Will Joe Biden show any courage and actually debate Trump on stage?

Will Joe debate Trump?

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We're going to see a stark contrast in styles. Biden should be coached not to engage Trump, but just answer the moderators' questions. Trump's style is wearing thin with a lot of people and as long as Joe sticks to the game plan, Donny's going to come off looking bad.
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We're to see a stark contrast in styles. Biden should be coached not to engage Trump, but just answer the moderators questions. Trump's style is wearing thin with a lot of people and as long as Joe sticks to the game plan, Donny's going to come off looking bad.

it's working for biden so far ... he's not engaging with donny directly, but by keeping his mouth shut while donny spews all kindsa nonsense about pretty much everything - then counters with even heeled responses, is stellar.

& people are responding positively.
Seriously speaking, it is difficult to see how the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., could possibly endure three debates.

He is much too mentally and physically frail to engage in three grueling debates with an opponent who will have no compunction about utterly humiliating him. His doctors will no doubt step in and insist that he withdraw, perhaps after at least one debate.

COVID-19 has given Mr. Biden the perfect excuse to also avoid campaigning around the country, a task that would be disastrous for his health.


I have read that in the 19th century, candidates for president usually did not travel around the country. Instead, they stayed at home, and supporters came to their homes to hear the candidates speak.

Because of COVID-19, it seems that we are, in a sense, returning to this tradition.
Biden will debate Trump. It won’t be a debate, though. Trump will try to insult Joe to the point that Joe gets pissed. That’s it.

One of the great mysteries of our time is the fact that we have a large number of Americans who really believe that Trump is good in a debate or intelligent in general.
Both retards will debate, if you want to call it that
Seriously speaking, it is difficult to see how the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., could possibly endure three debates.

He is much too mentally and physically frail to engage in three grueling debates with an opponent who will have no compunction about utterly humiliating him. His doctors will no doubt step in and insist that he withdraw, perhaps after at least one debate.

COVID-19 has given Mr. Biden the perfect excuse to also avoid campaigning around the country, a task that would be disastrous for his health.


I have read that in the 19th century, candidates for president usually did not travel around the country. Instead, they stayed at home, and supporters came to their homes to hear the candidates speak.

Because of COVID-19, it seems that we are, in a sense, returning to this tradition.

you funny. wrong - - - but funny.

Biden will debate Trump. It won’t be a debate, though. Trump will try to insult Joe to the point that Joe gets pissed. That’s it.

One of the great mysteries of our time is the fact that we have a large number of Americans who really believe that Trump is good in a debate or intelligent in general.

cult 45.
Biden has no choice unless he actually contracts COVID.
He has to debate Trump and then get his MSM to spin that he did ok.

Actually, just showing up, he wins. At least the first debate. Romney, Kerry, Clinton. Merely by being on the stage with the incumbant, they become a viable alternative.

But the debates aren't nearly as meaningful as anyone thinks they are. Remember the first Mondale/Reagan debate where Reagan came off like a confused old man? He still won 49 states.

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