Will NRA defend Michael Bandon Hill as a "responsible gun owner"?

We have a guy who walked into a school heavily armed and told the first person he saw that he was schizophrenic and off his meds.

He is automatically more responsible than a democrat.

Cute, except NRA and gun loving rednecks keep giving these whacko kids deadly automatic weapons....

... and challenge the laws to stop the whackos from killing.

Won't happen....but you knew that!
Thanks to the NRA and the gun loving rednecks, an AK47 and 500 rounds of ammo are available to any 8 year old.

They are proud of this.

"O.K. liberals, you stop the kid from blowing the heads of his classmates - our job is to take him to the shooting range"


Very sick.
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Hall was a convicted felon, mentally ill and the gun was stolen...

It was illegal for him to own or possess a firearm, and he entered a gun free zone.

Why didn't these gun control laws stop him?

Did he steal the gun?

Authorities said Wednesday that Hill did not own the AK-47-like weapon that was used in the shooting, and that they believed it was taken from the house of an acquaintance of his.

Thanks to the NRA and the gun loving rednecks, an AK47 and 500 rounds of ammo are available to any 8 year old.

They are proud of this.

"O.K. liberals, you stop the kid from blowing the heads of his classmates - our job is to take him to the shooting range"


Very sick.

Hall was a convicted felon, mentally ill and the gun was stolen...

It was illegal for him to own or possess a firearm, and he entered a gun free zone.

Why didn't these gun control laws stop him?

Obviously, we need JUST ONE MORE.

THEN criminals will start obeying them.

The NRA and gun loving rednecks say "give everyone a gun, and try to stop them with laws - won't happen"

Agree ....

Guns don't kill, NRA and gun lovin' rednecks kill .....

I don't want everybody to be given a gun. They need to pay for it out of their own pockets.
We have a guy who walked into a school heavily armed and told the first person he saw that he was schizophrenic and off his meds.

He is automatically more responsible than a democrat.

Cute, except NRA and gun loving rednecks keep giving these whacko kids deadly automatic weapons....

... and challenge the laws to stop the whackos from killing.

Won't happen....but you knew that!
Why do you keep lying?
Atlanta school shooting averted; clerk Antoinette Tuff describes confrontation
By Max Ehrenfreund,August 21, 2013

Shots were fired Tuesday at Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy, an elementary school outside of Atlanta. Police took Michael Brandon Hill, 20, into custody and said later that he was carrying an AK-47 rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition, the Associated Press reported.

Fortunately, no one was injured. The outcome seems largely due to Antoinette Tuff, a school clerk, who told ABC affiliate WSB-TV that she met the gunman when he entered the building.

“He had a look on him that he was willing to kill,” Tuff said. “He said he didn’t have any reason to live, and he knew he was going to die today.” Tuff said she began telling him the story of her own life in order to calm him down. She described how her separation from her husband after 33 years of marriage left her feeling lonely and in pain, but she encouraged the man not to succumb to despair.

The fact that the left would ask such a question indicates a couple of things. #1. The radical left operates on emotion rather than logic. #2 To paraphrase the infamous saying by a prominent left wing democrat "never let a tragedy go to waste". And #3 the most important thing is that the left doesn't have a clue. Not only are they often confused about basic terms like "automatic weapon" and semi-automatic weapon, they have no idea of existing laws or that the person in question was a convicted felon and a psychiatric case. The NRA would be among the first to tell you that the guy should have been in prison or a mental hospital after he threatened to kill his own brother if the the judical system was doing it's job instead of playing politics. .
When you come right down to it we are all on the same side. The NRA has been up front for a hundred years about gun safety and training and laws preventing the sale of guns to felons and maniacs. US Presidents have been members of the NRA. The problem is that the union based education system has succeeded in creating a generation of dumb fucks who don't have a clue about firearms or the law. The Police can't possibly protect you in your own home. The best they can do is try to find the monster who killed you in your bedroom. Everybody knows it but radical lefties can't get past hatred and ignorance.
No, the NRA has not and will not defend crazy people who murder people.

However, you can always count on the left to pretend that they do.
Hall was a convicted felon, mentally ill and the gun was stolen...

It was illegal for him to own or possess a firearm, and he entered a gun free zone.

Why didn't these gun control laws stop him?

Did he steal the gun?

Authorities said Wednesday that Hill did not own the AK-47-like weapon that was used in the shooting, and that they believed it was taken from the house of an acquaintance of his.

Thank you. Then I guess he wasn't a gun owner in the first place.
Hall was a convicted felon, mentally ill and the gun was stolen...

It was illegal for him to own or possess a firearm, and he entered a gun free zone.

Why didn't these gun control laws stop him?

Did he steal the gun?

Yes...I posted a quote from police and a link...
Authorities said Wednesday that Hill did not own the AK-47-like weapon that was used in the shooting, and that they believed it was taken from the house of an acquaintance of his.

Woman who is like a mom to Georgia shooting suspect: He 'never had anyone there for him' - U.S. News
.Edit - I see Hjmick beat me too it :thup:
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He wasn't an irresponsible gun owner, but he certainly was an irresponsible gun possessor.
This incident certainly does show that, no, it doesn't take a good man with a gun to thwart a bad man with the gun.
This incident certainly does show that, no, it doesn't take a good man with a gun to thwart a bad man with the gun.

I wouldn't say she thwarted him...she talked him down.

I bet if you asked her, she wishes she had a gun...in case the talking failed, at least she would have a chance.
Hall was a convicted felon, mentally ill and the gun was stolen...

It was illegal for him to own or possess a firearm, and he entered a gun free zone.

Why didn't these gun control laws stop him?

Did he steal the gun?

Yes...I posted a quote from police and a link...
Authorities said Wednesday that Hill did not own the AK-47-like weapon that was used in the shooting, and that they believed it was taken from the house of an acquaintance of his.

Woman who is like a mom to Georgia shooting suspect: He 'never had anyone there for him' - U.S. News
.Edit - I see Hjmick beat me too it :thup:

So somehow, it's better that someone left a gun where his crazy friend could get it?

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