Will Iran be held accountable for shooting down the Ukrainian passenger jet or will they skate free?

Little Clarity, Many Theories in Ukraine Airline Crash in Iran

Looking at the MASSIVE debris field it becomes quite clear that the plane exploded.
1. There are millions of LITTLE pieces and they are all charred. Even the blackbox was burned.
2. Iran refusing to allow Boeing access to the black box.
3. Plane took off only hours after missiles had been launched by Iran. As a result Iran was on the HIGHEST of alert level expecting an American response.
4. Plane was full of Canadian's. Why are there Canadian's in Iran?

Obviously I can not prove that the plane was shot down but all the evidence points to an Iranian itchy trigger finger at a missile defense site.
Can you prove that Iran shot down that 737? or do we just jump to conclusions because it's evil Iran?

You have to admit it is a hell of a coincidence. Therefore it IS on the table for speculation until verification comes in.
CNN?? Isn't that fake news?

Looks like your investigation has gone off the rails.
Just go away. You get worse and worse every day with your Anti-American Propaganda. I bet if we found a picture of you it matches up with a Terrorist Watch List. And no, I am not kidding.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

read who I quoted you dumbass -

bet youre a debris expert too aint ya Goober -
I am not but I am smart enough to know that 2+2 doesn't equal 3.
Nice to see we have our resident rightards hot on the trail. I have no doubt your "investigation" will turn out fruitful.
U.S. officials: Ukrainian plane that crashed in Iran shot down
CNN?? Isn't that fake news?

Looks like your investigation has gone off the rails.
You can't even admit when you're wrong. Sad
About what am I wrong? You claim CNN is fake news. But now you're posting an article based on a CNN report. So how is that not fake?
So what you're saying is you're not smart enough to know that ALL NEWS AGENCIES peddle in fake news when it suits them but also report on real news.....

I'm sure when you get your talking points you will admit it was shot down but blame it on Trump for initiating the hostilities.

You're as predictable as the sunrise.
Ah, so you're the news expert we should check in with to decipher which CNN stories are fake and which ones aren't. That's good to know because I wasn't sure who that go to person was.

But again, I have the utmost confidence you rightards will get to the bottom of this plane crash.
I think this is part of an SA 8, or modified SA 8


Did the Russian missile use coordinate, cartesian or scalene trig? Was the Russian missile passive or active? The missile was solid fuel but the missile was not DTRM, dual thrust rocket motor.
tell us.
CNN?? Isn't that fake news?

Looks like your investigation has gone off the rails.
You can't even admit when you're wrong. Sad
About what am I wrong? You claim CNN is fake news. But now you're posting an article based on a CNN report. So how is that not fake?
So what you're saying is you're not smart enough to know that ALL NEWS AGENCIES peddle in fake news when it suits them but also report on real news.....

I'm sure when you get your talking points you will admit it was shot down but blame it on Trump for initiating the hostilities.

You're as predictable as the sunrise.
Ah, so you're the news expert we should check in with to decipher which CNN stories are fake and which ones aren't. That's good to know because I wasn't sure who that go to person was.

But again, I have the utmost confidence you rightards will get to the bottom of this plane crash.
Hey, I'm here to help anyone who lacks enough common sense to figure things out for themselves.

Happy to help!
The report, just watched, is it is believed that via Iran's poor intelligence and untrained personnel, they mistakenly shot off an anti-aircraft missile in the flight path of an airport.
CNN?? Isn't that fake news?

Looks like your investigation has gone off the rails.
Just go away. You get worse and worse every day with your Anti-American Propaganda. I bet if we found a picture of you it matches up with a Terrorist Watch List. And no, I am not kidding.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

He wasn't talking about you, ya lunkhead. Now I'm losing confidence you'll uncover the truth about this plane crash when you can't even follow the quotes in your own investigative thread.
CNN?? Isn't that fake news?

Looks like your investigation has gone off the rails.
Just go away. You get worse and worse every day with your Anti-American Propaganda. I bet if we found a picture of you it matches up with a Terrorist Watch List. And no, I am not kidding.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

He wasn't talking about you, ya lunkhead. Now I'm losing confidence you'll uncover the truth about this plane crash when you can't even follow the quotes in your own investigative thread.
You got me there lol

Enjoy your victory tard
Just go away. You get worse and worse every day with your Anti-American Propaganda. I bet if we found a picture of you it matches up with a Terrorist Watch List. And no, I am not kidding.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

read who I quoted you dumbass -

bet youre a debris expert too aint ya Goober -
I am not but I am smart enough to know that 2+2 doesn't equal 3.

so iran couldn't hit a building sitting on the ground full of people


they could hit JET flying 400 kts through the air

gfy moron
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

read who I quoted you dumbass -

bet youre a debris expert too aint ya Goober -
I am not but I am smart enough to know that 2+2 doesn't equal 3.

so iran couldn't hit a building sitting on the ground full of people


they could hit JET flying 400 kts through the air

gfy moron
you're so out of touch, explaining it to you would be a wasted effort.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

read who I quoted you dumbass -

bet youre a debris expert too aint ya Goober -
I am not but I am smart enough to know that 2+2 doesn't equal 3.

so iran couldn't hit a building sitting on the ground full of people


they could hit JET flying 400 kts through the air

gfy moron
Iran intentionally hit what they hit. They also gave iraq advanced notice KNOWING they would tell us.

You're not too bright
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

read who I quoted you dumbass -

bet youre a debris expert too aint ya Goober -
I am not but I am smart enough to know that 2+2 doesn't equal 3.

so iran couldn't hit a building sitting on the ground full of people


they could hit JET flying 400 kts through the air

gfy moron

Different type of missile. Anti aircraft targeting uses a different system, possibly the missile had the capability to lock in on the heat source of the engines. You have heard of that technology right? and you understand its a little different from Irans Ballistic missiles?

You shouldnt be going around calling people Morons, and I'm being kind.
Just go away. You get worse and worse every day with your Anti-American Propaganda. I bet if we found a picture of you it matches up with a Terrorist Watch List. And no, I am not kidding.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

He wasn't talking about you, ya lunkhead. Now I'm losing confidence you'll uncover the truth about this plane crash when you can't even follow the quotes in your own investigative thread.
You got me there lol

Enjoy your victory tard
Picking on rightards provides no victories. It's only for entertainment. So how's your investigation coming along, lunkhead? CNN was right, huh?
The report, just watched, is it is believed that via Iran's poor intelligence and untrained personnel, they mistakenly shot off an anti-aircraft missile in the flight path of an airport.
They are saying Iranian Integrated Air Defense on High Alert due to the Ballistic missile attack being launched, fired on automatic. Damned morons.
It would be pretty coincidental that a rocket would move right in the flight pattern of that plane. I think the Iranians seen it on radar and suspected it was a US war plane, and shot it down intentionally.

Which is still accidently because they didn't intend to shoot down an airliner.

Same thing when the Vincennes shot down that Iranian airliner. The firing was intentional, but the target wasn't the intended one.

I don't know much about that. But I do suspect with the technology out today, they had some way to decipher between a passenger plane and fighter jet. And given the money DumBama gave them, they could probably have afforded the best detection systems.

I would also think these sandbox warriors had some access to flight records of passenger jets as well. Again, I'm not very well educated on planes and detection systems, but I do believe in the end, it will be proven it could have easily been avoided.
The report, just watched, is it is believed that via Iran's poor intelligence and untrained personnel, they mistakenly shot off an anti-aircraft missile in the flight path of an airport.
They are saying Iranian Integrated Air Defense on High Alert due to the Ballistic missile attack being launched, fired on automatic. Damned morons.
so you agree they shot it down. well, you're right for once.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

He wasn't talking about you, ya lunkhead. Now I'm losing confidence you'll uncover the truth about this plane crash when you can't even follow the quotes in your own investigative thread.
You got me there lol

Enjoy your victory tard
Picking on rightards provides no victories. It's only entertaining. So how's your investigation coming along, lunkhead? CNN was right, huh?
The only thing I'm investigating right now is a chicken bowl at Chipotle

But this shit is entertaining.

I posted the thread an hour before the story broke worldwide and a couple of you couldn't wait to come in with your mocking. Then every news agency on the planet picked up the story and you two look foolish.

Entertaining indeed
The report, just watched, is it is believed that via Iran's poor intelligence and untrained personnel, they mistakenly shot off an anti-aircraft missile in the flight path of an airport.
They are saying Iranian Integrated Air Defense on High Alert due to the Ballistic missile attack being launched, fired on automatic. Damned morons.
Well that is what Iran has told them.
Who knows. You have poorly trained morons, orchestrated by people who are all a bit mad. I would not, for a second, discount the opinion it was on purpose. Iran is absolutely willing to do it.
I believe you're not kidding, Stumpy. I believe you're barshit cray cray.

But g'head, tell me more about how that plane was shot down....

the silly fkr claims islam invaded iraq yesterday, and today hes an expert on crash debris -

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I said no such thing yesterday.

Why do you losers lie so much?

He wasn't talking about you, ya lunkhead. Now I'm losing confidence you'll uncover the truth about this plane crash when you can't even follow the quotes in your own investigative thread.
You got me there lol

Enjoy your victory tard
Picking on rightards provides no victories. It's only for entertainment. So how's your investigation coming along, lunkhead? CNN was right, huh?

speaking of accountability, iran wants to see trumps tax returns -

tit for tat .

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