Will Obamanation ever figure out it is not all about him?

I hate people who bring about poverty, disease, early death, enslavement, the worship of cults of personalities, loose our wars on purpose (do you even know why they were fought?!), and get confused as to who the "good guys" are whether it is war the U.S. are fighting or something else. Why do you think failure and suffering for so many people is "working out"?!
I hate people who bring about poverty, disease, early death, enslavement, the worship of cults of personalities, loose our wars on purpose (do you even know why they were fought?!), and get confused as to who the "good guys" are whether it is war the U.S. are fighting or something else. Why do you think failure and suffering for so many people is "working out"?!

What poverty= he took us out of a recession.
Disease =millions more have health insurance.
early death= health insurance and emphasis on healthy eating means longer life
enslavement= never felt as free and safe in a long time, (take away the fools with guns)
Syria= Qatar wanted pipeline to run across Syria , Europe didn't want to be depended on Russia
Iraq=cleaning up the mess Bush left for him.

Trump , lucky he is following Pres Obama.
I hate people who bring about poverty, disease, early death, enslavement, the worship of cults of personalities, loose our wars on purpose (do you even know why they were fought?!), and get confused as to who the "good guys" are whether it is war the U.S. are fighting or something else. Why do you think failure and suffering for so many people is "working out"?!

What a lying fuck you are. President Obama entered office with the economy headed straight for the Second Great Republican Depression. And, after two terms, he will leave office with the DOW at about 20,000, and the unemployment at less than 5%. Let us see where the orange clown has us at the end of 2019.
Will Trump? Seriously, why do you hate Obama so much?
. Speaking for myself, Obama tried to destroy this country. And if he wasn't trying his ineptness almost did.

America finally has hope again. We have a leader who respects us.
Wow Penelope and Old Man. You are either lying or stupid. Personally I would say both. You think the twenty trillion dollar debt does not mean anything?! That is treasonous and should be put to death for that. You think the economy returning to what it was ten years ago is "better"?! You think fifty million Americans out of work is "better" or o.k.?! What are you talking about the collapse of 2008?! That wasn't Bush's fault you dumb fuck! Damn you all are stupid!!! Millions more are now screwed over by The Mandatory Health Care Act. How does helping twenty million people work if you screw over the other three hundred million?! Do you know what numbers are? What they mean?! How they work?! The government has no responsibility being in anyone's health care! Go to HELL! You have no concept of thinking or freedom if you think that by anyone giving up their rights is somehow liberating. Especially others. Dumb arse. Dumb arse of the highest order. You have no knowledge or care about the men and woman whom have served in the armed forces the last sixty years loosing so you can shove your middle finger in the air, attack, demonize, and sabotage them for your communist interests. It's not so much that you are danger to yourself. Because I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!! The issue is you are danger to everyone else and you are to be called out, i.d. simply, and addressed as to who and what you are!!!!

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