Will Mike Brown Have Drugs In His System

Will Mike Brown Have Drugs In His System?

  • No

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters
Even if he was high or dead drunk, why does that give the cop the right to shoot him when he had his hands raised? And even the police chief stated that the cop at that point only knew that the kid had been jay walking.

I would guess that everyone of the bigots posting here has done something equally stupid when they were between 15 and 20.

So you stole items in a store, and when confronted by the store owner, assaulted him/her ?
But..he is a gentle giant! And that dumb vietnamese guy DARED tell him he could NOT have the cigars! And..and...that cop told him he could not stop traffic by walking in the middle of the road! Get a clue people. He has rights! Oh. Wait. Dead ones.

That clerk should get a medal. Could not believe he went up against that giant.

And that reminds me, has the clerk been interviewed yet ? Seems to me his testimony would be in high demand by the media, yet I haven't heard any mentions at all of his whereabouts.
"Robs a store". He took cigarellos allegedly. Less than $50.00 worth; I am concerned about the officer's drug tests, police officers have a higher incidence of amphetimine use than the general public, due to work that is both physically, and mentally, draining. Add in odd hours, emergency call outs when needed, and being in contact with many horrifying events.

Also, the tax cut rage leaves public employee pay in the dumpster. Police in many areas I know of do not receive nearly enough money for their work.
Are you seriously trying to say he did not rob a store?



verb (used with object), robbed, robbing. 1. to take something from (someone) by unlawful force or threat of violence; steal from.

2. to deprive (someone) of some right or something legally due: They robbed her of her inheritance.

3. to plunder or rifle (a house, shop, etc.).

4. to deprive of something unjustly or injuriously: The team was robbed of a home run hitter when the umpire called it a foul ball. The shock robbed him of his speech.

5. Mining. to remove ore or coal from (a pillar).
Peach is finding reason to blame everyone EXCEPT the thug. And that is exactly what is wrong with this whole thing. Fear. Refusal to see. Head in the sand syndrome. But...I was the same way for a long LONG time. So..maybe she will wake up. Maybe not. But I am betting that if a huge black thug grabbed her by the neck of her blouse, she would be singing a different tune.
Peach is finding reason to blame everyone EXCEPT the thug. And that is exactly what is wrong with this whole thing. Fear. Refusal to see. Head in the sand syndrome. But...I was the same way for a long LONG time. So..maybe she will wake up. Maybe not. But I am betting that if a huge black thug grabbed her by the neck of her blouse, she would be singing a different tune.
I grew up in a liberal Jewish home and was taught that blacks are the way they are because they were treated poorly so I felt bad for them.

I woke up during the LA riots, I saw a hate and violence that I thought only happened in other countries. Then many of the black friends I had turned on me and told me how they really feel about whites.

I have watched alot of people who used to call me racist change there minds too.

I don't hate blacks, but I do see the difference and I don't like it.
Surprise, he was a pothead.

Michael Brown had marijuana in his system: medical examiner

The black teen fatally shot by a white cop in a St. Louis suburb had marijuana in his system at the time of his death, it was reported Monday.
Drug testing performed during an autopsy by St. Louis County Medical Examiner Mary Case showed that Michael Brown, 18, had the pot in his system, the Washington Post reported, citing a source close to the investigation.
Case’s report was released to the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office on Friday night but has not been made public.
The county autopsy is in addition to a private examination of Brown’s body by an expert hired by his family and another expected by the feds.

Michael Brown had marijuana in his system: medical examiner | New York Post
Doesn't matter.

It matters quite a lot because it invalidates people's presumptions that Brown would act as THEY would act. Most people put themselves in the shoes of the subject of a story. Brown was stoned. Being stoned makes your decision making suspect.

How a reasonable person bumrush a police officer who is firing his firearm? No, that would be crazy. A stoner though would do all sorts of crazy things.
It matters quite a lot because it invalidates people's presumptions that Brown would act as THEY would act. Most people put themselves in the shoes of the subject of a story. Brown was stoned. Being stoned makes your decision making suspect.

How a reasonable person bumrush a police officer who is firing his firearm? No, that would be crazy. A stoner though would do all sorts of crazy things.

I'm going to disagree with you there. Pot does 'not' generally make people crazy. I'll agree it impairs judgment, bout the same as a 'buzz' does with drinking from my experience. Except pot doesn't make you 'up' like drinking does, it's a 'down' thing. Grab some chips and flop thing. Pot was legal where I grew up until '89, maybe '90, the stupidest thing I did was stand under a street light for about an hour watching the snow fall; "It's like Star Trek man" Not saying I was heavy into it, was just a social thing for my group; we all quit before the Fed. even forced us to make it illegal.

I digress, the point is, pot != violent reactions. Not one person in my group, or all the parties we had, got violent on pot. Drinking on the other hand is a different story.
I'm going to disagree with you there. Pot does 'not' generally make people crazy. I'll agree it impairs judgment, bout the same as a 'buzz' does with drinking from my experience. Except pot doesn't make you 'up' like drinking does, it's a 'down' thing. Grab some chips and flop thing. Pot was legal where I grew up until '89, maybe '90, the stupidest thing I did was stand under a street light for about an hour watching the snow fall; "It's like Star Trek man" Not saying I was heavy into it, was just a social thing for my group; we all quit before the Fed. even forced us to make it illegal.

I digress, the point is, pot != violent reactions. Not one person in my group, or all the parties we had, got violent on pot. Drinking on the other hand is a different story.

Pot being a downer stills needs a baseline personality to depress. If you're a sociopath, even with pot bringing your down a bit, you're now just going to be a mellower sociopath.

Look at Brown's behavior during the robbery - that wasn't a "don't harsh my mellow" kind of tranquility. He was violent.

The more important aspect of this is that his decisions were all screwy. If you rob a store does it make sense to you that you should jay walk in the middle of the street and thereby put yourself at risk of police confrontation? Every decision Brown made was wacky because he was stoned.
Pot being a downer stills needs a baseline personality to depress. If you're a sociopath, even with pot bringing your down a bit, you're now just going to be a mellower sociopath.

Look at Brown's behavior during the robbery - that wasn't a "don't harsh my mellow" kind of tranquility. He was violent.

The more important aspect of this is that his decisions were all screwy. If you rob a store does it make sense to you that you should jay walk in the middle of the street and thereby put yourself at risk of police confrontation? Every decision Brown made was wacky because he was stoned.

I can agree with most of that - wacky decision making yes. And Brown did shove the clerk off, can attribute that to a stoned person with an undercurrent of intimidation, sure. But it's a pretty big stretch between strong-arming a clerk and strong-arming an armed police officer...
Did the officer? The 'charging' story is of course suspect because of Brown's size, but the FPD is making things up as they go along; and, TOXICOLOGY tests take two-four WEEKS. Tests are run for a multitude of drugs, not just the ones that pop into the heads of the anti-Constitution bunch.

This officer is being convicted by the likes of Brietbart, and The Daily Caller; FPD was not forced to release his name, and the new 'witness' contradicts FPD and the brief statement of the officer. Protecting that officer should have come second only to investigating Michael Brown's death, but it appears some in Ferguson want more riots, and violence; thus the new daily 'details' spit out by the above commentary sites. Riots are news, attract more readers/listeners.

And the Chief has no interest in quelling the violence now that he is relieved of 'command', and it shows.

Charging story suspect because of his size? Have you see the size of football players charging their opponents?
I can agree with most of that - wacky decision making yes. And Brown did shove the clerk off, can attribute that to a stoned person with an undercurrent of intimidation, sure. But it's a pretty big stretch between strong-arming a clerk and strong-arming an armed police officer...

Don't overlook the fact that Brown was trying to get away. If that is the goal then all of his actions are meant to further that goal - strong-arming a cop could make sense to a stoned person who is focused on getting out of there. Disable the cop and then get away. Once the disabling doesn't work, then focus on getting away. When that doesn't work, turn around and storm the cop because he's shooting at you. Crazy to you and me but likely a good plan for a violent stoner.

At first I thought it may be, until people are saying he is a 'meek' kind kid. Meek and kind kids don't rob stores, attack the clerk and then get up in their faces to intimidate as the clerk tries to stop him a second time. Johnson's story is full of holes now. Maybe some unknown substance made him act the fool in robbing the store clerk which followed through to the officer.
It matters quite a lot because it invalidates people's presumptions that Brown would act as THEY would act. Most people put themselves in the shoes of the subject of a story. Brown was stoned. Being stoned makes your decision making suspect.

How a reasonable person bumrush a police officer who is firing his firearm? No, that would be crazy. A stoner though would do all sorts of crazy things.

It doesn't matter because when the officer fired the fatal shots Brown was not an immediate threat to anyone.
Don't overlook the fact that Brown was trying to get away. If that is the goal then all of his actions are meant to further that goal - strong-arming a cop could make sense to a stoned person who is focused on getting out of there. Disable the cop and then get away. Once the disabling doesn't work, then focus on getting away. When that doesn't work, turn around and storm the cop because he's shooting at you. Crazy to you and me but likely a good plan for a violent stoner.

I'm just not buying it's because he was stoned is all. If it's already in his head that he's a bad ass who can take anyone and 'probably' would have gone after a cop stoned or not, maybe, but going after a cop 'just' because he was stoned, no. It's just not like that. Other drugs, yea, even booze if they were wasted enough, but I just can't see it off pot.

It doesn't matter because when the officer fired the fatal shots Brown was not an immediate threat to anyone.

No one knows that yet.

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