Will Obama make Mitch McConnell a "One term Senate Majority Leader"?

McConnell saw no need to do anything that would encourage anyone to vote for an Obama second term. Now McConnell has finally gotten his wish to be Senate majority leader

Will Obama return the favor?

McConnell and the Nazi Tea Party anarchists will do all they can to help big business by cutting taxes, regulations, and social programs - and Obamacare. It won't be pretty for normal Americans to watch. Thankfully, President Obama has his veto pen.

Funny, because Obamadon'tcare was a massive boon for the insurance companies.

Sure, it helped the insurance companies, but it helped the average American citizen as well. Totally different from the Bush prescription fiasco that helped big pharmacy companies, but did little or nothing to help the people.

The average citizen? I don't think so. How many are enrolled in that fiasco, anyway?
The same exit poll that showed fifty-nine per cent of respondents were dissatisfied or angry with the Obama Administration found that sixty-one per cent of respondents were angry or disappointed with Republican leaders in Congress. It found that fifty-three per cent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party and that fifty-six per cent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. Not exactly a “wave” election.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

It's foolish to sit at home and not vote at all, because by doing so, you give more power to those who do vote. If you don't like the two party system, go out and vote straight third party. The bottom line remains, the election reflects the will of the voters. If you didn't vote, you're not a voter, and your voice doesn't count.
The same exit poll that showed fifty-nine per cent of respondents were dissatisfied or angry with the Obama Administration found that sixty-one per cent of respondents were angry or disappointed with Republican leaders in Congress. It found that fifty-three per cent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party and that fifty-six per cent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. Not exactly a “wave” election.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

It is a true representation of what the VOTERS believe, and that's what matters. If you didn't vote, your wishes don't count.
The same exit poll that showed fifty-nine per cent of respondents were dissatisfied or angry with the Obama Administration found that sixty-one per cent of respondents were angry or disappointed with Republican leaders in Congress. It found that fifty-three per cent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party and that fifty-six per cent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. Not exactly a “wave” election.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

It's foolish to sit at home and not vote at all, because by doing so, you give more power to those who do vote. If you don't like the two party system, go out and vote straight third party. The bottom line remains, the election reflects the will of the voters. If you didn't vote, you're not a voter, and your voice doesn't count.

I agree completely with what you said, but the fact remains that there was an election whose outcome didn't represent the majority of the country. The only evidence the right has of any mandate comes from the voices in their heads.
Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

It's foolish to sit at home and not vote at all, because by doing so, you give more power to those who do vote. If you don't like the two party system, go out and vote straight third party. The bottom line remains, the election reflects the will of the voters. If you didn't vote, you're not a voter, and your voice doesn't count.

I agree completely with what you said, but the fact remains that there was an election whose outcome didn't represent the majority of the country. The only evidence the right has of any mandate comes from the voices in their heads.

My position is, however, that claiming to hear those who didn't vote (as the president did), is ridiculous, because you can claim they meant to say whatever you want them to say, since they did NOT express their will.
If Obama wanted to privatize Social Security


That never worked for Bush jr so why would Obama even go there?
You claim:
"That never worked for Bush jr so why would Obama even go there?"

Democrats AND Progressives opposed Bush on the privatization of Social Security;
however, as we've seen over the past six years, many Democrats are willing to support Obama policies that are even worse than Bush's. (Like immigration "reform" and war in Iraq, Syria, and Libya)


The illegal invasion of Iraq that cost trillions of taxpayer dollars was something that Obama started even though he wasn't even elected as a Senator when it was started by Bush jr?

Obama ended that war successfully, remember? Now that all those soldiers died in vain. Thanks Obama.

You need professional help!
Did Obama not say he ended the iraq war successfully or was he just lying again?
The same exit poll that showed fifty-nine per cent of respondents were dissatisfied or angry with the Obama Administration found that sixty-one per cent of respondents were angry or disappointed with Republican leaders in Congress. It found that fifty-three per cent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party and that fifty-six per cent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. Not exactly a “wave” election.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

It is a true representation of what the VOTERS believe, and that's what matters. If you didn't vote, your wishes don't count.

I'm not contesting the outcome of the election. The republicans obviously made some gains. I'm just saying that the small group of republicans who won this little election doesn't represent the beliefs of the entire country.
The same exit poll that showed fifty-nine per cent of respondents were dissatisfied or angry with the Obama Administration found that sixty-one per cent of respondents were angry or disappointed with Republican leaders in Congress. It found that fifty-three per cent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party and that fifty-six per cent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. Not exactly a “wave” election.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

It is a true representation of what the VOTERS believe, and that's what matters. If you didn't vote, your wishes don't count.

I'm not contesting the outcome of the election. The republicans obviously made some gains. I'm just saying that the small group of republicans who won this little election doesn't represent the beliefs of the entire country.
I'm not sure what the election says about the gop. The exit polls show Obama is more popular than either the dems or gopers in congress, and even he is below water. If there's any message beyond people are anxious about the econ future, and terrorism though to a lesser extent, they're fed up with the dysfunction in DC. If the gop rid itself of the no compromise TPM, then the guys who got elected from the gop probably do reflect the maj will.
So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

It's foolish to sit at home and not vote at all, because by doing so, you give more power to those who do vote. If you don't like the two party system, go out and vote straight third party. The bottom line remains, the election reflects the will of the voters. If you didn't vote, you're not a voter, and your voice doesn't count.

I agree completely with what you said, but the fact remains that there was an election whose outcome didn't represent the majority of the country. The only evidence the right has of any mandate comes from the voices in their heads.

My position is, however, that claiming to hear those who didn't vote (as the president did), is ridiculous, because you can claim they meant to say whatever you want them to say, since they did NOT express their will.

Sure, anybody can claim anything. However there have been enough polls and other means to determine a lot of what the majority of the county wants......Background checks, minimum wage increases, etc. This little midterm election didn't represent that due to low turnout. Don't expect the next one to be the same, and don't go thinking the country changed it's mind on those things just because a low turnout put republicans in office.
The same exit poll that showed fifty-nine per cent of respondents were dissatisfied or angry with the Obama Administration found that sixty-one per cent of respondents were angry or disappointed with Republican leaders in Congress. It found that fifty-three per cent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party and that fifty-six per cent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. Not exactly a “wave” election.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

Please provide links and quotes where I did anything of the sort. You are fallaciously attributing things to me that I never posted.

You are not doing yourself any favors by making false accusations. I made a single factual statement.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts

I drew no conclusions nor did I attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" and neither did I make any reference to the "validity of the election". I was simply pointing out that the exit polling was based upon a low voter turnout.

Furthermore if I was a "teabagger" why would I be attempting to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" if they were against Obama?

Your "logic" is faulty.
The same exit poll that showed fifty-nine per cent of respondents were dissatisfied or angry with the Obama Administration found that sixty-one per cent of respondents were angry or disappointed with Republican leaders in Congress. It found that fifty-three per cent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party and that fifty-six per cent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. Not exactly a “wave” election.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

Please provide links and quotes where I did anything of the sort. You are fallaciously attributing things to me that I never posted.

You are not doing yourself any favors by making false accusations. I made a single factual statement.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts

I drew no conclusions nor did I attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" and neither did I make any reference to the "validity of the election". I was simply pointing out that the exit polling was based upon a low voter turnout.

Furthermore if I was a "teabagger" why would I be attempting to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" if they were against Obama?

Your "logic" is faulty.

In the context of the conversation, my claim is valid.
Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts.

So now you admit that this election isn't a true representation of what the country as a whole believes. I knew you would come around.

I think you are replying to the wrong poster.

You try to minimize the validity of the exit polls on the basis of a low turnout, but not hold the validity of the election to the same standard? Typical teabagger logic.

Please provide links and quotes where I did anything of the sort. You are fallaciously attributing things to me that I never posted.

You are not doing yourself any favors by making false accusations. I made a single factual statement.

Those exit polls only represent about 1/3rd of all voters given the low turnouts

I drew no conclusions nor did I attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" and neither did I make any reference to the "validity of the election". I was simply pointing out that the exit polling was based upon a low voter turnout.

Furthermore if I was a "teabagger" why would I be attempting to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" if they were against Obama?

Your "logic" is faulty.

In the context of the conversation, my claim is valid.

Your allegation that I am a teabagger was totally erroneous and your allegation that I made an attempt to "minimize the validity of the exit polls" was completely invalid.
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.
I agree, and Obama will make it impossible for a viable democrat presidential nominee in 2016.
Only if McChinless does away with the filibuster will these so called popular bills ever get to Obama to veto. It'll be 2 more years of gridlock and then the national elections, which have a much higher turnout and more Republican seats are in contention than Democratic seats.
If the republicans do their job, they will make Obama sign the bills or show Obama is the problem.

That's hilarious - especially considering that Nazi Tea Party anarchists have been saying for SIX years that Obama IS the problem.
Whats hilarious, republicans put their bills on his desk. He can sign them or not. If he don't it will prove he is the problem. If he does we will get out of the situation we are in.
How do Republicans think their bills will get as far as Obamas desk?
I agree, and Obama will make it impossible for a viable democrat presidential nominee in 2016.
Only if McChinless does away with the filibuster will these so called popular bills ever get to Obama to veto. It'll be 2 more years of gridlock and then the national elections, which have a much higher turnout and more Republican seats are in contention than Democratic seats.
If the republicans do their job, they will make Obama sign the bills or show Obama is the problem.

That's hilarious - especially considering that Nazi Tea Party anarchists have been saying for SIX years that Obama IS the problem.
Whats hilarious, republicans put their bills on his desk. He can sign them or not. If he don't it will prove he is the problem. If he does we will get out of the situation we are in.
How do Republicans think their bills will get as far as Obamas desk?

Magical thinking, of course.

They believe that Mitch can just wave his magic gavel and all of the House bills will just appear in the Oval office.
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

And the strongest support for that argument is that that is EXACTLY what the Right was saying of the 24 DEMs who just went through a senatorial election two days ago. The Right used exactly this reasoning and also use it to proudly declare a wave election.
The only person who can make Mitch McConnell a one term majority leader is Mitch McConnell.

I would add several million voters who decided to stay home on Tuesday. If they don't stay home two years from now.....McConnell has very little hope.
Obama has no political capital left. Stick a fork in him...he's done.
The medical device tax and the keystone project had and still have bipartisan support.
Medical Device Tax? Huh? Yea, something all Americans are thinking about.

Something millions who face surgery with knee and hip replacements are interested in.

You see there are other things going on with people.
There are other issues out there for Democats to have an interest in.
You know beyond the Gay and Lesbian stuff.

They should have Obamacare.
The medical device tax and the keystone project had and still have bipartisan support.
Medical Device Tax? Huh? Yea, something all Americans are thinking about.

Something millions who face surgery with knee and hip replacements are interested in.

You see there are other things going on with people.
There are other issues out there for Democats to have an interest in.
You know beyond the Gay and Lesbian stuff.

They should have Obamacare.

They do have Obamacare ... That is one of the things that worries them.


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