Will Joe Biden show any courage and actually debate Trump on stage?

Will Joe debate Trump?

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Biden has no choice unless he actually contracts COVID.
He has to debate Trump and then get his MSM to spin that he did ok.


Right now, Joe Biden is the drunk uncle who ruins Thanksgiving. He's the crazy homeless guy arguing to himself while swimming in a pool of his own urine. When he speaks he slurs while belching up unintelligible nonsense.

He needs to show that he can be poised and articulate and convey an air of "presidentiality". His latest forays into the public forum have been comical, at best, and have done nothing to present him as someone capable of leading the free world.

Biden needs to do at least two debates. If he doesn't, he's got a better chance of having a baby than he does being elected President...
There's a reason everyone calls him "Hidin' Biden," it's because every time he's in public and has to answer an unscripted question, it's a GAFFE... "you DOG FACED PONY SOLDIER," ya... the guy is a senile buffoon, and his handlers know it. They're scared shitless to put the old gaffe bag out there and let him speak on his own.

This is the first time I've seen that phrase. I don't think "everyone calls him "Hidin' Biden"".

To be fair, I don't pay a lot of attention to what Biden opponents are calling him (or what Trump opponents are calling him, for that matter).
Trump will be onstage. Biden will appear by video. He will already have had the questions and aides will have already have written the answers.

I don't believe The Commission on Presidential Debates will permit anything like that, and certainly the Trump campaign will not.

He will debate face-to-face, or not at all. If not at all, it will castrate his campaign.

I'm not really concerned.
Biden will debate Trump. Biden will crush Trump because Trump will use the debate to vomit his usual stupidity, hate and lies. The American people have had enough of Trump and it will become all the more clear why they despise Trump after the debate. In other words, Trump will do what he does best: self-destruct.
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Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?

Xi already said that the only way he'll let Biden debate is if he wears the Hillary earpiece and an electroshock devise. They will tell Biden what to say through the earpiece. If they see him staring off into space or suddenly deciding he has to sniff the hair of the Girl Scout troop Trumps invites or if he starts talking about Corn Pop -- Zappp!!
We're going to see a stark contrast in styles. Biden should be coached not to engage Trump, but just answer the moderators' questions. Trump's style is wearing thin with a lot of people and as long as Joe sticks to the game plan, Donny's going to come off looking bad.

Moderators question for:

Biden: You have accomplished so much in your 40 years of public service is it even possible for you to do even more great things as president?

Trump: You have been responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands Americans. How many more do you plan to murder if reelected?
Mary Trump's scathing book claims Trump paid someone to take his SATs

"Mary Trump, a licensed clinical psychologist, offers both her take on Trump's actions in the White House -- charging he's shown "a blatant display of sociopathic disregard for human life" over the coronavirus pandemic -- as well as episodes throughout Trump's business career, Trump's handling of her father's struggle with alcoholism and dysfunction and infighting within the family. She writes that Trump's father, Fred Trump, "dismantled his oldest son," Freddy Trump, Mary's father and Trump's brother.
"The only reason Donald escaped the same fate is that his personality served his father's purpose. That's what sociopaths do: they co-opt others and use them toward their own ends--ruthlessly and efficiently, with no tolerance for dissent or resistance," Mary Trump writes."
What is really telling about the supposed "History" bunch here trying to armchair quarterback what happened under extreme circumstances over 100 years ago. They sit behind their computers, typing on plastics, using energy that is provided because this country did move away from slavery. If the Southern White Democrats did win, expanded slavery into the new territories, would the United States still be relying on those poor souls instead of the machines that put US into the 21st century? We dont know, but lazy liberals who had slaves do all their work, might not of "evolved" to the lazy liberals today who have all of US doing the work, so they can steal from our labor....
Lazy Liberals still have slaves in their fancy houses and apartment in Manhattan.
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Joe Biden will not debate Trump.

The DNC will use the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to cancel the debates when all along EVERYONE knows it's because of Joe's dementia.

i wonder how mad kellyanne is about her husband's little ads.


Your "OLD WHITE GUY" doesn't stand a chance now anyway. He just lost the black vote. He's done, period, end of story...

lol ... riiiiiiiiiiiight. kenye has been donny's endorser for almost 3 years; & yet
' the blacks ' showed up en masse to get biden the nomination.

did you go full tilt deplorable because white trash like kid rock & ted nugent are fans of trump?

Sorry, playtoy, but blacks vote for blacks. That's just the way it is, whether you don't want to admit it or not.

Kayne will take a few black votes away from Trump, but he'll take a SHIT LOAD away from Hidin' Biden. Biden might as well concede the election to Trump now.

okey dokey. you go with that if it makes you feel warm & cozy in yer bubble.

Hey Rs there’s no need to worry about this election. It doesn’t matter if Don wins or Joe wins, because the right wins either way. In fact, Slow Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don, but somehow partisans of the two criminal gangs haven’t figured that out yet.
Biden will debate Trump. Biden will crush Trump because Trump will use the debate to vomit his usual stupidity, hate and lies. The American people have had enough of Trump and it will become all the more clear why they despise Trump after the debate.

In reality, Trump will ignore the hack moderators rigged questions and get Fingers off script by asking his own. I wouldn't be surprised if he got the Sniffer to pull up his pant legs to show how hairy his legs are.
I'm guessing they will say no audience allowed cuz COVID

Then they alter the video to make it favorable to Biden.

Then they will say that the voting must be mailed in cuz COVID once again, so they can screw with the votes.
What is really telling about the supposed "History" bunch here trying to armchair quarterback what happened under extreme circumstances over 100 years ago. They sit behind their computers, typing on plastics, using energy that is provided because this country did move away from slavery. If the Southern White Democrats did win, expanded slavery into the new territories, would the United States still be relying on those poor souls instead of the machines that put US into the 21st century? We dont know, but lazy liberals who had slaves do all their work, might not of "evolved" to the lazy liberals today who have all of US doing the work, so they can steal from our labor....
Lazy Liberals still have slaves in their fancy houses and apartment in Manhattan.
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Joe Biden will not debate Trump.

The DNC will use the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to cancel the debates when all along EVERYONE knows it's because of Joe's dementia.

i wonder how mad kellyanne is about her husband's little ads.


Your "OLD WHITE GUY" doesn't stand a chance now anyway. He just lost the black vote. He's done, period, end of story...

lol ... riiiiiiiiiiiight. kenye has been donny's endorser for almost 3 years; & yet
' the blacks ' showed up en masse to get biden the nomination.

did you go full tilt deplorable because white trash like kid rock & ted nugent are fans of trump?

Sorry, playtoy, but blacks vote for blacks. That's just the way it is, whether you don't want to admit it or not.

Kayne will take a few black votes away from Trump, but he'll take a SHIT LOAD away from Hidin' Biden. Biden might as well concede the election to Trump now.

okey dokey. you go with that if it makes you feel warm & cozy in yer bubble.

Hey Rs there’s no need to worry about this election. It doesn’t matter if Don wins or Joe wins, because the right wins either way. In fact, Slow Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don, but somehow partisans of the two criminal gangs haven’t figured that out yet.

But Joe thinks he is running for the Senate.

So his VP will run the show. That remains to be seen but it ain't look'in good.
Trump is a no-nothing fool who relies on lies and falsehoods in every speech, interview, or press conference he gives. His flock has fallen for the nonsense thad Biden has some kind of dementia while their own guy appears highly medicated whenever he speaks.
Can Trump handle an evening off his medication?
Dude he stares off into space and has to be reminded multiple times when a speech is over. Dude is sick.
Amazing how you partisan hacks standards change every fucking election.
Good gawd, grow up already. Arent you old as fuck anyway?
Hey Rs there’s no need to worry about this election. It doesn’t matter if Don wins or Joe wins, because the right wins either way. In fact, Slow Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don, but somehow partisans of the two criminal gangs haven’t figured that out yet.
Thank you Mr. Gipper.

Please come this way back to your padded cell.

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