Will Liz Cheney become the first woman president?

She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
Is this a Joe Namath prediction
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
She is done! Anyway Harris will be the first woman president to get impeached.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
She shows great courage in the face of fierce hatred and incredible stupidity and servile worship of an Orange Baboon-God... I'd vote for Liz in a heartbeat.
She shows great courage in the face of fierce hatred and incredible stupidity and servile worship of an Orange Baboon-God... I'd vote for Liz in a heartbeat.

She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
I doubt if she will get any support from Trump Deplorables. Liberals will not vote for her as her dad is Dick Cheney. That will hurt any chances she has to ever become President. She will however get the vote of the Bush faction of the Republican Party.
No she won't.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
Obvious troll thread, and obviously never.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
^^^ has officially lost it :cuckoo:
She shows great courage in the face of fierce hatred and incredible stupidity and servile worship of an Orange Baboon-God... I'd vote for Liz in a heartbeat.
There are Repubs who voted for Tea Party people who were installed shills and sold them out. Voters are slow to remove what is forced on them by the establishment who controls politics who use the compliant media to get them power.
She shows great courage in the face of fierce hatred and incredible stupidity and servile worship of an Orange Baboon-God... I'd vote for Liz in a heartbeat.
I do not see how that alone qualifies her.

My first question is will she start any new wars. For the first time in a decade, Biden stopped one. I would not vote for someone that may reverse that trend.
I do not see how that alone qualifies her.
Given that she demonstrates those qualities better than either Rump or Old Joe... that at least makes for a good point-of-departure in any-such assessment...
My first question is will she start any new wars. For the first time in a decade, Biden stopped one. I would not vote for someone that may reverse that trend.
Is there any substantive and reliable indicator that she would? In the absence of such, I'd consider throttling-back on that particular talking point.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
She is a rotten RINO. And I don't give a shit about Divirsity. If all presidents were White Males till Doomsday it would be good as long as elected for competence. "Equity" is not an option. And LIX will be primaried out. Good riddance.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?

Where would Liz Cheney get the necessary votes from? She has alienated 74 million Little Trumpsters, she'd have to pick off a record number of libs and previously inactive voters to be able to schlong Brandon.
Where would Liz Cheney get the necessary votes from? She has alienated 74 million Little Trumpsters, she'd have to pick off a record number of libs and previously inactive voters to be able to schlong Brandon.

She would have to switch parties and wait until Biden is gone or run against him in a primary.
Silly liberal Shitting Bull likes Liz because he recognizes other liberal Democraps.

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