Will Nancy resign "for health reasons?"


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?
Mental health reasons perhaps.
I can’t wait for them to Subpoena Bolton! And Bolton says yea
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

She already did. Pelosi lead her party to the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years in 2010.
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

She is still good for another 6-8 years as Speaker of the House
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

She already did. Pelosi lead her party to the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years in 2010.
Not too shabby in 2018
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?
The old bat won't ever resign. She'll continue either until she's removed or if she dies. I believe her hatred of President Trump, like that of the deceased John McStain, is THAT strong.
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

after the election

a republican

Trump said today, it's going to be Kevin McCarthy. OUCH, that's gotta hurt. He's from California, too.

Kevin McCarthy - gop.gov

Next speaker of the House.
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

She is still good for another 6-8 years as Speaker of the House
She did noit leave when she put many people into a more struggling way to live with Obamacare premiums and the penalty. She is a self rightious prog and what is worse, a prog broad. More and more people do less and less to help another. Whether in distress or just a random act of kindness. And getting back has risen massively. As part of what our society is moving to, authoritarian rule is making more and more headway. To bad you are not paying attention to the things you should be. To many people do not forget being ph uked with. Whether for centuries or in their lifetime. And to many people enjoy ph ukn with others still. Not a good recipe. Progs were supposed to end this. And it is worse.
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?
The old bat won't ever resign. She'll continue either until she's removed or if she dies. I believe her hatred of President Trump, like that of the deceased John McStain, is THAT strong.

I agree,I don't think she will resign, she is so full of it, she thinks she is still in the Hussein Barack years....she is only now waking up to the fact that there is a new Sheriff in town that won't take any crap from her or the likes of her!

Hallelujah!!!:thup: Bless Donald Trump!!
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

Actually, if she were to resign right now, she'd likely be replaced by Adam Schiff, who conveniently represents the good people of Hollywood and surrounds.
I think Nancy Pelosi has become an albatross around the neck neck of the Democrat Party who will lead it to massive defeats in November. If she resigns as Speaker, who might replace her?

She is still good for another 6-8 years as Speaker of the House
She did noit leave when she put many people into a more struggling way to live with Obamacare premiums and the penalty. She is a self rightious prog and what is worse, a prog broad. More and more people do less and less to help another. Whether in distress or just a random act of kindness. And getting back has risen massively. As part of what our society is moving to, authoritarian rule is making more and more headway. To bad you are not paying attention to the things you should be. To many people do not forget being ph uked with. Whether for centuries or in their lifetime. And to many people enjoy ph ukn with others still. Not a good recipe. Progs were supposed to end this. And it is worse.
30 million more Americans obtained healthcare

Republicans said, let them die

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