Will Hitler someday be viewed as a Patriotic German??

About Napoleon, he brought a law code that gave most of Europe its first dose of true rights ever, he was considered a villian by the old gaurd monachys that feared the revolutionary ideals of France.

Hitler was a mass murderer that slaughtered his own people as well as many others, he will never be considered anything but scum, and rightfully so.

There were some in West Germany who, even after the war, still had good things to say about him. In East Germany, Hoenecker probably shot anyone who said such a thing.

Not likely.

East Germany handled their Nazis the same way West Germany did, and the US liked them some nazis too.

Their "expertise" helped setting up the NVA and the Stasi, e.g. all the while the East German anti-fascist heroes were pointing fingers at West Germany for doing the same. Well not quite the same. No totalitarian regime was installed in West Germany. oops.
200 years from now

Kids in history class will only know WWII as just another date they have to memorize to pass a test.

And Hitler will just be another in a long line of men who tried to conquer the world throughout history.

The word "holocaust" won't have the emontional impact that it has today.

In fact, by then, most Holocaust museums will have shut down due lack of attendence.
Actually your correct, many Germans do admire Hitler and what he achieved, they see that it made their nation strong just as now many Russians see their nation being weak as compared to the days of Soviet rule.

Germans are a proud people and although they may give an image that they regret the actions of their forebears the reality is they are proud of it.
Hitler did many good things for the German people in the beginning.

He will someday be remembered for them and forgiven for the bad.

It happens to most historical figures as time passes by.
Actually your correct, many Germans do admire Hitler and what he achieved, they see that it made their nation strong just as now many Russians see their nation being weak as compared to the days of Soviet rule.

Germans are a proud people and although they may give an image that they regret the actions of their forebears the reality is they are proud of it.

where do you get your awesome info?
Hitler did many good things for the German people in the beginning.
He will someday be remembered for them and forgiven for the bad.
It happens to most historical figures as time passes by.
Maybe Hitler can get his own chapter in the Koran? I can see it now:

"And I quote: Hitler 6:66 states that all Jews must die".

That fits right in with Islams view.
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1: East Germany did not handle their Nazis in the way west Germany or the US did.
NOT AT ALL! For all its faults, claiming that the East German republic did not deal with its Nazis is a lie. This was one of the few things they got right.
It was the only part which took the "denacification" thing remotley serious, in fact, the first SED (German KPD) leadership consisted largely out of communists who fled to Russia while the Nazis had power, communists who survived the third reich in Germany and some parts of the social democrat party.
P.S. in the GDR, someone who was a Nazi (as in involved in Nazi crimes during their reeign) may have gotten shot. Someone who expressed Nazi leanings was jailed and "reeducated".

2: For a "normal" German, Hitler is evil because he killed a lot of people (fair amount of Germans within them too).
For a partriotic German, Hitler is the jerk who, against better advice, ended the existence of Germany as something more than a medium power.
Even the non Nazi-rightest hate him because, without this needless cruelty idiocys, WW2 could propably have been won.
The Nazis love him because they are fucking brainless idiots.
1: East Germany did not handle their Nazis in the way west Germany or the US did.
NOT AT ALL! For all its faults, claiming that the East German republic did not deal with its Nazis is a lie. This was one of the few things they got right.
It was the only part which took the "denacification" thing remotley serious, in fact, the first SED (German KPD) leadership consisted largely out of communists who fled to Russia while the Nazis had power, communists who survived the third reich in Germany and some parts of the social democrat party.
P.S. in the GDR, someone who was a Nazi (as in involved in Nazi crimes during their reeign) may have gotten shot. Someone who expressed Nazi leanings was jailed and "reeducated".

2: For a "normal" German, Hitler is evil because he killed a lot of people (fair amount of Germans within them too).
For a partriotic German, Hitler is the jerk who, against better advice, ended the existence of Germany as something more than a medium power.
Even the non Nazi-rightest hate him because, without this needless cruelty idiocys, WW2 could propably have been won.
The Nazis love him because they are fucking brainless idiots.

i did not claim this, i claimed they did it the same way west germany did it.

you are right, initially the denazification in the SBZ was more rigid. this was a purge, you were a member of the NSDAP e.g., out you go. and several others who were not in line with the new overlords got purged, too. oops. show trials are teh shit.
the denazification process in the western zone was more bureaucratic, they staged the party members into different categories of Mitläufer. Depending on your category you could get a job as a professor or not, e.g. Then they realized, and the soviets did that too, that you cannot fire everybody and not reemploy all the bureaucrats that kept the Reich running. Good example is the total Deba'athification in Iraq which was so successful in keeping the country operable.

So the old nazi assholes who were powerful under hitler just had to lay low for a while and then started new careers. a good case is Hans Maria Globke. He was such a good case for the failure of the denazification, that there was a huge show trial in the GDR. Some old nazis were really successful in West Germany, but East Germany had their share, too. mainly in the NVA and the Stasi. But that was not reported in the state-run media. In the state-run media was reported what evil the western part of Germany did. Almost like the Eastern part of Germany was among the first victims of Hitler, you know, like Austria. My, my, after the total annihilation in the war, no one wanted to be responsible. everyone was in the resistance, no one did know what happened, and no one actually liked Hitler, he wasn't conservative enough.:razz:

Motivation for my rant is i won't sit here and let it slide that Eastern Germany was somehow the Nazi-free part, where guilt-free communists where shipped in from Moscow and created a socialist utopia. I read and hear enough of this so called Ostalgie, how nice the GDR was, and how many, even young east germans, wish that the GDR was back. The GDR was a fucked up totalitarian dictatorship which killed and tortured and imprisoned its people. yes.
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They did not, West Germany had TOP Nazi staff serving in VERY High positions. East Germany did not.

Seriosly, the denacification was one of the few things the East got right.
200 years ago, Napolean was the hated enemy of most of europe.

He basically brought France to ruin and was vilified by the Frence people.

Today Napolean is seen in a different light.

He is now an icon in France, and seen as a beloved French patriot.

The question is:

200 years from now.

Will Hitler be seen as an icon by the German people, and be viewed as a German patriot?
Yes, when Islam becomes the dominate religion in Germany and Europe.
Mein Kamph( My jihad) is one of the most popular books in Islamic states
Where do I get my info from, where do you think from meeting Germans in Germany and is it not strange that many of these Nazi arsholes as you call them ended up in the US helping you with rocket technology etc. so it was not all bad was it.
They did not, West Germany had TOP Nazi staff serving in VERY High positions. East Germany did not.

Seriosly, the denacification was one of the few things the East got right.

ok, east germany gets some bonus points for better attempt at getting rid of the old trash.

but then, east germany gets some serious malus points for installing new trash.

Where do I get my info from, where do you think from meeting Germans in Germany and is it not strange that many of these Nazi arsholes as you call them ended up in the US helping you with rocket technology etc. so it was not all bad was it.

fyi, i am german. maybe you are right, but i don't know these proud germans who think hitler was great. they certainly exist.

national pride is re-emerging. but it is still in the hands of the far-right splinter groups, when not related to sports, as far as i can tell.

are you german, publicprotector? if not, where are you from? i'd like to know where you found those germans, so that i can avoid that part of the country, thanks in advance.
Personally, I am living in Prenzlauer Berg, no Hitler loving germans to be found here either.

There was a survey claiming that there are more Nazis in either Russia or the USA than in Germany...
I think more closer to Numburg (outside)area has more Hitler still supporters. I saw a documentary years ago where they actually spoke to the entire town about Hiltler and what they think of him. It was astounding to learn not only did they glorify him they also stated that they have hid nazi in the town and still do that.

All I know is I have family in Lauf, my mother grew up there during Hitler and what i've learned from her was terrible but she even put a pretty picture to it.
Let me add that the majority of German's finds these few an embarrassment. As a country what they have had to deal with (guilt, shame, and isolated) they will NEVER EVER do anything to bring that back. Hilter will always be a bad word to the Majority of Germans.
I am not saying that the German people will grow to love Hitler.

But as time goes by; they will come to admire his achievments and gloss over his failures..

That's just human nature
All I know is I have family in Lauf, my mother grew up there during Hitler and what i've learned from her was terrible but she even put a pretty picture to it.

Did she ever bring up the so called holocaust?
Let me add that the majority of German's finds these few an embarrassment. As a country what they have had to deal with (guilt, shame, and isolated) they will NEVER EVER do anything to bring that back. Hilter will always be a bad word to the Majority of Germans.

Hilter was seen in the 70's in North Minehead trying to win an election, together with Heinrich Bimmler and Ron Vibbentrop.

But thanks for your clarification.

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