Will Mississippi Finally Go For Decency or Will They Continue To Go For Bigotry In Racism?

Which Way Will Mississippi Go?

  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I think think things will stay the same

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I think think things will take a new direction

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I think think things will stay the same

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I think think things will take a new direction

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent and I think think things will stay the same

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I'm an independent and I think think things will take a new direction

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
How about when the CBC refuses to let a white join? Is that racist?
I have to admit, it's always struck me as, at best, odd to have an OFFICIAL caucus based on race.
Until you research the genesis of why there was a CBC to begin with....

Pretty much the same way there was a NAACP, HBCU's, etc....when one has been historically oppressed for centuries, organizations like that tend to pop up...

Just ask the ADL
But there's no Jewish caucus. And with blacks getting elected ... I don't see the oppression. I see the bigotry towards blacks, but excluding membership by race .. at least where the organization is governmental.
These groups were created due to oppression -- if you want them to disband because it makes you feel better, feel free to petition them to drop the name....
How about when the CBC refuses to let a white join? Is that racist?
I have to admit, it's always struck me as, at best, odd to have an OFFICIAL caucus based on race.
Until you research the genesis of why there was a CBC to begin with....

Pretty much the same way there was a NAACP, HBCU's, etc....when one has been historically oppressed for centuries, organizations like that tend to pop up...

Just ask the ADL
But there's no Jewish caucus. And with blacks getting elected ... I don't see the oppression. I see the bigotry towards blacks, but excluding membership by race .. at least where the organization is governmental.
These groups were created due to oppression -- if you want them to disband because it makes you feel better, feel free to petition them to drop the name....
No one should care if I had any objection, and I DON'T HAVE ANY OBJECTION, to NAACP or JDL or anything else that is private. I mean the Klan ... I object. LOL. But the other groups aren't trying to keep anyone from getting equal protection.

I would object to the House having a caucus of White Christian Evangelicals or Catholics opposed to Abortion and the DP or a caucus of Jews for anything. If it's an official House or Senate orgainiztion, I just don't think it should be exclusionary on race or religion .. or gender.
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and still it's true... since you have offered no refutation of it -- just the usual "I'm going to stick my fingers in my ears and call him a poopy head" response that Trump lovers normally resort to.
^^^^ Looney liberals get really upset when normal people don't buy into their fantasy version of the way they think the world should be. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
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How about when the CBC refuses to let a white join? Is that racist?
I have to admit, it's always struck me as, at best, odd to have an OFFICIAL caucus based on race.
Until you research the genesis of why there was a CBC to begin with....

Pretty much the same way there was a NAACP, HBCU's, etc....when one has been historically oppressed for centuries, organizations like that tend to pop up...

Just ask the ADL

I didn't know that Black Congresspeople were a group that was discriminated against. The CBC is an advancement for that tiny group only, which has an average income of $175,000 a year.

The CBC does NOT represent black constituents. Only the Congress critters. Congressman with large numbers of blacks in their district, like the Ohio 13th CD, are not admitted to the caucus if they are honkies like Rep. Tim Ryan.
Hyde-Smith will win in a landslide.
I'm watching msnbc an hour and a half behind, so not up to speed, however, I understand it's been called.

Was it a landslide?

As of 1.5 hours ago, it wasn't. 5 point lead or so, did she blow past that in the next 1.5 hours?
12 points and growing
Well, Mississippi has made it's choice...they'd rather have a rabid racist than a rabid Democrat.

Nice job guys, nice!!!

It's a Democrat controlled district which, BTW, was gerrymandered with a 2/3 black population guaranteeing someone that couldn't get hired to shine shoes at the Capitol would get elected.
It also guarantees Democrat votes are corralled in one district, which is the actual point.
3. And her sending her child to the same school she went to is pretty common.
Especially if one wants to avoid one's child mixing with blacks by sending her to a different school.

Yearbook photos from 1975 obtained by the Jackson Free Press show that Hyde-Smith attended Lawrence County Academy, an all-white school founded in 1970 that was located in Monticello, Mississippi.

In 1969, the year prior to the academy’s opening, the Supreme Court ordered the state’s public schools to be desegregated after they failed to do so following Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, which found segregation to be unconstitutional. The private school was reportedly created for the white children of affluent families so that they could continue to attend all-white institutions.

Hyde-Smith graduated from the academy in 1977, according to the Free Press.

The same year that Lawrence County Academy was created, Brookhaven Academy, reportedly another school intended for all-whites at the time, was started in neighboring Lincoln County. The Free Press reported that Hyde-Smith recently sent her daughter to Brookhaven, from which she graduated in 2017
Cindy Hyde-Smith reportedly attended an all-white high school to avoid integration
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Ok, so any vote that didn’t get cast for the oft indicted Espy was all about race. Any vote for him was cast out of purity of heart. What a crock of shit. Glad she won, if only because it tweaks you clowns.
The big Senate run-off is happening today.

What do you guys think the result will be?

Will they finally move away from the stigma of bigotry and racism, or will they step into the 21st century and run AWAY from that stain?

The choice is clear, Cindy Hyde-Smith is a choice to remain the same, Mike Espy is a conscious decision to put the past behind, but what will they do? And why?

When is the 37% black population in Mississippi going to quit choosing to live on the Democrat plantation?

BTW, the only congressional district in Mississippi that has a greater than 20% use of food stamps if 2/3 black. Does that surprise anyone? It shouldn't. If it does, you're an idiot.
They deserve more, after years of slavery and racism.

Perhaps they should quit having so many bastard children. Are you blaming slavery for that?
Melania and stormy's kids you mean ?
One thing for certain, we know the OP always promotes Racism and Bigotry. Hilarious to see a racist bigot painting an entire state as racist and bigoted.
Mike Espy is a conscious decision to put the past behind,
Racism is voting for a guy just because he is black.

Obama taught us skin color doesn't equal ability or competence. ... :cool:
Racism is the OP creating this post to call an entire state racist just because he fears his candidate may not win.

ESPY was too crooked for The Obama Administration. If he is elected, Mississippi will start circling the drain and drown in a cesspool of corruption.

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