Will Federal / State / Local Democats Keep States Locked Down & Economy Closed Until They Get Their $3T Liberal Wish List?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Striking a bipartisan deal over a new coronavirus relief bill is becoming increasingly unlikely before June with Senate Majority Leader Mitch (R-Ky.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) at odds over additional legislation.

Though the House is expected to vote on a $3 trillion bill as soon as Friday, that piece of legislation has been declared “dead on arrival” in the Senate, where Republicans are taking a wait-and-see approach."

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell and Republicans want to wait an assess impact / success of the Trillions in added deficit debt already spent on COVID-19 Relief, to see what was done right, what was done wrong, and where changes need to me made if additional spending is needed. They have no desire to make the same mistakes if any were made and to spend the money most effectively and efficiently.

Democrats are in a 'spending frenzy', seeking to 'Never Let A Good Crisis go To Waste' by pushing massive liberal agenda facilitatring spending in the name of COVID-19.

Liberals are already giving the appearance that they are willing to drag out the shelter-in-place orders and economic shutdown as long as possible to prevent any chance of an economic rebound before the election, so one has to wonder if they will use the virus and economic shutdown as leverage to get their $3T fiscal nightmare passed.

So far they have been holding the nation hostage though governance / orders many the DOJ / courts have ruled to be Un-Constitutional, and we are now seeing serious push-back from Americans across the country. Their ability to keep people in check is waning, so if they are going to get something more out of it they had better act quickly. Will that 'something more' be the attempt to get the $3T Lib-Relief bill?

Please keep those states locked down, here in Floor E Da, many NY ex Democrats are showing up at our Trump rallies totally fed up with the bullshit that the Communists of the left have done to the Democrat party. Soon, the only Demoncraps will be total idiots like the posters here, and illegals who havent been found yet...
The plan is to keep those states depressed through the third quarter of this year in order to keep economic recovery statistics as low as possible prior to the election. They will then open things up and claim credit and/or blame Trump for the results, depending on which narrative serves them better.

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