Will Hillary sell out the National Security team to Israel as Bill did??

In 2003, the senior US citizen paid for 3 different prescriptions.

In 2005, with W's socialization of senior drugs, those 3 prescriptions were now on the taxpayer dole, so the senior opted (conspired with Dr.) for 5 more prescriptions, which went with grandson to high school to be sold for cash...

When you SOCIALIZE, you CREATE MORE PROBLEMS than you "solved..."

could you name the specific meds? it wasn't adderall
are you over 90 years old?

I see. The more I out you as wrong, the more you change the subject and pull out the insults. Typical...

We have an epidemic of high school pill abuse, and that started when "conservative" W socialized senior drugs (to buy the NAARP's endorsement in 2004) by lying about the cost to the Congress.

It was just pot and whiskey in high school. Not anymore. The kids love the pills because the drug tests do not catch them...

morphine is not likely-----but the other three are very widely prescribed and teens can steal them from their family members. As to OVERDOSES-----probably because people
used them with alcohol and in weird combinations? SO?
what is your point-----you imagine that a medication program for "seniors" on medicare has CREATED drug abuse?. NOPE-------drug abuse had been going on for thousands of
are you over 90 years old?

I see. The more I out you as wrong, the more you change the subject and pull out the insults. Typical...

We have an epidemic of high school pill abuse, and that started when "conservative" W socialized senior drugs (to buy the NAARP's endorsement in 2004) by lying about the cost to the Congress.

It was just pot and whiskey in high school. Not anymore. The kids love the pills because the drug tests do not catch them...

I am not INSULTING you-----you seem to be very disconnected. I cannot imagine a non-disconnected
calling any of the drugs you mentioned "SENIOR DRUGS"
There is very strict control on MORPHINE ------and very unlikely that a kid can find that in grandpa's nite table. As to
the other meds you mentioned -----they are very common place---
virtually like aspirin Your statement "drug tests do not catch
them "-----is very incorrect. As to your belief that the only drugs available USED TO BE POT AND ALCOHOL-------that statement marks you as a VERY DETACHED PERSON-----
even Sigmund Freud and Edgar Allen Poe were ADDICTS
Teen Dies After Drinking Morphine

As to your belief that the only drugs available USED TO BE POT AND ALCOHOL-------that statement marks you as a VERY DETACHED PERSON

You must be a representative of a drug company that has experienced huge profit growth since W threatened that actuary to shut up or else about the cost.

The simple truth is that high school used to be about pot and booze. Sure, you could find acid or other things, but those were the staples. Now, with free senior drug prescriptions flooding the nation, some end up in high schools, and you are one of the PR fucks who tries to lie about that.
Teen Dies After Drinking Morphine

As to your belief that the only drugs available USED TO BE POT AND ALCOHOL-------that statement marks you as a VERY DETACHED PERSON

You must be a representative of a drug company that has experienced huge profit growth since W threatened that actuary to shut up or else about the cost.

The simple truth is that high school used to be about pot and booze. Sure, you could find acid or other things, but those were the staples. Now, with free senior drug prescriptions flooding the nation, some end up in high schools, and you are one of the PR fucks who tries to lie about that.

you are a lump of shit. I was treating over-dose cases LONG
before 1998 and that medicare prescription plan that
bothers you. Read your article again----nowhere is there
any indication that the kid got the MORPHINE from some
senior who got it free. He seems to have bought it on the
street where people have been getting drugs for more than 100
years (make that a few thousand years) You are either
very stupid or pretending to be.
The kid doesn't rat out his grand daddy - that's your "proof" he didn't get it from the program???


How many times was a teen busted in the 1980s for loretabs???

You are a PR fuck for the drug industry.

I have documented the issue over and over here.

This topic is about Hillary's national security team.
The kid doesn't rat out his grand daddy - that's your "proof" he didn't get it from the program???


How many times was a teen busted in the 1980s for loretabs???

You are a PR fuck for the drug industry.

Loretabs and other hydrocodones were virtually unknown
in the 1980s People were OD ing on codeine, Heroin,
valium, and other benzodiazepines-------AND on stuff like
various forms amphetamines. Ketamine existed but only recently has it become popular amongst young adults. Why bring up Lortabs? Drug addition is nothing new and dying from OD----is nothing new. Do you remember DORIDEN---
it was a popular suicide drug WAY back in the 60s ---but it was also used for "recreation"--------unrelated to prescription programs for the elderly

I have documented the issue over and over here.

This topic is about Hillary's national security team.
[QUOTE="the_human Hillary will simply sell out to the highest bidder. Money and power are her only gods. Hillary has no scruples.[/QUOTE]
WE MUST CONNECT ALL THE DOTS and I believe the dots make a dotted line up to George Soros. SOROS is the president of the world and I only learned of this recenty. This explains everything: Why information is missing, hidden, corrupted. Why people are missing, murdered, lying. THE WHAT is the Big Bad Wolf SOROS and his BIG MONEY has bought the Democrat Party and all its Minons. "Immigration Reform" thats Soros (look at how he influences Europe).PROTESTS Protests protestors bought with Soros money: see Jacinta "Gonzalez" against Trump in AZ- A Soros Fellow. Black Lives Matter protests paid for by Soros as discovered by email leak. Anti Catholic church agenda and the buying of bishops bought by Soros. Destabalizing currencies:Soros. CLINTON BODY COUNT UP because of Soros. The DNC are just his employees and must perform well or shake in thier boots LYING like Kaine at debate, and tech email accomplises to Clinton...Tim Kaine was nervous and stupid for a reason... Julian Assange lawyer lost his mind in installments as if the stress was unbelievable. Then killed by a train just like an earlier Clinton mystery. Victor Thorn also suicide?
how much will soros pay me to-----protest whatevah he wants
"protested" -------I can post all kinds of nasty stuff-----I am so
good at that I have ----in the course of my life-----been banned
for varying periods of time--------do you know where to I can
send my CV?

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