Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?

If he has 8 consecutive year of 8% unemployment he will definitely be in the running, at least according to how Liberals value American greatness
He got more people in poverty, unemployed and on food stamps than any other President so he is definitely one of the Greatest Liberal Presidents ever
Will Obama go down in history as the best president ever?

Obama will go down in history as the president that destroyed this Country.
He might go down as the best Liberal President. IMO, he has doen a DAMN good job of pushing their agenda. Good Prez for EVERYONE, economy etc? Absolutely not
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


He has the opportunity to go down as a great one. The next 4 years will tell the story.
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Could be.

Given what he has done with what he was handed...the crashing economy, a trillion dollar deficit, a couple of wars, and a disloyal opposition fueled by racial hate determined to undermine any attempt to pull us out of the hole they put us in......yes, he may very well go down as the greatest of all time.

History will not be kind to today's version of the GOP.
What in the hell has he done to prove greatness? As you pointed out in another thread, not saying it is true, he slapped down the opposition in his SOTUA. Is that what you think will make him great? Being the most derisive of presidents?

6 trillion of debt on our grandchildren????

Black unemployment skyrocketing?

Food stamp use escalating.

The ME in turmoil and Obama gives away F16s to those who have no love for us.

The death toll greater in Afghanistan under Obama in 4 years then Bush's 8 years and Obama admits to failure.

The primary job of the President, in my opinion, is to first set agenda, be a leader, and unite as much as the country as he can as did Reagan. Obama has failed in all three. His only claim to greatness would be that he is the first 1/2 black president and that ain't enough.
Obama declares that you work, He eats, you toil and He enjoys the fruits

[The c@cksucker laid out his manifesto Monday, the Constitution and the Founders be damned, we're coming for your guns and your liberties, everyone will live as snug as a bug in a rug in this brand new hive we're creating in my image. We're going to solve the healthcare crisis on the backs of the providers, none of this supply and demand law hocus pocus. If you refuse to treat, we stand you in front of a wall. Freerepublic has a report today that the new litmus test for the generals remaining in the US Military, and there have been quite a few generals being told to pack their stuff lately, is whether they will give the order to fire on US civilians or not. Apparently if you resist the Obambi's diktat to enter his new hive, the Obambi intends for you to die. Welcome to the Gulags, the Great Leap Forward, the Cambodian Killing Fields, the Age Of Obama approaches and neither will his yoke be easy nor his burden light.]

"I think it would be a serious mistake to ignore or underestimate the significance of President Obama’s second inaugural address. It speaks to his ambition, his assault on the founding principles, and his attempt to realign the electorate on a misreading or misinterpretation or misrepresentation of the meaning of the founding principles. Attention must be paid. See, e.g., Yuval Levin’s “Obama’s second inaugural.”

As R.J. Pestritto has demonstrated, the intellectual roots of modern American liberalism lie in an assault on the ideas of natural rights and limited government. They eventuate in an administrative state and rule by supposed experts. Obamacare represents something like the full flowering of modern liberalism.

Wilson’s expressions of disapproval are the precursor to Barack Obama’s disdain for the Constitution and the Warren Court. Obama perfectly reflected Wilson’s views in his 2001 comments on the civil rights movement and the Supreme Court. In the course of the famous radio interview Obama gave to WBEZ in Chicago, Obama observed that the Warren Court had not broken “free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties.” To achieve “redistributive change,” the limitations of the Constitution would have to be overcome by the Court or by Congress.

Franklin Roosevelt touted welfare state liberalism in the “second Bill of Rights” that he set forth to Congress in his 1944 State of the Union Address. “Necessitous men are not free men,” Roosevelt asserted, and enumerated a new set of rights, among which were the right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation, the right of every family to a decent home, and the right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.

Implicitly arguing that the teaching of the Declaration had become obsolete, Roosevelt asserted: “In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all regardless of station, race, or creed.”

Now comes Obama to give us progressivism and welfare state liberalism falsely staked on the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Elsewhere Obama has frankly rejected the concept of “absolute truth” as inconsistent with democracy. In his second inaugural address, however, Obama places the Declaration’s “self-evident truths” up front and seems to place his stamp of approval on them, so long as one is not paying too much attention.

In Obama’s telling, “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” have dropped out. Before you know it, devotion to the founding principles serves up the welfare state, the campaign against global warming (evolved into “climate change”), gay marriage, open borders and something to ameliorate long lines to vote. We shall overcome."

Obama?s Living Declaration | Power Line
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Could be.

Given what he has done with what he was handed...the crashing economy, a trillion dollar deficit, a couple of wars, and a disloyal opposition fueled by racial hate determined to undermine any attempt to pull us out of the hole they put us in......yes, he may very well go down as the greatest of all time.

History will not be kind to today's version of the GOP.
Yes, it is extremely possible. Especially if this health care thing works out and also if the USA is pulled back from the brink and continues to be the leading power in the world.
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Could be.

Given what he has done with what he was handed...the crashing economy, a trillion dollar deficit, a couple of wars, and a disloyal opposition fueled by racial hate determined to undermine any attempt to pull us out of the hole they put us in......yes, he may very well go down as the greatest of all time.

History will not be kind to today's version of the GOP.
Yes, it is extremely possible. Especially if this health care thing works out and also if the USA is pulled back from the brink and continues to be the leading power in the world.

Good thread Ravi, this should stir them up.
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


No. He'll be remembered as being a historic president, but not one of the greatest. I imagine that in future rankings he'll fare better than George W. Bush, but probably worse than George H.W. Bush or Clinton.

You mention Reagan, but he's an odd one. The Conservatives have venerated him like a God by tossing aside a lot of the values Ronnie had and replacing them with some sort of imaginary construct. He was a good president, definitely worthy of being in the top 25% for sure, but he sure as hell wasn't the President a lot of folks here think he was.
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I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


geezus Ravi......lets wait the next 4 years.....this guy can have an Iraq happen to him then its all over.....
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Just to make the rights head explode, I hope they put obama's sculpture on mt. Rishmore. :)
I'm not sure who is considered such as of now, Ronnie (laughably), FDR maybe? Washington? Lincoln?


Just to make the rights head explode, I hope they put obama's sculpture on mt. Rishmore. :)

Well, we already know that most of the Obama supporters aren't interested in results, only feelings. So this kind of goes without saying.
obama will go down in history with Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Benito Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe, Charles Taylor, a number of the Ceasars, and Nicolae Ceaucescu. All that he has done will be wiped away. Will he and his consort be permitted to live out their days in the US, or will they be imprisoned or exiled like Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos?

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