Will King AOC get enough soldiers over the border before they starts killing white men?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
I didn't mean to put the most pressing political story out there in the Conspiracy Theory area, really...:biggrin:
Conspiracy theories rock! :)

Well, this one isn't conspiracy, as it may already be here..

AOC looks like a girl, but she acts like a mean man. IOW, she may think she's a man, and thus is one of those LBGTCBs or whatever, which means she can go into any restroom she wants to.

Also, AOC is apoplectic about getting border people over here and then going :lalala:. Why would she want people over the border unless they would team up with her and would do anything Maxine would tell them, no matter how much the Republicans and conservatives protest it.

So basically, the DNC is getting rid of the old, and the new isn't going to take it any more. They're gonna expropriate it, by gollies! Then those foreign-born expatriates who came here to take over the USA won't have to take it any more, because she can be the Boss of you!!!. That makes this NOT a conspiracy, because she has already told the world that she's the BOSS!!!! And right now, that only includes the Democrats, and soon, she will be the boss from hell to the American people, because the precinct chairmen who just lost boxes of votes won't have to after the voter fraud law becomes state laws wherever the Boss says they are.

And the king bit? Well, when you're the boss of everything, you can just do away with the Constitution, do away with representative government, and do away with the people you don't like.

That's how socialistic communism works.

If you don't think so, try contacting the last Czar's family descendants. Oh, wait, there aren't any Czar family descendants, because the Bolsheviks took everything over and murdered all the babies and kids of the Czar and the Czarina, because like doing away with monarchs, you can just call yourself the Boss and do away with all of the people you don't care for who don't kiss your butt right now. And the third Boss was Stalin, and he killed 20 million during WWII while nobody was looking in addition to the millions of dissidents to the Bolsheviks that nobody counted because the Bolsheviks wouldn't let them. Unlike the Nazis, they decided that some things should not be written down.

And that concludes my conspiracy theory. or is it really not a conspiracy theory at all, but something that has happened in this world over and over in past societies in Asia, in Africa, and wherever else mankind can get away with murder if enough people are afraid of him?
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Oh, and why would a total dictator stop at raising the taxes on people he/she hates, so forget about the 70% tax on anybody who owns a home (white males), let's make it 95% !!! Why heck! Just shoot 'em! That way you can have it all and give it away to all your friends who can sell everything and become as powerful as G. Soros! Why should anyone AOC likes be lacking!!!?!!! (where's the interrobang symbol they were gonna put on typewriters, but it never made the cut? !?!?!?!?!?!?

Looks like somebody had a contest back when....:banana:


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