Will GOP Oppose Placing a Woman on the $20.00???

Notice ALL of we of people don't get to choose/vote for who we want on list. THEY made up the list and said take it or leave it

like usual

That's why you don't "compromise" with democrooks. They're always wrong. Any "solution" to a problem (that was caused by liberalism in the first place) will never be better than half right, and the compromise will never be maintained because the bed wetters always come back for what they left on the table.

Just defeat them, period.
GOP probably won't oppose one or all of those 4 Candy !! Myself , Condi would be fine I suppose if a woman goes on a bill !!
Notice ALL of we of people don't get to choose/vote for who we want on list. THEY made up the list and said take it or leave it

like usual

I love it when Conservatives call for direct democracy.
Why not?

Representative government is really structured in that manner because issues tend to be to complex and numerous for the every day citizen to vote on them all. How, exactly, does any republican stance on the matter of a republic clash with a direct vote on what is depicted on the currency - an issue that has no real substance whatsoever.
Notice ALL of we of people don't get to choose/vote for who we want on list. THEY made up the list and said take it or leave it

like usual

I love it when Conservatives call for direct democracy.
Why not?

Representative government is really structured in that manner because issues tend to be to complex and numerous for the every day citizen to vote on them all. How, exactly, does any republican stance on the matter of a republic clash with a direct vote on what is depicted on the currency - an issue that has no real substance whatsoever.

I'm of the opinion that leaving any decisions to a popular vote is almost a guarantee that the wrong choice will be made.
I saw on Yahoo that one of four women are being considered for the $20...

Harriet Tubman
Elenor Roosevelt (sp?)
Rosa Parks
Wilma Mankiller

I'm curious how the GOP is going to oppose this. Because you know they are.
I am curious as to why the GOP opposing this matters at all. As though opposing or supporting replacing Jackson with a woman actually means jack shit. It has nothing to do with anything at all.

Better yet - why is anyone supporting this move at all? COuld it be to throw a bone to a voting constituency without actually having to do anything meaningful. Why, yes it could.
Simple solution, put the face of the first African-American female Secretary of State on the bill. Everybody happy, happy, happy.

I might go for that.

I wonder if the Democrats will oppose.

Of course. Then, when they oppose, it can only be because they hate black women.

Yeah... and the democrook propaganda ministry (known as the media) will carry that narrative.

Or maybe just ignore it like all of the rest of the left's open bigotry.
Notice we don't get to choose who we want on it. THEY made up the list and said take it or leave

like usual

Yes...nobody asked me what I wanted on the quarter that represents my state? Did they ask you?
Our money is FINE the way it is. Like some said on here the only woman I would find fitting would be our first African-American SOS Condi Rice.
The Kennedy half dollar went out of style when people started refusing them in change because they'd have to rush home and wash immediately after touching one.

Not hard to envision the full shower many would feel mandatory after touching an "Eleanor 20".

They'd have to be banned in California for obvious reasons.
Notice ALL of we of people don't get to choose/vote for who we want on list. THEY made up the list and said take it or leave it

like usual

I love it when Conservatives call for direct democracy.
Why not?

Representative government is really structured in that manner because issues tend to be to complex and numerous for the every day citizen to vote on them all. How, exactly, does any republican stance on the matter of a republic clash with a direct vote on what is depicted on the currency - an issue that has no real substance whatsoever.

I'm of the opinion that leaving any decisions to a popular vote is almost a guarantee that the wrong choice will be made.
There is no 'wrong' decision here. Mickey could be the new choice - who gives a fuck. The use and functionality of the currency would be unchanged.
Notice ALL of we of people don't get to choose/vote for who we want on list. THEY made up the list and said take it or leave it

like usual

I love it when Conservatives call for direct democracy.
Why not?

Representative government is really structured in that manner because issues tend to be to complex and numerous for the every day citizen to vote on them all. How, exactly, does any republican stance on the matter of a republic clash with a direct vote on what is depicted on the currency - an issue that has no real substance whatsoever.

I'm of the opinion that leaving any decisions to a popular vote is almost a guarantee that the wrong choice will be made.

It depends on the motives of those influencing the choice.
Our money is FINE the way it is. Like some said on here the only woman I would find fitting would be our first African-American SOS Condi Rice.
Why condi out of every woman of importance?

Because she is a republican perhaps.....

You know that is a terrible reason right?
The really cruel thing is that there is a chance every ATM in every Red State will be churning out photos of black women so when their disability check is deposited at the fist of every month, poor whites can buy a carton of smokes using those $20's....and some lottery tickets of course; can't forget the Mega Millions....


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