Will Obama make Mitch McConnell a "One term Senate Majority Leader"?

No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

Which would open the door for the Dems to emasculate the Senate GOP in 2017.

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You guys have been taking that stupid quote out of context for how long now?

Onus is on you to prove that it was taken "out of context".

And while you are at it you will have to explain why 100% of what McConnell subsequently did was in line with what he said about making Obama a one termer.

Cue Jeopardy music.


McConnell just called you a liar for saying that it was taken out of context.
The first bill to get this party started should be approving the Keystone Pipeline! ........... so Obie can veto it and say they are still studying the environmental impacts 5 years in.........:poke:.......:death:............:lol:.....
The first bill to get this party started should be approving the Keystone Pipeline! ........... so Obie can veto it and say they are still studying the environmental impacts 5 years in.........:poke:.......:death:............:lol:.....

Wasn't McConnell's priority to repeal Obamacare?

Won't that be the first bill they want him to veto?

And then do it another 54 times so they can catch up with the House?
The first bill to get this party started should be approving the Keystone Pipeline! ........... so Obie can veto it and say they are still studying the environmental impacts 5 years in.........:poke:.......:death:............:lol:.....

Wasn't McConnell's priority to repeal Obamacare?

Won't that be the first bill they want him to veto?

And then do it another 54 times so they can catch up with the House?

Nope......McConnells smarter then you........
McConnell saw no need to do anything that would encourage anyone to vote for an Obama second term. Now McConnell has finally gotten his wish to be Senate majority leader

Will Obama return the favor?

It really doesn't matter what either of them wants to do while Ted Cruz is running for President.
Every republican/conservative would have agreed with her. Now when it happens, there is some sort of metamorphisis going on; voters are suddenly smarter than they were 2 years ago, there is zero voter impropriety, zero fraud, etc...

Everyone looks at elections as it suits their needs and comparisons can be made on many levels.

Things like ... 28 (29 if Senator Landrieu loses) of the Democrats that voted for the ACA are no longer in office. They left or were voted out for many reasons ... But the fact remains more than half the Democrat Senators that passed the ACA are gone.

Well, he can't be any worse than that asshole Harry Reid. But that being said, i would like to see him go. He's not an effective leader. He's a typical RINO. He's all over the place. Hopefully, the Republicans will choose to go in a different direction.
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

All being equal, the incumbents will have a step up. "True Blue" Massachusetts, Maryland, and the Prez's home state of Illinois all went Red. If our Lame-Duck-Prez decides to play VETO look for more anti-Obama backlash in '16. I'm not real happy about this - we are best served by having 2 viable parties - but it is what it is. Sorry.
How does McConnell propose to keep his job past 2016? He will need Obamas help if he wants to carry any legislative accomplishments into 2016. Can Republicans run in 2016 on a Do Nothing Congress?

Obama has been protected by Reid. That shit is over. The real "Do nothing" is Obama. The emperor has no clothes.

How many Congressional bills have crossed his desk?

Do Nothing Congress will remain do nothing unless some compromise is obtainable
How many bills did Harry Reid allow on the floor of the Senate after House passage?

Obama did not want Republican bills on his desk, he would have had to take a stand in public.

That ends in January.

No Reid running interference now.

How many of Reids bills did Republicans allow to reach the floor without 60 votes?

That is the same challenge Republicans now face
You guys have been taking that stupid quote out of context for how long now?

Onus is on you to prove that it was taken "out of context".

And while you are at it you will have to explain why 100% of what McConnell subsequently did was in line with what he said about making Obama a one termer.

Cue Jeopardy music.


McConnell just called you a liar for saying that it was taken out of context.

How do you figure? The lefties have been saying that's his number 1 goal above policy, and he just clarified that that is his number 1 goal politically, not policy wise.
This is Senate map for the 2016 elections. The reds are the states where a Republican is up for re-election.


Simple math and politics tell you that the GOP is far more vulnerable in 2016 than even the Democrats were this year.

And Obama has two more years to destroy the Dem's 2016 hopes. If you thought they tried to distance themselves from the Prez this campaign, wait 'til you see '16.
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

I would love to see him do it

But I think he knows better because Obama will veto anyway and he has a limited chance of holding his position past 2016
This is Senate map for the 2016 elections. The reds are the states where a Republican is up for re-election.


Simple math and politics tell you that the GOP is far more vulnerable in 2016 than even the Democrats were this year.

And Obama has two more years to destroy the Dem's 2016 hopes. If you thought they tried to distance themselves from the Prez this campaign, wait 'til you see '16.

What does that have to do with the map?

Republicans want to defend 21 out of those 24 seats they will have run on more than "Stop Obama" Obama will not be running.
See all those Red seats in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin? Those states want JOBS. Pass a Republican Jobs bill and you have a chance, run on Obama sucks and you will get swept
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

I would love to see him do it

But I think he knows better because Obama will veto anyway and he has a limited chance of holding his position past 2016

Of course, the Prez has his legacy to consider and has absolutely no chance of holding his position past 2016. Does he want to be forever known as the Veto Prez?
You guys have been taking that stupid quote out of context for how long now?

Onus is on you to prove that it was taken "out of context".

And while you are at it you will have to explain why 100% of what McConnell subsequently did was in line with what he said about making Obama a one termer.

Cue Jeopardy music.


McConnell just called you a liar for saying that it was taken out of context.

How do you figure? The lefties have been saying that's his number 1 goal above policy, and he just clarified that that is his number 1 goal politically, not policy wise.

Is that all you have? A feeble semantic squirm? You never said a peep about policy or politics when you alleged that it was "out of context". McConnell just admitted that he said it and therefore it wasn't taken out of context and that means you have egg all over your face now.

This is Senate map for the 2016 elections. The reds are the states where a Republican is up for re-election.


Simple math and politics tell you that the GOP is far more vulnerable in 2016 than even the Democrats were this year.

And Obama has two more years to destroy the Dem's 2016 hopes. If you thought they tried to distance themselves from the Prez this campaign, wait 'til you see '16.

What does that have to do with the map?

Republicans want to defend 21 out of those 24 seats they will have run on more than "Stop Obama" Obama will not be running.
See all those Red seats in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin? Those states want JOBS. Pass a Republican Jobs bill and you have a chance, run on Obama sucks and you will get swept

Sounds like you are whistling past the cemetery.
Obama may not be running but his legacy, for those Dems who can't distance themselves from it, will be. How the Dem minority acts the next 2 years will determine how they will be perceived in '16 and those Repubs who must face reelection will be incumbents.
Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

I would love to see him do it

But I think he knows better because Obama will veto anyway and he has a limited chance of holding his position past 2016

Of course, the Prez has his legacy to consider and has absolutely no chance of holding his position past 2016. Does he want to be forever known as the Veto Prez?

He has only issued 2 in the last six years. He has a long way to go to get that title
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

I would love to see him do it

But I think he knows better because Obama will veto anyway and he has a limited chance of holding his position past 2016

Puts McConnell in an awkward position too. If he doesn't do away with the filibuster and he allows the Dems to block his bills then he looks incompetent to his own base. On the other hand if he does away with the filibuster his legacy will be the Majority Leader who screwed the GOP minority for then next century. That is a lose-lose proposition.

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