Will Mike Brown Have Drugs In His System

Will Mike Brown Have Drugs In His System?

  • No

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters
It doesn't matter because when the officer fired the fatal shots Brown was not an immediate threat to anyone.

You don't know that. Seems as if Johnsons statement is being taken at the gods honest truth and its already been proven false on several counts. Brown was never shot in the back and Johnson lied about going to the store and when he met up with Brown.
Interesting to note that he acted like a bully to the clerk in the store, yet pot is a downer, supposed to make you happy, right ?
Makes you wonder how he would have acted towards the clerk, if he hadn't had the drug in his system.
Even if he was high or dead drunk, why does that give the cop the right to shoot him when he had his hands raised? And even the police chief stated that the cop at that point only knew that the kid had been jay walking.

I would guess that everyone of the bigots posting here has done something equally stupid when they were between 15 and 20.
Never had his hands raised. Wake up.
He was most likely on PCP laced pot. But cause of death was lead poisoning.
If the clerk is smart, he has moved with no forwarding address!

As I understand from the police reports; the officer who'd responded to the 911 call had gone back to get their witness accounts on the robbery and neither of them were there so he left the paperwork. He got a short statement from the clerk who was in the bathroom, she's in the video too, but that was it. She had just said that the clerk told Brown he was going to have to pay for the cigars when he handed them to Johnson, then Brown reached over the counter and started taking more cigars and went to leave, the clerk came out from the behind the counter with the keys intending to lock Brown in until he paid for the cigars, but Brown pushed him out of the way and left.

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