disrespected a favorite son in Arizona and a Senatorial race with a popular Democrat and unpopular Republican

And the commie ticket will raise taxes and kill the economy. An infamous commiecrat once said, "It's the economy stupid". Plus you can bet Biden will implode in the debates when Trump presses his buttons a couple of times.

A year ago, Trump could boast about the economy
Today, he has the worst economy in eighty years.

He is universally blamed for his inept handling of COVID and the US having the most infections and deaths in the world.
Actually, Trump would be boasting about the strong economy he inherited from Obama – a once strong economy Trump alone is responsible for destroying.
In light of John McCain's popularity in his home state, and his friendshop with Joe Biden, could Trump's anti-McCain comments result in defeat for him against Joe Biden?
I know about 90% of USMB members are Trump supporters, but I'll ask anyway.
What do you think guys?

Last I heard, Trump carried AZ in 2016, why should it be different now? Nothing has changed.


Romney took Arizona by 9 percent in 2012, Trump by 3 percent in 2016.
Since then, his support and Republican support has eroded.

For the first time EVER, Arizona is looking to vote for a Democrat for President and have TWO Democratic Senators

3.6 to be exact, which is just as good as 20. And if the riots continue, it might be 20.

3.6 is way less than 9
Shows Trumps support in Arizona eroded in 2016.

There are no riots in Arizona.

There is a President who disrespected a favorite son in Arizona and a Senatorial race with a popular Democrat and unpopular Republican

And the commie ticket will raise taxes and kill the economy. An infamous commiecrat once said, "It's the economy stupid". Plus you can bet Biden will implode in the debates when Trump presses his buttons a couple of times.

A year ago, Trump could boast about the economy
Today, he has the worst economy in eighty years.

He is universally blamed for his inept handling of COVID and the US having the most infections and deaths in the world.
Actually, Trump would be boasting about the strong economy he inherited from Obama – a once strong economy Trump alone is responsible for destroying.

Wow, you commie slime balls couldn't tell the truth if your miserable life depended on it. It's blue state governors and mayors that are preventing a robust recovery from the pandemic. Of course your statement pretends the pandemic has never existed, but you're dishonest enough to try to use it as a club for your propaganda purposes. The only thing you commies seem to value is power by any means necessary, your problem is people are getting wise to your lies and propaganda.

You are overestimating John McCain's popularity in Arizona.
You are underestimating John McCains popularity worldwide. John McCain was a symbol for the integrity of the USA.
You might need to think so but no. McCain's ineptitude started a horrendous fire aboard the USS Forestall. He thought himself a hot shot until he was captured and eventually sang like a canary betraying everyone who served with him. When he came back he promptly dumped the wife who waited for him. He met an heiress with lotsa bucks who could finance a political career. Then after he became Senator McCain he immediately betrayed every citizen that voted for him by giving the state to illegals. Then he lied about it. Integrity. No. Not John McCain.

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