Will Obama make Mitch McConnell a "One term Senate Majority Leader"?

No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

He may do just that.
Avory, it is a joke, son, on you far righties.

The demographics shifted somewhat in minorities and women, which significantly aided the GOP victory.

The leadership of the Republican Party will be listening to them with far more interest than to your outlier wing.

The shift in the GOP to modern demographics is happening. That is great!

Lolz, you called me far right.... hahaha. Holy fuck you're even dumber than you were 2 minuets ago. You lost, again, and now you're butthurt and posting anti Republican bullshit on the boards. Or wait, Mr. Mainstreamer is soooo happy that Republicans won he bitchs about it non stop... lolz. You're a dinosaur, people only care to study you.
McConnell saw no need to do anything that would encourage anyone to vote for an Obama second term. Now McConnell has finally gotten his wish to be Senate majority leader

Will Obama return the favor?
Why would you think the 1% care about which corporate whore serves them?
"WASHINGTON -- Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that he and President Barack Obama are already discussing plans to cut corporate tax rates and pass free trade agreements, following the GOP's major gains in Tuesday's elections..."
"'Trade pacts,' McConnell said at a press conference Wednesday. 'The president and I were just talking about that, right before I came over here. Most of his party is unenthusiastic about international trade. We think it's good for America, and so I've got a lot of members who believe that international trade agreements are a winner for America.'"
Big winners for 1% of America...
McConnell And Obama Are Already Planning To Undercut Liberal Democrats In Congress
That won't hurt Obama. He can sign the bills that might have public support, and get the credit, or he can veto the bills that don't have public support, and get the credit.
That's correct. He is still the Top Dog, in a big way.

Obama said he will be working as hard as he possibly can for the next 2 years, for the American people. Lets see how much of that work is done at the golf course or on vacation. I mean, I get that Obama can run the country by txt messages n all, but it didn't seem to work very well the last 6 years.
Low information lefties actually thought that the republican majority in congress caused gridlock even though Harry Reid's senate stalled about 3,000 bills originating from congress. The floodgates will be open in January and Reid will no longer be able to run interference for do-nothing incompetent Barry Hussein. Barry will have to stick around D.C. and work for a living even if he uses the veto pen.

3,000 bills?

From the do nothing House which has the lowest productivity on record?

I hope the poster hit an extra zero.

Reid obstructionism doesn't need to be exaggerated, just brought to the light of day.

He used a comma so it wasn't a typo.
The shift in the GOP to modern demographics is happening. That is great!
Don't bet on that. Their base is still Old White Men, and they know it. They just can't win on that alone.

Umm, what's wrong with being older or white? Seriously, you seem the definition of racist.... Lets see who else is racists and agrees with you.
Political calculus doesn't have race, it has numbers, and to it race is just a number. Take your blinders off and see reality.
You guys have been taking that stupid quote out of context for how long now?

Onus is on you to prove that it was taken "out of context".

And while you are at it you will have to explain why 100% of what McConnell subsequently did was in line with what he said about making Obama a one termer.

Cue Jeopardy music.
McConnell saw no need to do anything that would encourage anyone to vote for an Obama second term. Now McConnell has finally gotten his wish to be Senate majority leader

Will Obama return the favor?
Why would you think the 1% care about which corporate whore serves them?
"WASHINGTON -- Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that he and President Barack Obama are already discussing plans to cut corporate tax rates and pass free trade agreements, following the GOP's major gains in Tuesday's elections..."
"'Trade pacts,' McConnell said at a press conference Wednesday. 'The president and I were just talking about that, right before I came over here. Most of his party is unenthusiastic about international trade. We think it's good for America, and so I've got a lot of members who believe that international trade agreements are a winner for America.'"
Big winners for 1% of America...
McConnell And Obama Are Already Planning To Undercut Liberal Democrats In Congress

Hang on to your hats, kids. If corporate tax rates are cut, be assured you will pay higher taxes somewhere to make up for it.
Dems grasping at straws in this thread.
How many times has Obama met with McConnell in six years?
Two. Yes, twice!
Tomorrow will be the third.
Memorize this fact. Because it will be significant when Obie starts vetoing bills the majority of the public want, and will solidify Dems as ultra-obstructionists going into 2016!
Load 'em like a pack mule with bills.........this'll be fun! :deal:
That won't hurt Obama. He can sign the bills that might have public support, and get the credit, or he can veto the bills that don't have public support, and get the credit.
That's correct. He is still the Top Dog, in a big way.

Obama said he will be working as hard as he possibly can for the next 2 years, for the American people. Lets see how much of that work is done at the golf course or on vacation. I mean, I get that Obama can run the country by txt messages n all, but it didn't seem to work very well the last 6 years.
This country can't be governed. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Stop listening to what is said and start reading between the lines. Obama is retired already, there's nothing he can do but keep the crap flowing through the pipes, pretty much all he's been able to do his whole time in office.
No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Unless, of course, McConnell completely does away with the filibuster entirely.

Which would open the door for the Dems to emasculate the Senate GOP in 2017.
Odin for President.jpg
McConnell saw no need to do anything that would encourage anyone to vote for an Obama second term. Now McConnell has finally gotten his wish to be Senate majority leader

Will Obama return the favor?
Why would you think the 1% care about which corporate whore serves them?
"WASHINGTON -- Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that he and President Barack Obama are already discussing plans to cut corporate tax rates and pass free trade agreements, following the GOP's major gains in Tuesday's elections..."
"'Trade pacts,' McConnell said at a press conference Wednesday. 'The president and I were just talking about that, right before I came over here. Most of his party is unenthusiastic about international trade. We think it's good for America, and so I've got a lot of members who believe that international trade agreements are a winner for America.'"
Big winners for 1% of America...
McConnell And Obama Are Already Planning To Undercut Liberal Democrats In Congress

Hang on to your hats, kids. If corporate tax rates are cut, be assured you will pay higher taxes somewhere to make up for it.
That's exactly what the history shows. You pay what they don't, and they bank it offshore.
Dems grasping at straws in this thread.
How many times has Obama met with McConnell in six years?
Two. Yes, twice!
Tomorrow will be the third.
Memorize this fact. Because it will be significant when Obie starts vetoing bills the majority of the public want, and will solidify Dems as ultra-obstructionists going into 2016!
Load 'em like a pack mule with bills.........this'll be fun! :deal:
You seem to forget Americans love a guy who says Fuck You. I'm guessing you weren't alive when Reagan was in office? Look him up.
The shift in the GOP to modern demographics is happening. That is great!
Don't bet on that. Their base is still Old White Men, and they know it. They just can't win on that alone.

Umm, what's wrong with being older or white? Seriously, you seem the definition of racist.... Lets see who else is racists and agrees with you.
Political calculus doesn't have race, it has numbers, and to it race is just a number. Take your blinders off and see reality.

So what is your point if the majority is older and white in the Republican party? People are always becoming older, hence the Republican party dying at only the same rate as the Democrat party. People generally like Dems until they own a business or pay bills/taxes. So as they get older they become conservative by evolution. This will never change, ever. The race part is meaningless because it's only by % that there are more whites. People will still get older no matter their skin color and they will shit conservative. Once hot button issues are gone (not that Dems will ever actually deliver on these issues as proven by Obama and his Dems House/Senate.) Dems will lose more and more minority voters.
You guys have been taking that stupid quote out of context for how long now?

Onus is on you to prove that it was taken "out of context".

And while you are at it you will have to explain why 100% of what McConnell subsequently did was in line with what he said about making Obama a one termer.

Cue Jeopardy music.
McConnell saw no need to do anything that would encourage anyone to vote for an Obama second term. Now McConnell has finally gotten his wish to be Senate majority leader

Will Obama return the favor?

Voters are angry at Obama because wages are stagnant and business is making money hand over fist. So what's the first thing Mitch and the Republicans want to work on? Reducing corporate Taxes. Seems their taxes are high, but with all the loop holes, what they pay is very low. Wanna bet when they lower corporate taxes they keep the loopholes?

No. Obama is through. Wad spent. He even looks defeated. McConnell and the GOP controlled Congress will send popular proposal after popular proposal to Obama's desk and force the Ideologue-in Chief to veto them.

Obama still has that pen that McConnell needs

2016 is going to be tough for Republicans in the Senate. They have to defend 24 seats they won in 2010, Democrats only need to defend 10. Many of those 24 seats Republicans must recapture are in blue states.

What will those Senators run on in 2016? Gridlock?

For McConnell to save his job, he will have to have something those Senators can run on

If there is one thing these elections have proved, it's that the Republicans are NOT the ones getting the blame for gridlock in Washington.

All the Republicans have to do is to make Obama the choke point at which popular legislation dies.

That's what happened to the Senate.

Democrats think that American's are idiots, that if they can get the liberal media to blame Republicans for gridlock, they can make the dumbasses citizens believe that.

But Americans saw through that crap. They saw the truth...that Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate was the choke point....and they moved to eliminate it.

Now it's Obama's turn. He will be forced to do his own obstructing.

How do they make Obama the choke point if they can't even get bills out of the Senate? Reid couldn't beat filibuster with 55 votes, how can McConnell do it with 54? McConnell needs to get Obama to agree to his legislation to even make it through the Senate.......How can he do that when his own party considers ANY compromise with Obama to be unacceptable?

Because Democrats can read the tea leaves even if Obama won't.

They all understand #HillaryLosers. Zero coattails to ride in 2016...and 2018 may look a lot like 2014 if Democrats continue to obstruct the will of the people.

They saw Massachusetts, Illinois and Maryland elect Republican Governors...and that means (GASP) it could happen to them as well. No matter how safe they felt yesterday, they feel vulnerable today.

That's why at least a few will choose self interest over Obama.

They stuck with Obama, and look what it got them?

Only ten Democratic Senators are seeking reelection in 2016. They are all in blue states.
24 Republicans will have to defend their seats....they are the ones who have to be scared

8 years ago, some dude named Ann Coulter wrote this:

In fact, if the Democrats' pathetic gains in a sixth-year election are a statement about the war in Iraq, Americans must love the war! As Roll Call put it back when Clinton was president: "Simply put, the party controlling the White House nearly always loses House seats in midterm elections" -- especially in the sixth year.

In Franklin D. Roosevelt's sixth year in 1938, Democrats lost 71 seats in the House and six in the Senate.

In Dwight Eisenhower's sixth year in 1958, Republicans lost 47 House seats, 13 in the Senate.

In John F. Kennedy/Lyndon Johnson's sixth year, Democrats lost 47 seats in the House and three in the Senate.

In Richard Nixon/Gerald Ford's sixth year in office in 1974, Republicans lost 43 House seats and three Senate seats.

Even America's greatest president, Ronald Reagan, lost five House seats and eight Senate seats in his sixth year in office.

Every republican/conservative would have agreed with her. Now when it happens, there is some sort of metamorphisis going on; voters are suddenly smarter than they were 2 years ago, there is zero voter impropriety, zero fraud, etc...

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